Monday, May 25, 2020
Career in Sociology Potential Occupations for the Professional with a Sociology Degree 2019
Social scientists, including sociologists, have one of the highest education levels of all professions. Approximately 50% of professionals with a career in sociology work for federal, state, and local governments. A student entering a career with a sociology degree may help governments solve social problems and develop public policy or may alternately choose to pursue a career in management, sales, or teaching. The potential for a career with a degree in sociology is as wide as the discipline itself. The Discipline of Sociology Sociology is the study of society and human social interaction. It is concerned with social dynamics and the effects of groups on individuals. Professionals with a career in sociology focus on groups as small as the family and as large as the global population. The following several specializations are possible with a sociology career: Education Family Social Psychology Political Sociology Gender Relations Gerontology Criminology Demography. Career Options with an Undergraduate Sociology Degree .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c:active, .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uc394bc33f5e76edd3e247ec6ea25313c:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Online Education Options in HealthcareAccording to the American Sociological Association, students entering a career with a sociology degree have increased competitiveness over other liberal arts majors pursuing similar positions. Possible entry-level jobs include research assistant, administrative aide, and management or sales trainee. Students may also pursue a teaching career with a sociology major at the elementary or secondary school level. Additional education classes are necessary for students who wish to enter teaching as a career. Some students who wish to pursue a career with a degree in sociology choose to attend programs such as Ashford Universitys Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management with a specialization in Sociology. Ashford University boasts that its graduates are prepared to enter sales, retail, small business management, government, and nonprofit jobs. Career Options with an Advanced Sociology Degree A graduate degree in sociology allows a student to further specialize in a career in sociology. Graduate degree alumni may be able to teach at a community college. A sociology career in a higher academic setting usually requires a PhD in sociology, which allows a professional to pursue a sociology career in research and teaching at the university level. The majority of a specialized career in sociology involves academic research and writing within a university setting. The results of professionals sociology career research serve to assist government agencies, lawmakers, and educators in solving social problems and forming public policies. .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f:active, .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u758f42ee05aaf9bc9bf265b316afb24f:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Maine Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus-based Education in Maine, the Pine Tree StateJob Outlook for Sociologists For the professional who chooses a specialized career in sociology, job growth is expected to be only as high as 8% through the year 2018. This is, in large part, due to the limited employment options outside of the government and university setting. Professionals pursuing a specialized career in sociology are expected to find the most opportunities in policy and research positions. For professionals who choose to pursue an alternate career with a sociology degree, job prospects are expected to grow faster. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that Human Resources, Training, and Labor Relations Managers will experience an 18 26% increase in employment through the year 2018. Other specific management careers may also be viewed at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Students interested in pursuing a career in sociology may contact Ashford University. is another valuable source of information with an extensive list of available programs, as well as education and career resources. Related ArticlesSociology Degree A Jumpstart to a Management Career or a First Step to Becoming a SociologistEarning and Education DegreeOrganizational Psychology and Development An Exciting Career OpportunityOnline Criminal Justice Master DegreeEducational Psychology Academic-Minded Psychology Students Wanted in the Field of Educational PsychologyPolitical Science Degree Career Steps to Becoming a Foreign Service Officer .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98:active, .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98 .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u3a4855c49b21f56c9e4447b91508ff98:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ How to find the Perfect Part Time Job
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Prevention Of Sexual Assault - 2238 Words
so much looking at the prevention of sexual assault. The title of the bill is â€Å"combating military sexual assault†, which makes it seem that it should have a heavier focus on prevention and training. The appropriation of funding should not be as legal heavy, but there should be more funding that is dedicated to the SAPR program. It might be the case that the majority of funding goes to the legal aspect because addressing education and prevention means that there is this extreme cultural problem that needs to change. The bill does not look to really change this masculine culture in the military, which is a large reason for the existence of MSA. There is talk of prevention and proper training, but it does not go into detail of how to make sure the training is effective. Members of Congress have taken many legislative actions in recent years through the National Defense Association Act to strengthen and improve response to sexual assault in the military and the DoD has also made some policy changes in regards to the social issue (Battered Women’s Justice Program [BWFP], 2016). On every military installation, there is a sexual assault prevention and response program (SAPR) guided by DoD regulations and every command has a sexual assault response coordinator (SARC) with the responsibility of providing advocacy and support to survivors/victims (BWFP, 2016). They provide required training, but have yet to be consistent in the sense of trying to change the culture of the military.Show MoreRelatedSexual Assault Prevention Essay771 Words  | 4 PagesSexual Assault Prevention Sexual Assault Prevention Every two minutes a woman is sexually assaulted in the United States (FBI, 2003). 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To combat this epidemic, the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and PreventionRead MoreSexual Harassment And Assault Response Prevention1072 Words  | 5 PagesSexual Harassment and Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention (SHARP) is a going problem in the military and the world. The reason why SHARP is on the increase is that people are starting to report it. When SHARP first appeared in the many military people did not know how to report it. It is important that all soldiers and the civilians know the process how to report SHARP. According to the SHARP guide book Sexual Harassment is â€Å"Sexual Harassment is a form ofRead MoreGender, Sexual, And Sexual Harassment And Assault Response And Prevention1997 Words  | 8 PagesArmy wide. These challenges include the potential increase in gender discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assaults. 