Wednesday, May 6, 2020
International Criminal Law And International Law - 3486 Words
Introduction: International Criminal Law can be described as a public international law. It deals with international and transnational crimes among the member states. The International Criminal Laws are designed to forbid some kinds of conducts or behaviours generally viewed as very consequential atrocities. These laws also make sure that the perpetrators of such heinous criminal conducts are accountable for their acts. Mainly, the International Criminal Law deals with war crimes, genocide, crimes of aggression and the crimes against humanity. Besides, the International Criminal Court (ICC) governed by the Rome Statute, which is a multilateral treaty and serves as a foundational and governing document of ICC. Another way, it can be described as an intergovernmental organisation and international tribunal. The ICC is the headway through which International criminal law develops since its inception. It is situated in The Hague in Netherlands. Currently, there are 122 states which are parties to the Rome Statute, by ratifying the Rome Statute, states become member states of the ICC. The International Criminal Law (ICL) has been started performing with Nuremberg Tribunal for War Criminals after 1945. Actually, the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials addressed war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War@. The International Military Tribunal sat in Nuremberg, which prosecuted Germany perpetrators while the International MilitaryShow MoreRelatedInternational And Domestic Criminal Law5379 Words  | 22 Pages30515 ] Security experts, academics and legal scholars thus have focused on examining challenges in cybersecurity using international and domestic criminal law, telecommunications law, International Humanitarian Law (also known as the Law of Armed Conflict) and ethical studies as frames of reference. 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