Friday, December 27, 2019
Sex Trafficking of Children - 1277 Words
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project - 1112 Words
Topic: The Atomic Bomb: Manhattan Project What is it: The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. the manhattan project was the invention of the first two nuclear bombs, Fat man and little boy.These two bombs were dropped on japanese islands to end World War II. Math: The formula E=MC2 is responsible for the immense power of the Atomic Bomb. E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity that showed that the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body comes from the energy of motion of the bodyâ€â€that is, its kinetic energy (E)â€â€divided by the speed of light squared (c2). This equation expresses the fact that mass and†¦show more content†¦Two neutrons do not continue the reaction because they are lost or absorbed by a uranium-238 atom. However, one neutron does collide with an atom of uranium-235, which then fissions and releases two neutrons and some binding energy. Both of those neutrons collide with uranium-235 atoms, each of which fission and release between one and three neutrons, and so on. This causes a nuclear chain reaction. For more on this topic, see Nuclear Fission. Criticality In order to detonate an atomic weapon, you need a critical mass of fissionable material. This means you need enough U-235 or Pu-239 to ensure that neutrons released by fission will strike another nucleus, thus producing a chain reaction. The more fissionable material you have, the greater the odds that such an event will occur. Critical mass is defined as the amount of material at which a neutron produced by a fission process will, on average, create another fission event. The Difference Between the Bombs Little Boy and Fat Man utilized different elements and completely separate methods of construction in order to function as nuclear weapons. Little Boy detonated due to a fission chain reaction involving the isotope U-235 of uranium, while Fat Man used plutonium’s Pu-239 form. the FAT MAN bomb powered by plutonium, Fat Man could not use the same gun-type design that allowed Little Boy to explode effectively - the form of plutonium collected from the nuclear reactors at Hanford, WA for the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Patricia Cornwell Essay Sample free essay sample
Abstraction Of the modern-day American authors of today. one stands out for populating an author’s life that could about hold turned her into a character from one of the books she has written. Born in June 1956 in Florida. Patricia Cornwell is widely known for holding written offense novels series having Dr. Kay Scarpetta. a medical tester. as the heroine. Having started in the professional authorship calling as a offense newsman and so as a constabulary newsman worked at the morge. Cornwell today flies choppers. drives minibikes. and is married to another adult female. Truly. Patricia Cornwell is one of a sort. This paper will put out to detect why. Introduction The paper will cover an overview of the life of writer before she started to compose to seek out possible accounts for some things she has done both in her professional life and in her personal life. It will bring out. We will write a custom essay sample on Patricia Cornwell Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page among others. why she is still on the instance to turn out that the British Impressionist painter Walter Sickert was Jack the Ripper. why she kept quiet about her gender for old ages. and why she sees the demand for engaging so many guards at the entryway to her topographic point for fright of going vulnerable. The paper will every bit good cover the author’s written works – particularly those that specifically are traceable to some characters in her existent life narrative. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The newspaper articles that featured the writer served as beginnings for acquiring the inside informations. While there are no books as yet that will officially supply confirmed facts about the writer. the newspaper articles written by reputable newsmans will hold to function as one of the major beginnings of informations. WORKS CITED: Patricia Cornwell Bibliography ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. patriciacornwell. com/about/ Cassandra Jardine. â€Å"Patricia Cromwell: â€Å"Finally. I Feel Rooted Somewhere. †; Telegraph. co. United Kingdom ; Feb. 3. 2007.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The effect of Meaningful Use on healthcare organizations
Background When healthcare organizations use related technology in maintaining electronic health records (EHR) alongside information technology, it is referred to as the Meaningful Use. Payments can also be received from the federal government when Meaningful Use status is attained. Such payments are received under two main mechanisms that have been put in place namely the Medicaid EHR Incentive and the Medicare HER programs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The effect of Meaningful Use on healthcare organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The HITECH Act that was adopted in 2009 has several remarkable provisions that outline the benchmark operations of the Meaningful Use. For example, incentive payments will be advanced to organizations on condition that they have attained meaningful use within a specified time. The year 2014 is the set deadline for healthcare organizations that will qualify for the Medicar e HER incentive program. On the other hand, a penalty may be charged against healthcare organizations that will not have attained the set standards by 2015. The first stage of meaningful use of the Electronic Health Records should be achieved by hospitals and individual physicians so that maximum reimbursement can be received. This provision was supposed to take place during the 2011- 2012 financial year and also within a period of 90 days. It was then expected to resume the rest of the year after the expiry of 90 days. Incentive payments can be received by individuals who qualify for Medicaid program only if meaningful use is realized before the close of 2016. In addition, it is imperative to mention that the incentive program under the confines of the meaningful use established regulations for the first stage through the cooperation of two major bodies. These were the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS). The second an d third stages of the meaningful use will also be established by the working group. The stage 2 criteria have already been suggested and will be put into consideration in 2014. However, the criteria for stage 3 will be dealt with at a later date. Requirements In terms of summary of the requirements of MU, there are three key requirements of the meaningful use that have already been adopted in stage one. To begin with, healthcare organizations and physicians are supposed to make use of the Electronic Health Records certified technology in an appropriate manner. In other words, they should utilize the latter meaningfully. E-prescribing should also be included in this usage. Second, users ought to prove that they have the ability to make use of electronic health information in a collaborative manner through exchange programs so as to boost the quality of healthcare provision. Finally, they are expected to remit