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Violence against women includes domestic violence, child marriage, forced pregnancy, and other violence perpetrated by someone other than an intimate partner, sexual harassment (Frieze 2000).Read MoreSexual Assault Prevention Training For Protecting Male Servicemembers775 Words  | 4 PagesSexual Assault Prevention Training to Protect Male Servicemembers According to the GAO report, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) officials have focused the SAPR program on females.28 Even this year’s Presidential Proclamation for the National SAPR month only addresses female assault victims.29 In the past, male victims were discussed as just a small percentage in training (1%). When looking at the raw numbers, that is where you can see there are more males assaulted than femalesRead MoreSexual Assault On College Campuses1591 Words  | 7 PagesSexual assault on college campuses is a growing epidemic. Twenty five percent of college women are affected by sexual assault (A. Amar, T. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Samuel Sewall s The Salem Witch Trials - 954 Words
Samuel Sewall is a man known for many things from an education at Harvard, a judge of the Salem Witch Trials, and an author. Sewall is best known for The Selling of Joseph, one of the first anti slavery tracts printed in America (McMichael, 220). Ironically, Sewall who believed slavery was wrong, also had a very racist mentality despite his strong belief that every human being is a child of God. In The Selling of Joseph, he gives four objections to slavery as well as biblical support on why the act of purchasing someone is morally wrong. Sewall had four objections or proofs as to why slavery is not acceptable. In his first objection he refers to Exedous 9:20-27 which tells of a curse by Moses that was placed upon Canaan and Ham’s sons. Noah exclaimed â€Å"a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren!†Sewell tries to disprove the belief that if African Americans were truly descendants of Canaan then their slavery was God ordained. He states that â€Å"it is possible that by crust reading, this Text may have been mistaken†(Sewall, The Selling of Joseph, 222). Sewell hints that African Americans may actually not be direct desendants of Canaan so therefore the curse of slavery was not a commandment from the Lord. The second objection states that African Americans are brought out of a â€Å"Pagan†or evil country into a country that is good where the gospel is preached (Sewall, 222) Sewell defeats this theory by stating that â€Å"evil cannot be done, that good may come out of ità ¢â‚¬ Show MoreRelatedAccusation And Defense Of The Salem Witchcraft Trials1658 Words  | 7 PagesRESEARCH PAPER Accusation and defense in the Salem witchcraft trials Suraj Gamal History 1301-73001-73002 JOE L. MCCAMBRIDGE - HISTORY 1301-1302 One of the most infamous Trial in history took place on March 1, 1692. According, to the Library of Congress, Massachusetts authorities catechized Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and an Indian Slave, Tituba regarding their practice in witchcraft. The trial resulted in more than 150 men and women in and around Salem jailed on charges of practicing WitchcraftRead MoreSamuel Sewall : A Of Colonial History1686 Words  | 7 PagesSamuel Sewall can be considered a valiant figure in history. On its face, it seems paradoxical that one of the magistrates presiding over the brutal Salem witch trials should earn such a gallant label. However, Sewall was a courageous, forward thinker far ahead of his time. Aside from being the only judge to publicly apologize for his dealings in the witch trials, he attempted to invalidate slavery in his anti-slavery tract The Selling of Joseph. While these accomplishments may not be impressiveRead MoreSalem Witch Trials Essay1478 Words  | 6 Pages1692 marked a major event in history in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. The Salem Witchcraft Trials still leaves this country with so many questions as to what happened in that small town. With all the documentation and accounts of the story, people are still wondering why 19 people died as a result of these trials. This paper will discuss the events leading up to the Salem Witch Trials and the events that took place during and after the trials, and the men and women who were killed or spent theRead MoreEssay On Abigail Williams1743 Words  | 7 PagesPeriod Salem Witch Trials: Abigail Williams Abigail Williams, aged 11 or 12 in 1692, played a major role in the Salem Witch trials as one of the prominent accusers. She lived with her uncle, the Rev. Samuel Parris, Salem Village s minister. 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As the main judge from the trials to admit blame for the part that he played in the emergency that occurred in Salem in 1692, Samuel Sewall remains as a braveRead MoreSalem Witch Trials : A Series Of Events That Occurred3696 Words  | 15 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials were a series of events that occurred within the 1690 s in a puritan society called Salem Village. It started with people acting out due to unknown causes and sources. Citizens within Salem started to accuse the men and wome n who acted out as witches, increasing mistrust and hysteria within Salem. The numerous allegations lead to hearings and prosecutions of the people who were accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts. The trials resulted in the executions of twentyRead MoreThe Crucible And Salem Witch Trials Similarities790 Words  | 4 Pages2017 Salem Witch Trials and The McCarthy Era The United States of America is filled with many historic events, enriching its history. Many events that occur are compared to past events in our history. In particular, the McCarthy Era in the 1950’s was compared to the Salem Witch Trials which occurred in 1692. This correlation was first made by Arthur Miller who wrote the play â€Å"The Crucible†. He connected the time period of McCarthy to where there was a hunt for communists, to the Salem Witch TrialsRead MoreWhat Were The Salem Witch Trials1449 Words  | 6 PagesWere the Salem Witch Trials and What Were its Aftermaths? START OF WITCHCRAFT HYSTERIA A considerable lot of the American settlers carried with them, from Europe, a faith in witches and the devil. Amid the seventeenth century, individuals were often executed for being witches and worshiper of Satan. The Puritan town of Salem was home to where many executions of witches took place, more commonly known as the Salem witch trials. A scandalous scene in American history, the Salem witch trials of 1692Read MoreCause, Effect, And Importance Of The Salem Witch Trials1560 Words  | 7 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials took place in Salem Village, Massachusetts in the time of the colonies. During and after the Salem Witch Trials took place, there was confusion and anxiety not only in Massachusetts, but in the surrounding colonies. Throughout the trials, many were falsely accused and imprisoned, fined, hanged, and even crushed to death. In the next few pages, I will talk about the cause, effect, and importance of the Salem Witch Trials. The beginning of the trials started in January 1692Read MoreContext Origins Of The Salem Witch Trials1855 Words  | 8 PagesWessel HIST 2100 Due date Professor Sommerville The Salem Witch Trials CONTEXT ORIGINS OF THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS Belief in the supernatural–and specifically in the devil’s practice of giving certain humans (witches) the power to harm others in return for their loyalty–had emerged in Europe as early as the 14th century, and was widespread in colonial New England. In addition, the harsh realities of life in the rural Puritan community of Salem Village (present-day Danvers, Massachusetts) at the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
