Wednesday, November 27, 2019
ENGL444 BOOK CRITIQUE - Mark Posters The Mode Of Information Essays
ENGL444: BOOK CRITIQUE - Mark Poster's "The Mode of Information" Maitiu Ward Mark Poster's "The Mode of Information" can be seen as something of an attempt to establish a new discourse in socio-political theory. He does this mainly through the concerted criticism of several prominent philosophers, including Marx, Foucault, Derrida and Baudrillard. Typically, his prime concern with the bulk of most of these philosopher's works is their tendency towards totalization, or their failure to adequately incorporate an understanding of what Poster sees as the "mode of information" into their theorizing. From what remains of his counterparts' theories, Poster attempts to assemble his new discourse, incorporating into the equation theories of globalization and information. My concern in this critique will largely be to highlight some of Poster's own theoretical inadequacies, and perhaps provide a very brief overview of the core elements of his theory of information along the way. Of key interest will be his belief that the current global era of late Capitalism can be de fined by the shift from the Marxist "mode of production" towards a "mode of information", as well as his discussions around the concept of digitization. Other points of interest beyond these, but nonetheless related to them, will focus upon Poster's belief in the decentering of the subject through the forces of "new media", as well as his belief in the death of the Marxist Proletariat as a definitive social force within modern Capitalism. Absolutely vital to the body of Poster's book "The Mode of Information" is the assumption that the human race has moved into a new social era, defined by the cultural logic of Late Capitalism. Poster sees this era as being characterized by the globalized spread of information, typically in the form of "new Media", via a complex and technologically advanced web of communications networks. Poster also sees as central to Late Capitalism a shift in primacy away from the mode of production towards the mode of consumption, and ultimately the "mode of information". Poster essentially believes that the emphasis in contemporary Capitalism no longer focuses upon how goods are produced, but rather how they are sold ( or consumed, as the case may be ). Implicit in this belief ( and in fact expatiated by his belief in the demise of the proletariat ) is the concept of a "knowledge economy", whereby the proletariat of the early Industrial era have been steadily replaced by mechanization and a new w orkforce comprised of technologically adept skills people. The old exchange of capital for physical labor has supposedly been outmoded by new developments in production technology, having been replaced by a new exchange of capital for technological skill or intellectual ability. For a certain few privileged nations, this could certainly well be the case. When contextualised globally, however, this premise becomes highly questionable . The fact of the matter is that for most of the world's population, technological advancement is precluded by poverty and the simple fact that it is vastly unaffordable. In terms of the Proletariat, it could well be argued, and in fact has been by World Systems Theorists, that rather than disappearing with the advent of more efficient production methods ( such as computerization ), the exchange of raw physical labor for capital has simply relocated itself away from the wealthier nations ( often termed as the "core" nations ), to the poorer developing on es ( termed as the "periphery" ). Those nations not wealthy enough to be able to afford the cost of technological advancement have simply become the home of this "new" world order's Working Classes ? the horrors and injustices which once characterized the West's early Industrial era can now be readily discovered in any number of developing countries' backyards. To be fair to Poster, however, there is no denying the far-reaching impact of the new communications media he focuses upon so much within "The Mode of Information". Although the impacts of digitization are perhaps not so readily noticeable at the grassroots level of the majority of the world's population, their effects have undeniably brought about huge changes internationally. Equally, there is no denying the fact that the global spread of communications media, not necessarily those related to digitization, has had a considerable impact
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Treatment Of Indigenous People
Many reasons were given to justify what was done to the indigenous groups of America during the age of colonization and discovery. There is no real way to now know which reasons were the real reasons and which ones were just rationalizations. Christianity was used almost as an excuse for their actions and in reality was forced upon the Indians who at the time already had their own religious belief systems. Spain and Portugal, being as extreme in their Catholicism as they were, strongly believed in â€Å"white man’s burden†to find new souls that needed to be saved even if it meant the destruction and enslavement of entire civilizations. As religious as they were, it was not their primary goal to convert the â€Å"savages†to Christianity, but to justify their mercantilism with a higher, moral, and divine goal. The main motives for the Portuguese and Spanish exploration and colonization were predominantly economic, such as finding new territories for resources an d raw materials, new labor to cultivate these resources, and somebody to sell the finished products to. A cycle that benefits the motherland but diminishes the colonies. By the mid-fifteenth century most of the European countries developed a system of mercantilism that could only exist if a country had a favorable balance of trade. Since there was no way for two or more mercantilist countries to