data on clinical quality measures.Advertising Looking for essay on hea lth law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Effects of meeting/not meeting the requirements The effects of meeting or not meeting the MU requirements on healthcare organizations have also been documented in the provisions of the new law. Penalties are advanced towards healthcare organizations that fail to meet the meaningful use requirements. Since MU is an ongoing annual event, users are supposed to comply with all the provisions of the Act. For instance, if meaningful use requirements are not met by healthcare organizations, medical reimbursements will be reduced accordingly within a given period. In spite of the fact that annual penalties will be implemented from 2015, the penalties will largely depend on the performance of the healthcare organization during the previous two calendar years. However, the 2015 annual penalty can be avoided by a healthcare organization if the 2013 payment year is successfully addressed. In addition, h ealthcare organizations can avoid the 2016 penalties if they attain meaningful use in 2014. Issues facing healthcare organizations and solutions There are quite a number of issues facing healthcare organizations that demand immediate redress. First, poor quality healthcare delivery is a major challenge facing such organizations. It is imperative to note that healthcare industry is a highly dynamic field that requires constant checks and balances. In order to deliver better value to healthcare recipients, value-based payment structures and the best innovative practices will have to be adopted by healthcare organizations in order to boost performance. In addition, premiums and administrative costs should be reduced significantly by insurers so that patients can afford to access high quality care. Second, it is highly likely that usage will be hampered by the accompanying payments and increased deductions. In other terms, the rising cost of healthcare provision is grossly affecting the performance of healthcare organizations because consumers are deferring care. As a result, there is a resultant decline in income for healthcare organizations. This reduction in revenue will have to be countered by the healthcare organizations. Besides, the effects of care deferral should be keenly monitored by both employers and insurers in order to assess the net loss especially in regards to the overall productivity and health of employees.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The effect of Meaningful Use on healthcare organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is a sharp rise in demand for some medicinal products coupled with discontinued drugs and slow production process of vital medicines. These have negatively impacted the performance of healthcare organizations. Worse still, generic drugs have raised several issues regarding quality. As a consequence, drug shortage is a regular challenge to consume rs. Therefore, healthcare organizations can redeem their performance if FDA is given a heightened focus. Pharmaceutical companies and hospital units should also be keen on controlling quality, real-time inventory exercises and supply chain management. Ramp up in the health informatics investments is also a growing issue of concern for healthcare organizations. As it stands now, huge investments have been made on health informatics by these organizations. This implies that additional expenditure on health informatics is an added financial burden for healthcare organizations. There is a growing need for healthcare organizations to share vital data with like-minded organizations. In order to effectively manage the well-being of vulnerable populations, expedite the time taken by a product to reach the desired market, identify population health trends, coordinate patient care and improve the overall health outcomes, surplus investment in healthcare informatics will be the only viable opt ion for healthcare organizations. Privacy and security concerns in the operations of healthcare organizations are yet another challenge. Most healthcare consumers are hardly willing to share their personal information unless it will expedite the process of healthcare delivery. Some consumers argue that their choice of hospitals is largely determined by privacy and security issues. As a remedy to this challenge, healthcare organizations should guarantee consumers that their personal data will not be shared with other parties without their authorization. Why some organizations do not meet the requirements There are some organizations that are choosing not to meet the requirements and just bear the resultant penalties. As much as the various functionalities of the Meaningful Use are beneficial, some healthcare organizations have opted not to meet its requirements. They have identified potential demerits associated with the Act. These include reduced privacy and security of health recor ds, declined productivity, changes in the workflow, financial concerns, and other several unanticipated consequences. For instance, there are costs to be incurred in the adoption and implementation process of this technology. In addition, maintaining the technology demands additional expenditure. While executing the latter, loss of productivity leads to reduced earnings.Advertising Looking for essay on health law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This eventually acts as a disincentive for healthcare institutions and employees. Training end-users, adoption of electronic charts, hardware and software installation as well as purchasing equipment are some of the direct costs incurred when adopting the electronic health records system. In-patient and out-patient settings require these inputs in order to fully implement information technology in healthcare organizations. The associated cost of purchasing, installing and maintaining electronic health records system is a real scare for some healthcare organizations. As a matter of fact, the proposed penalties are far less than the cost of adopting the technology. Health information technology and the Meaningful Use provisions have also been known to cause serious disruption of work in systems that have been fully established. Providers and medical staff can hardly concentrate on their work platforms due to the associated interruption occasioned by electronic health records. This lea ds to short term drop in productivity. The main cause of this drop is the end user learning process because some personnel have to be trained before using the electronic health records systems. There are providers who perceive this limitation as a gross production setback because it takes both time and financial resources before an organization can resume its original position. The penalties proposed by the new piece of legislation are minimal compared to the potential losses that a healthcare organization can undergo after implementing the requirements of the Act. Over-reliance in technology, power structure changes, negative emotions and increased medical errors are some of the unexpected negative impacts that may be caused by the adoption of electronic health records. This essay on The effect of Meaningful Use on healthcare organizations was written and submitted by user Brisa Middleton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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