International Criminal Law And International Law - 3486 Words
Introduction: International Criminal Law can be described as a public international law. It deals with international and transnational crimes among the member states. The International Criminal Laws are designed to forbid some kinds of conducts or behaviours generally viewed as very consequential atrocities. These laws also make sure that the perpetrators of such heinous criminal conducts are accountable for their acts. Mainly, the International Criminal Law deals with war crimes, genocide, crimes of aggression and the crimes against humanity. Besides, the International Criminal Court (ICC) governed by the Rome Statute, which is a multilateral treaty and serves as a foundational and governing document of ICC. Another way, it can be described as an intergovernmental organisation and international tribunal. The ICC is the headway through which International criminal law develops since its inception. It is situated in The Hague in Netherlands. Currently, there are 122 states which are parties to the Rome Statute, by ratifying the Rome Statute, states become member states of the ICC. The International Criminal Law (ICL) has been started performing with Nuremberg Tribunal for War Criminals after 1945. Actually, the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials addressed war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War@. The International Military Tribunal sat in Nuremberg, which prosecuted Germany perpetrators while the International MilitaryShow MoreRelatedInternational And Domestic Criminal Law5379 Words  | 22 Pages30515 ] Security experts, academics and legal scholars thus have focused on examining challenges in cybersecurity using international and domestic criminal law, telecommunications law, International Humanitarian Law (also known as the Law of Armed Conflict) and ethical studies as frames of reference. Developing legal insights regarding cyberwarfare and international law led to the release of the ?Tallinn Manual?, produced by the NATO Cyber Defense Center for Excellence in 2013 as a continuingRead MoreThe Armenian Genocide Committed By The Ottoman Empire1579 Words  | 7 PagesNazis in World War II shocked the conscience of the international community and led to the creation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), in order to hold the perpetrators of crimes of this magnitude accountable. In its preamble, the UN charter sets the objective to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained. The genocide committed by the OttomanRead MoreOffice Of The Prosecutor : An Investigation Into The Events That Took Place2530 Words  | 11 Pagesactors with high authority in thearea andthe usemilitary means. This is evidenced by the the military force and federal police being deployed by the President Hardlein, who has authority over Minoropolis in the federal state of Minora. Under international law, a war crime takes place during an armed conflict. Internal disturbances are provided for under Rome Statute (Article 8(2) (c)-(f)), andbyjurisprudence.A war crime requires that the sides involved in the conflict are organized and engaged inRead MoreCrimes Against Humanity : Genocide1414 Words  | 6 Pagesagainst Humanity final Name: Institution: â€Æ' Crimes against humanity Introduction The law is credited with ensuring that people get justice and fair treatment in the legal system. The law prohibits the occurrence of different forms of crimes by prosecuting people that are found to participate in such incidences. One of the areas that have continued to have significance across the globe is international legal systems. Different crimes have been experienced in some parts of the world includingRead MoreInternational Law On Sexual Violence1573 Words  | 7 PagesInternational Law on Sexual Violence in Congo Roody Mossimi Dr. Bruce Stanley Politics of International Law INR 6210 15th December 2015 Richmond the American international University in London This essay will discuss about the problems within international law which revolves around sexual violence and using the Democratic Republic of Congo as a case study. In addition, the essay will explain about who is accountable, how to obtain witnesses and provide recommendationsRead MoreV Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. Legal Brief1219 Words  | 5 PagesPetroleum Co., 569 U.S. Facts: Plaintiffs are residents of Nigeria, who claim that Dutch, British, and Nigerian corporations engaged in aggressive oil exploration and production, aided and abetted the Nigerian government in committing violations of the law of nations related to crimes against humanity and human rights abuses. Royal Dutch and Shell are parent companies incorporated in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom respectively; Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) is incorporated in NigeriaRead MoreThe International System And Contemporary International Law Essay1458 Words  | 6 Pagescontemporary international system and contemporary international law, the regulation of relations between sovereign states, by defending various principles that she claims will be violated by the potential formation of a â€Å"world government†. The principles that Delsol defends in response to recent steps toward a universal state are found in the works of modern thinker, Emer de Vattel, and medieval thinker, Thomas Aquinas. Furthermore, her critique of contemporary international law is complimentaryRead MoreUnited Law Of Public International Law1414 Words  | 6 PagesReport to International Law First concerning the fear that the concept of state sovereignty in public international law is frequently overlooked by politicians, the media and others. Introduction. International Law First has asked for a report concerning the impact of public international law on the concept of state sovereignty in the UK. This report will examine the limits that public international law imposes on state sovereignty and the effect that this has on the balance of power withinRead MoreEssay about International Laws766 Words  | 4 PagesFirst coined by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, international law is customarily recognized as the law that regulates the affairs between sovereign states, the foremost issue of international law. Public international law only concerns itself with the issues of rights involving a number of nations, or nations and its people, or matters of other nations. It differs from private international law, which deals with dissimilarity between private individuals, natural and/or juridical, by developingRead MoreUn Convention Against Torture And Part II Of The 1949 Geneva Protocol990 Words  | 4 Pagesinhumane use of both physic al and psychological torture and a means of enhanced interrogation, Believing that mildly enhanced interrogation is an effective means of convicting criminals only if it is used in a humane way, Bearing in mind that every suspect of a crime is innocent until proven guilty, Declaring that no criminal case is ever justified in utilizing torture as a form of enhanced interrogation, Emphasizing the fact that enhanced interrogation escalates to torture due to a lack of monitoring
External/Industry Analysis Workforce Housing in the Oil...