trade with each other while retaining the purpose of keeping their goods within their own country, many of these countries had to look for new markets somewhere else. Many countries promoted expeditions set to find new lands where they were yet unaware of mercantilism. Spain and Portugal were among the first ones to expand their influence beyond charted territories. The two countries even had a dispute over where each country had the power to establish colonies. Pope Alexander VI, a highly regarded figure in both Catholic countries, with the Treaty of Tordesillas, easily settled th... Free Essays on Treatment Of Indigenous People Free Essays on Treatment Of Indigenous People Many reasons were given to justify what was done to the indigenous groups of America during the age of colonization and discovery. There is no real way to now know which reasons were the real reasons and which ones were just rationalizations. Christianity was used almost as an excuse for their actions and in reality was forced upon the Indians who at the time already had their own religious belief systems. Spain and Portugal, being as extreme in their Catholicism as they were, strongly believed in â€Å"white man’s burden†to find new souls that needed to be saved even if it meant the destruction and enslavement of entire civilizations. As religious as they were, it was not their primary goal to convert the â€Å"savages†to Christianity, but to justify their mercantilism with a higher, moral, and divine goal. The main motives for the Portuguese and Spanish exploration and colonization were predominantly economic, such as finding new territories for resources an d raw materials, new labor to cultivate these resources, and somebody to sell the finished products to. A cycle that benefits the motherland but diminishes the colonies. By the mid-fifteenth century most of the European countries developed a system of mercantilism that could only exist if a country had a favorable balance of trade. Since there was no way for two or more mercantilist countries to trade with each other while retaining the purpose of keeping their goods within their own country, many of these countries had to look for new markets somewhere else. Many countries promoted expeditions set to find new lands where they were yet unaware of mercantilism. Spain and Portugal were among the first ones to expand their influence beyond charted territories. The two countries even had a dispute over where each country had the power to establish colonies. Pope Alexander VI, a highly regarded figure in both Catholic countries, with the Treaty of Tordesillas, easily settled th...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 15
Art - Essay Example This statue was curved for the purposes of Pharaoh Khafre’s remembrance. Initially, the statue was kept in the Pharaoh’s valley temple near the Great Sphinx. The statue was presented as part of necropolis funeral city used in most important funeral rituals. This research paper explains the Khafre Enthroned funerary statue, from Gizeh, Egypt. The Khafre old kingdom artistic statue was designed putting into considerations a lot of symbolism in it. Firstly, the statue had an important function in Egyptian tombs. This statue overly acts as a sub-statue abode for the Pharaoh’s Ka. Ka in Egyptian cultural beliefs is the life that accompanies the righteous persons with a kind of other self. After death, the Ka leaves the individual body and soul into the afterlife (Gardner et al. 111). The statue embodiment therefore remains contemporarily to show a peace to rest; to the dead souls. The Khafre enthroned sculpture was designed in spiral form. This statue shows his majesty Khafre seated. This was one of the famous statue designs with a basic formulaic types used in the old kingdoms to show the human figure. Art speaks and through Khafre Enthroned statue, his figure in the seat is greatly shown. This artistic work if was to go by; would easily explain the kind of a ruler king Khafre was. This Egyptian statue design was inf luenced by mummification in Egypt (Gardners Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective 121). Mummification played a major role in the Egyptian culture in the ancient civilization era. This process involved a 70-day purification of pharaoh’s body to ensure immortality for Pharaoh. Beginning in the third millennium BCE, mummification became impossible in Egypt. This process was hectic and cumbersome hence there was need for finding a better way to remember the Pharaoh’s of Egypt. If the Pharaoh’s mummy was damaged, ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5 ART - Essay Example he High Renaissance meant paint that was created by mixing pigment with egg yolk to create a thick colored liquid that could then be applied with brushes to any surface. The egg yolk was the binding agent and artists would often also mix in other liquids such as honey, water or milk to vary the consistency or increase opacity. One of the main properties of this type of paint is that it dries quickly, which is beneficial when one wishes to paint over specific areas but can be problematic when one is trying to blend shades together on the canvas. This type of paint can’t be applied in heavy layers, though, and is generally not as bright or saturated as other forms of paint. What perhaps wasn’t known by the artists of the Renaissance, though, is that tempura maintains its original colors over time rather than darkening as many oil paints tend to do. Frescoes are somewhat different from tempera paints or oils in that they utilize the material of the receiving surface as the binding agent for the pigments rather than an internal ingredient. In fresco painting, painters would mix pigment with water and then apply these colors to the still wet plaster wall where the painting was to be. The water would absorb into the wall and evaporate, leaving the pigment trapped within the plaster itself. Preparation of the wall had to take place at least a week in advance to allow the underlayer of plaster to dry first. Then only enough top layer of plaster was applied that the artist could reasonably paint in a given day, meaning about eight or nine hours of work, before the plaster hardened to the point where no more paint would be absorbed. This painting in segments makes it possible to still trace what the artist did from one day to the next. Another problem with frescoes was that there could be no mistakes or the entire segment would have t o be removed and started from the beginning. Oil painting eventually emerged as the most preferred form of paint because of its