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 1 External/Industry Analysis: Workforce Housing in the Oil and Gas Industry Steve McKeon Westminster College INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 2 Introduction The external analysis is designed to help companies identify specific trends and events that may have an impact on their business. This concept is not difficult to understand, but many companies have fallen victim to their own complacency. This is why the external analysis is so important and must be evaluated on a regular basis. When performing an external analysis it is best to focus in on a target industry to ensure that only relevant information is analyzed. The industry we are analyzing for this purpose is the workforce housing sector of the oil and gas†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In recent weeks, Williams County, where thousands of previously approved camp beds have yet to be built, and Mountrail County, where one-third of the population is living in temporary housing, imposed moratoriums on man camp development†(Sulzberger, 2011, p. 12). Local city and county officials are looking for alternative solutions to help ease the burden on the locals. The re is a lot of work to do in the boom towns and because drilling permits are increasingly being approved, the workload will continue to increase. In a recent report â€Å"which was prepared by the Center for Community and Business Research at UTSA, noted that the first well targeting the Eagle Ford was drilled in 2009 when only 13 drilling permits were issued (NGW Oct.27 08). Since then, the number of permits has risen to 3,823 last year, up from 1,266 in 2010†(Shafer, 2012). That is an increase of over 2,500 well permits. If one well requires over 100 workers, then over 25,000 workers will need temporary housing in West Texas where Eagle Ford oil is located. Economic The fact that demand is so high and supply is so low justifies increasing rent prices. â€Å"In Estevan, Sask., just over the border, you can t find a one-bedroom apartment for less than $1,200 a month, says Mayor Gary St. Onge, a price that would have been unheard of even three years INDUSTRY ANALYSIS ago†(Warnica, 2012). The fact that wages in the industry are high means workers have the 5 ability to pay higherShow MoreRelatedBhp Billiton And World Biggest Natural Resources Organisation1114 Words  | 5 Pagescountries across the world. BHP BILLITON is one of the top industries for producing aluminium, energy coal, metallurgical coal, copper, uranium, iron ore, oil, gas, diamonds. Head office of this organisation is in Melbourne, Australia. ï ¶ BHP BILLITON also provided steel for Sydney Harbour Bridge. BHP BILLITON is also a part of the first Military Aircraft in Australia. (Edumine, 2015) ï ¶ BHP BILLITON stayed on top in progress of gas and oil. It emerged highest scores in 2014 and 2015. (Disclosing annualRead MoreAnalysis And Evaluation Of Sustainability Report For Financial Year1963 Words  | 8 PagesExecutive Summary This report provides an analysis and evaluation of Sustainability Report for financial year (FY) 2013 of three Australian leading list energy companies: Santos, AGL and Origin. These three firms will be taken into the comparison by analyzing four different aspects of how they disclose in their Sustainability Report. Firstly, determine how do three companies be accountable for their sustainability issues. 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Promotional Activity of Tourism Industries â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About the Promotional Activity of Tourism Industries? Answer: Introduction With the advent of globalization, there has been an increase in the level of tourism all over the globe. People from various regions of the world are travelling in various parts of the world either for leisure or for any professional purpose. The rise in travelling among the individuals has led to a growth in the tourism industry. There have been various types of tourism that have been undertaken with respect to the requirements of the tourist and therefore, customized tourism plans have even been developed in order to satisfy the needs of the customers (Altinay, Paraskevas Jang 2015). The main problem that has been identified in the tourism industry is to recognize the ideal target market so that an effective strategic plan is easy to construct thereby promoting the business related to tourism. The current paper deals with the organization named Hands on Development a tourism industry established by Seven Women, which is an organization that looks to empower women through educational and training skills that will improve their standard of living. Hands on Development have established a unique tourism strategy by bringing tourism to the area. The company provides a significant tourism experience by providing a visit to the slums and other welfare associated firms and hospitals where these underdeveloped people are given various resourceful activities. The paper tries to find out the target market strategy along with the promotions that can be undertaken so that people become aware of their unique tourism industry. The paper even helps the organization to find out what type of tourism does it undertake so that they can people can have proper knowledge about their business and what the idea about educational and cultural tourism means (Morrison 2013). The promotion of the tourism in the proper target market will increase their sales and revenue along development of the various parts of Nepal. Research Objectives The overall principle of this research is to reveal new and efficient ways to target an accurate market that will increase their sales in the market. The paper even looks to identify the most significant issues that are pertinent to Hands on Development so that appropriate strategies can be implemented in order to improve their sales and revenue. The research objectives of the paper are as follows: To examine the target market that the firm needs to focus on in order to increase their market share To evaluate and identify the demand for educational tourism within the tourists To discover the various ways the tourism can develop their plan in order to enhance their business and generate extra profit. To find out what impact does this type of tourism have on the local residents of the area Research Hypotheses The following are the research hypotheses for the current topic. H0: Hands on Development makes use of an effective target market and does not require to investigate on any issues to suggest improvements H1: Hands on Development requires to find out an effective target market in order to resolve the issues that will lead to improvements in their tourism industry. Literature Review The central value of undertaking Educational Tourism is to help unveil the poor the practical conditions of a place and to provide extensive education and training to the local residents of that place in order to develop their skills and improve their standard of living and living environment. The research looks to accomplish the three objectives: (a) recognize the target market and to understand their needs and desires. (b) To properly identify the essence of the tour so that they can properly convey to their tourists. (c) To find out any issues and the strategies that requires to be implemented so that better travelling experiences can be provided. (d) How can be organization promote their business in the market. Target market recognition and Understanding and the needs and desires Ali, Ryu Hussain (2016) suggest that one of the best way to increase the sales and revenue of a firm is to choose a selected target market. In this scenario, the organization primarily targeted the students as their tourism was mainly concentrated on educational tours. Blanco, Garca-Pealvo Sein-Echaluce (2013) explained that students were more engrossed with educational tourism as it would help them with their researches and will increase their level of knowledge. However, there has been an increase in the educational tourism and even middle-aged women are undertaking such tours as well. Educational and cultural tourism are a great way to gain knowledge about various societies and what steps have been taken in various developing societies to empower the societies living there. Fernandes et al. (2014) explains that understanding the target market is necessary for any firm in order to construct various plans that can increase their values and will even satisfy the consumers. With respect to the current paper, the needs and the desires of the tourists involve extensive and accurate tourist spots at a reasonable price rate. Hands on Development with the help of Seven Women organization tries to empower the local women through training programs, educational and skills development so that they can get employed in the hospitality and manufacturing industries in the local environment. The other needs and desires of the company include providing good quality service and a safe atmosphere that will make them explore the place more accurately. Identifying the essence of the tour The recognition of the tour essence is important for Hands on Development to understand so that they can promote these features in their marketing materials. Walker (2016) describes that it is important for tourism organizations to maintain a good business structure in order to provide proper services to the customers. Tavakol Sandars (2014) explains that it is important for firms to find out, which type of tours are more attractive to various customer segments so that they can undertake different tourism activities for various segments of tourists. Hands on Development provide hands on learning for the students so that they understand the practical lifestyle of residents living in the area. For the middle-aged women, the firm prefers to take them to embassy heritage site visits so that they gain knowledge about historical artifacts and what past history the place had, which makes the place so tourist attractive. The students are even taken to national parks where recreational as we ll as knowledgeable tourism can be attained. Hands on Development provides extensive tour visit to the slum areas in Nepal so that the lifestyle of the people are known properly to the tourists. They even take the tourists to the welfare hospitals where cheap treatment is provided to the local residents. The women in those areas are given adequate training and development skills and these women work in the hospitality industry. There are programs related to cooking where the local residents are given the liberty to showcase their skills in front of the world. Strategies to improve the travelling experience of the clients The travelling experience of the client acts as an instrumental factor that can lead to proper service quality of the tourism organization. The proper service quality of tourism industry is dependent on the feedback of the tourists. Garca-Pealvo (2014) states that discovering the suitable requirements of tourists determine the quality of the tourism industries. It seen that different travelers look for various experiences. For instance, students who are of young age do not have many criterions for travelling. They prefer a hustle free travel. On the other hand, middle aged women prefer a safe and secure stay where they prefer a luxurious accommodation along with quality and hygienic food. They even prefer to have comfortable local transportation to make their journey smooth. The tourism organizations determine the mode of accommodation, quality of food, safety etc according to the requirements of the tourists. Hands on Department find these factors to be the key factors that may hold them back to from their rivals and therefore try to understand the demand of the travelers and accordingly plan their service so that the tourists are happy and satisfied. Promotional Activity of Tourism Industries Hajli Lin (2014) reveals that promotional functions are the most appropriate process through, which an organization can increase their sales and revenue in the market. Promotional activities increase the knowledge about the firm in the minds of the consumers. Chin et al. (2014) explains that various organizations take help of various promotional strategies according to their business plan in order to maximize their sales. Hands on Development looks to promote their tourism business as there are various tourism companies functioning in the economy. Hands on Development undertakes a unique tourism activity as their tourism provides educational and cultural knowledge through practical knowledge about the surrounding of the place along with various heritage sites that may provide historical facts. Hands on Development try to make these strategies as their unique selling proposition thereby attracting new tourists to take a look at the tourism spot in a different outlook. Therefore, Hands on Department tries to promote their business with the help of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc where people interacts with each other and thereby gaining knowledge about their tourism business. The company even promotes their business through the process of word of mouth where earlier tourists spread their experience to potential tourists and thereby influencing potential tourists to take a trip (Figuer oa 2014). Therefore, the company differentiates their business from other tourism business with the help of different messages. The company faces an utter confusion with respect to the fact that what type of tourism industry it falls under. However, looking at their business process, it is evident that the company undertakes educational tourism as they provide a wide range of activities. The next section of the paper discuss about the research methodology that requires to be undertaken in order to understand the research objectives and problems. Research Methodology This part of the study is constructed by evaluating the literature review that has been explained earlier in the study. The methodology is connected with the literature review that is helpful in discovering the problems that are faced by Hands on Department organization The collection of the information for the purpose of evaluation has been mainly done with the help of the secondary and primary data. The information has been obtained by looking different considerations, which have been identified with the help of the questionnaires constructed for the survey. This part of the study utilizes different mechanism that is significant in giving out the appropriate results. The various mechanisms like the research philosophy; data collection method, sample size and data collection method are discussed. This part tries to analyze the collected data from the primary and the secondary sources thereby starting an analysis to derive at a concluding result (Paulston 2014). The primary sources have been attained from the answers that have been gathered from the questionnaires that were given out to the selected respondents. The source of secondary information are mainly been the electronic journals and information from various websites that have been influentia l for the completion of the result. The paper has even looked into previous researches that were undertaken with respect to tourism industry. Outline of the Method The process of outlining the research methodology is framed by the researcher by concentrating on the objectives of the research paper (Brilha 2016). The methodology utilizes suitable and effective mechanism of research to obtain the correct results. Research Onion The research opinion comprises of six different layers that are linked with the mechanism used and the research that are conducted by the analyst (Murphy et al. 2014). The research onion has a usefulness for the construction of the research philosophy, strategies and the time period taken for the completion of the result. Research Philosophy The present study tries to analyze the problems that are associated with Hands on Development with respect to focusing on the accurate target market, and analyzing the various issues associated with the firm in order to improve their present conditions (Ashworth Larkham 2013). According to the current paper, the researcher finds it useful for the use of the philosophy of positivism by associating the theories and the model that have been explained earlier in the literature review with respect to the problem of the firm. Research Approach The current study utilizes qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods thereby discovering the ideal results for the conclusion of the reserach in relation to the topic under discussion (Kavoura Tomaras 2014). The paper thus utilizes the deductive method approach as this method concentrates on analyzing the frameworks that are seen to be linked with the research topic by taking help of the data that are collected from different places. Research Design The paper utilizes the research design that is best suitable for concluding the research. Therefore explanatory research design as it links to the relationships of cause and effect by forecasting the future results of the research that is on the process. Data Collection Process The information that are computed from the initial needs are useful to discover the appropriateness of the research, where the gathering of the data is based on the features of the paper and the outcomes that can be accomplished. The primary data are collected from the answers of the participants collected from the questionnaire surveys. There is a need for primary data in this case as the paper deals with the research problem that can be identified by taking responses from the current tourists and the travelers who had undertaken trips under this this tourism firm (Collis Hussey 2013). The secondary data are gathered by taking help of the electronic journals research books, internet sources and the research papers framed by earlier researchers and can aid for the formulation of the outcome of the research. These resources are useful in evaluating the present trends in association with the problem and objectives of the research. The study has focused on the primary data primarily ov er the secondary data as the answers of the respondents determine the actual business function and the organizational plan of Hands on Department. McGehee, Kline Knollenberg (2013) has properly described that the primary source of information is gathered from the responses of the participants and therefore it is more lucid with respect to the information gained from the secondary sources. The primary data is categorized into qualitative and quantitative data with respect to the necessities of the current paper. Therefore, it is seen that qualitative mechanism is more appropriate and the analyst therefore makes use of it. Sample Size The sampling process is a mechanism, which selects the participants from large population pool. The method of sampling is helpful for the researchers to undertake a selection from the most suitable respondents to gather the primary data in order to obtain accurate information, which has a connection with the objectives and goals of the research. In this paper, the constructor makes use of probability simple random sampling process to start the survey with the help of the participants as it provides balanced scope for every participant within the pool to get selected for the survey (Moscardo Murphy 2014). It has been seen that the study looks to utilize a large sample and the thus the questionnaires were given to 50 respondents. The participants are generally the tourist and the employees working in the tourism sector. The questionnaires that were returned comprised of all the respondents therefore having a 100% rate of response. In addition, it has been observed that more than 80% o f the participants have knowledge about the organization Hands on Department. Data Analysis Plan The information has been computed by taking the support of different evaluating mechansims. Chen et al. (2015) described that efficient selection of analyzing the mechanisms is a key issue accomplish outcomes that are accurate and reliable. This method is useful keeping a purity and forecasting the data established. The paper has made use of SPSS software to discover the opinion of the participants that can be put to appropriate tables and figures that can be made use of by the researcher to gather the correct results. Summary This part of the research tries to identify the different methodologies that have been used by the analyst for concluding the study. The paper has even utilized different processes like the deductive approach, philosophy of positivism, descriptive design so as to complete the research. In addition, the paper utilizes the various sections of the community to find out their viewpoints. The end of the paper shows that the researcher has utilized accurate ethics for concluding the research paper. Reference List Ali, F., Ryu, K. Hussain, K., 2016. Influence of experiences on memories, satisfaction and behavioral intentions: A study of creative tourism.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing,33(1), pp.85-100. Altinay, L., Paraskevas, A. Jang, S.S., 2015.Planning research in hospitality and tourism. Routledge. Ashworth, G. Larkham, P. eds., 2013.Building a new heritage (RLE tourism). Routledge. Blanco, .F., Garca-Pealvo, F.J. Sein-Echaluce, M., 2013, November. A methodology proposal for developing adaptive cMOOC. InProceedings of the First International Conference on Technological Ecosystem for Enhancing Multiculturality(pp. 553-558). ACM. Brilha, J., 2016. Inventory and quantitative assessment of geosites and geodiversity sites: a review.Geoheritage,8(2), pp.119-134. Chen, S.C., Hsiao, H.C., Chang, J.C., Chou, C.M., Chen, C.P. Shen, C.H., 2015. Can the entrepreneurship course improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students?.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,11(3), pp.557-569. Chin, C.H., Lo, M.C., Songan, P. Nair, V., 2014. Rural tourism destination competitiveness: a study on Annah Rais Longhouse Homestay, Sarawak.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,144, pp.35-44. Collis, J. Hussey, R., 2013.Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave macmillan. Fernandes, S., Mesquita, D., Flores, M.A. Lima, R.M., 2014. Engaging students in learning: findings from a study of project-led education.European Journal of Engineering Education,39(1), pp.55-67. Figueroa, J.J., 2014.Society, Schools and Progress in the West Indies: Education and Educational Research. Elsevier. Garca-Pealvo, F.J., 2014, October. Technological ecosystems for enhancing multiculturality doctoral consortium. 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Massive open online courses: Strategies and research areas.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Education,26(1), pp.39-43. Paulston, R.G., 2014.Society, Schools and Progress in Peru: The Commonwealth and International Library: Education and Educational Research. Elsevier. Tavakol, M. Sandars, J., 2014. Quantitative and qualitative methods in medical education research: AMEE Guide No 90: Part II.Medical teacher,36(10), pp.838-848. Walker, J.R., 2016.Introduction to hospitality. Pearson Higher Ed.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Factors Considered by Auditors in Determining Acceptable Level of Audi
Question: Discuss about the Factors Considered by Auditors in Determining Acceptable Level of Audit Risk. Answer: Introduction: Auditors when performing the audit of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards need to consider and evaluate several factors for determining acceptable level of audit risk. Audit risk arises when auditors is incapable of appropriately modifying his or her opinion on financial statements that have been materially misstated. For determining the acceptable level of audit risk by auditor when conducting audit of financial statements, several factors are considered by auditors such as reliance of users on financial statements, management of firms being audited and likelihood of financial difficulties (Backof 2015). Auditors in relation to relevant assertions concerning classes of transactions, account balances and several disclosures of overall financial statements consider audit risks. Auditors in such a way that the audit risk is reduced to lower level should perform the audit. Auditors in considering audit risk at overall financial statement level consider risks of material misstatement. In the event of organizations having high exposure to legal liability, the acceptable level of audit risk would be set at lower level compared when the organization has little exposure to such liability (Byrnes 2015). We have taken the organization Boral Limited for discussion of several factors influencing the audit risk by auditors. Discussion: Below are discussed three factors that would be considered by auditors in determining acceptable level of audit risk. User reliance on financial statements- The degree to which external users rely on the financial statements is one of the factors that is considered by the auditors. It is considered appropriate by auditors to decrease the audit risk to acceptable level when heavy reliance are placed in financial statements by the external users. The reliance of external users on financial statement is indicated by distribution of ownership, amount and nature of liabilities and business size of clients. It is certainly possible that a great harm would result when the users are placing heavy reliance on financial statements. This happens when the significant misstatement in the financial statements remains undetected (Dictionary 2014). Cost of additional evidence is easily justified by auditors when there is a substantial loss resulting from material misstatement. Size of client will affect the acceptable level of audit risk and total revenues or total assets measure it. Many users relies on statements of publicly held corporations compared to closely held corporations. Actual and potential creditors are likely to more extensively use the statements having large amount of liabilities (Cannon and Bedard 2016). Opposite happens when there are few liabilities. Likelihood of financial difficulties- The likelihood that the clients are having financial difficulties after issuing of then audit report is another factors that is considered by auditors in determining acceptable level of audit risk. Various indicators for identifying the financial difficulties of any organizations by auditors are previous year loss and profits figure, liquidity position, competence of management, methods of financial growth and nature of operations activities carried out by clients. Auditors can respond to audit risks by other ways that he would change to respond to audit risks (Kneche and Salterio 2016). Acceptable level of audit risk would be reduced if it is believed by auditors that there is a high chance of loss or financial failure. An organization would have problem in paying off bills in future if there is shortage of cash and working capital. The likelihood and significance of steadily declining position should assessed by auditors. There is a greater ris k of financial difficulty if client has greater reliance on debt as financing means and is witnessing declining operating success. It might happen that auditors decide upon the medium acceptable audit risk for audit as a whole but for inventory, they might decide to reduce acceptable audit risk too low for inventory (Griffith et al. 2015). It is essential for the auditors to recognize the future problems that the organization such as Boral limited is likely to encounter if they are facing increasing losses or declining profits. It can be seen from the annual report of Boral limited that the profits in the year 2016 has fallen as compared to year 2015. In this regard, there is need on part of auditors to realize the solvency issues likely to be encountered by the organization. Boral limited is making use of higher amount of debt in the year 2016 and there is improvement in debtor management of the company. This poses a greater risk of financial difficulties as it is accompanied by falling operating profit. Concerning this, auditors needs to evaluate that whether fixed assets are being utilized for financing short and long-term loans (Kumar and Sharma 2015). This is so because large amount of cash flow during short time would force the company into bankruptcy. For potential difficulties, one of the things that are constantly alert is competent management. Effects of short-run problems are minimized by modifying the operating methods of organizations. As a part of evaluation of ability of Boral limited to continue as a going concern, it is necessary for organization to assess the ability of management (William et al. 2016). Management of firm being audited- evaluation done by auditors regarding the integrity of management is another factor. Under this factor, the organization considered for evaluation of auditing risks is Boral limited. Management integrity is the management inspiration and honesty for reporting financials of business in a truthful way. Management integrity acts a mirror image that demonstrates the worthiness of business. Few things influence the nature of audit evidence in event of auditors questioning the integrity of management. Some of the factors concerning integrity of management of the company are relationship with previous or current auditors, relationship with labor unions and employees and frequency of turnover of key internal audit and financial personnel. Business affairs of company with low integrity are conducted in such manner that it will result in conflicts with regulators, shareholders and customers (Kogan et al. 2014). It is likely that auditor would assess the lower acceptable audit risk if the organization has questionable integrity and this would be a part of continuing and new client investigation. Assessment of integrity of management influences the risk of material misstatement and is related to preliminary risk assessment of the auditors. Usually, there is an inverse relationship between the likelihood of material misstatement and auditors assessment of management integrity. A business affair of organizations having low integrity is often conducted in such a manner that would result in conflict with regulator, shareholders and customers. Audit risk structure of client is a key determinant of audit risk structure of organization. Auditors into the judgment of their audits should incorporate this particular risk component. Auditors from the management generate a great deal of audit evidence (Lobo and Zhao 2013). Auditors can assess the credibility of management-supplied evidence by carefully evaluating the integrity of management. High management integrity is related to low risk assessment and low management integrity is related to high-risk assessment. One of the primary driver of assessment of risk of auditor risk whether the material misstatement is identified by auditors in prior year audit. Auditors respond low man agement integrity by more persuasive evidence for supporting the assertions of audit. It is depicted that extent and timing of audit procedures does not form the basis of management integrity. In the event of lower integrity of management, for the verification of independent data auditors are required to go outside the clients rather than making simple analysis of clients information. Auditors are likely to discover misstatements when auditors that management is of lower integrity assess it. The likelihood that the financials of the organization are misstated is indicated by the management integrity (Pizzini et al. 2014). Boral limited had some issues with labor unions regarding safety concerns and some queries were raised about workers regarding. The safety issues was not raised by Boral limited in a timely manner and safety issues raised by workers was fail to addressed. The formal structure of safety concern of the workers was not functioning properly. Boral limited has also concern regarding the formulation of number of resolution that aimed at improving the accountability, transparency and effectiveness of the safety policies of Boral (van Buuren et al. 2017). In the regard, the integrity of Boral limited becomes questionable and the auditors are likely to assess a lower acceptable audit risk. Conclusion: For the assessment of acceptable audit risk, there are various factors considered by auditors relating to engagement risk. Organization will suffer from harm even if the audit is finished the risk. An auditor mainly considers three factors for assessment of acceptable level of audit risk. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Boral limited had lower management integrity in the previous years for which the auditors have lower level of acceptable audit risk. This is so because the management of integrity of organization becomes questionable. Reference: Backof, A.G., 2015. The impact of audit evidence documentation on jurors' negligence verdicts and damage awards.The Accounting Review,90(6), pp.2177-2204. Byrnes, P.E., 2015.Developing automated applications for clustering and outlier detection: data mining implications for auditing practice(Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-Newark). Cannon, N. and Bedard, J.C., 2016. Auditing challenging fair value measurements: Evidence from the field.The Accounting Review. Dictionary, C., 2014. The purpose of Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory is to contribute to improving the practice and theory of auditing. The term auditingis to be interpreted broadly and encompasses internal and external auditing as well as other attestation activities (phenomena). Papers reporting results of original research that embody improvements in auditing.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory. Griffith, E.E., Hammersley, J.S. and Kadous, K., 2015. Audits of complex estimates as verification of management numbers: How institutional pressures shape practice.Contemporary Accounting Research,32(3), pp.833-863. Knechel, W.R. and Salterio, S.E., 2016.Auditing: assurance and risk. Routledge. Kogan, A., Alles, M.G., Vasarhelyi, M.A. and Wu, J., 2014. Design and evaluation of a continuous data level auditing system.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,33(4), pp.221-245. Kumar, R. and Sharma, V., 2015.Auditing: Principles and practice. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Lobo, G.J. and Zhao, Y., 2013. Relation between audit effort and financial report misstatements: Evidence from quarterly and annual restatements.The Accounting Review,88(4), pp.1385-1412. Pizzini, M., Lin, S. and Ziegenfuss, D.E., 2014. The impact of internal audit function quality and contribution on audit delay.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,34(1), pp.25-58. van Buuren, J., Koch, C., Van Nieuw Amerogen, N. and Wright, A., 2017. Evaluating the Change Process for Business Risk Auditing: Legitimacy Experiences of Non-Big 4 Auditors the Change.Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. William Jr, M., Glover, S. and Prawitt, D., 2016.Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education.
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