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Dr. Vert's Ch. 6 Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dr. Vert's Ch. 6 Summary - Essay Example However, the trouble comes in because not all information is able to be put into a category easily, and because of that, it might fit into two or more categories. It also becomes confusing because one piece of information might relate to another in a very small way, but both should still be available, so that the person searching the information could see it and use it, if they wanted to. Most of the issues that come with managing information of this type are related to ‘spatial information’, or information that would be better characterized by the space it occupies rather than the information it actually holds. Examples of this are things such as street maps, climate maps, and scientific records of events such as earthquakes and tsunamis. The biggest issue that is faced in trying to retrieve and make sense of information about these events is that many pieces of information are scattered over many different computers, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that has been dumped from its box and scattered throughout a room. It becomes more of a scavenger hunt to put the pieces of the puzzle together than to figure out the picture the puzzle tries to represent. Think about how much time is being wasted looking for the different pieces of the puzzle. Dr.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Jus 201Milestone 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jus 201Milestone 1 - Essay Example In solving such a case, it calls for conduction on the thorough investigations on the matter which will not only investigators make progress towards arresting perpetrators, but also for the purpose of aiding victims and preparing for prosecution. Hence, it is important to keep a comprehensive and systematized case files to make sure that it is possible later to tell a comprehensive and logical story about the crime and the suspect’s engrossment (Haines, 1980). First, I would conduct an interview with the victims by asking the most basic questions about the bombing, recording all the first-hand reactions. This will include obtaining confession from eyewitnesses at the scene. Also, it will call for reviewing street cameras or security camera footage of cameras installed in the near premises facing the scene. After that, I would review details provided in the initial interview with the victims familiarizing myself with the facts reported. This will also help determine that the facts meet the features of the crime classification and help resolve what information is required from the victim in the next interview (Geberth, 1986) Conducting a follow up interview will determine whether the facts have changed, or new facts have been learned by the victim. This will also present an opportunity for the victim to clarify any information in the initial report that is not clear. At this point, I will be able to determine the true nature of the bombing and whether there are other incidences involved before setting out on analyzing the information at hand. Based upon the known facts obtained from the site of the bombing, analysis will include examining photographs from the traffic cameras, running fingerprint match from fingerprints collected from the scene, examining photographs of taken from the scene trying to figure out the motive of the perpetrator who can be identified through eyewitness testimony, through circumstantial evidence or
Friday, November 15, 2019
Theodore Roosevelts domestic policy
Theodore Roosevelts domestic policy Introduction Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City. He entered history books as the youngest person to serve as the president of the United States of America. Roosevelt has been known by many as a champion of a strenuous life. As a young man, Theodore or Teddy as he was known was haunted by chronic asthma attacks. However, despite all these he voraciously fought his condition and devoted most of his early life to study. Theodore Roosevelt displayed authority, combined with an enigmatic personality. He revolutionized and modernized the American presidency by championing justice. His profound popularity gave him political mileage that perfectly complimented his Get action, do things, attitude in all the endeavors (The Presidents para.1). Many people had perceived Theodore Roosevelt as an unlikely candidate for what we may term as a reform president. He had been born into a wealthy family and this gave him the privilege of enjoying his youth at a level that was beyond of most of his peers. He was able to tour most parts of the world, was taught by private tutors, and spent most of his life in a mansion in New York. Roosevelt had obtained his education from Harvard. His social circle contained the upper crust. On contrary however, Roosevelts interests were vested in working class Americans rather than the affluent corporates. This was a riot against the very society that had brought him up (The Presidents para.2). The square deal It was in 1901 when Roosevelt entered the White House, he had inherited a federal government sided the big business against the working Americans. During this time, Wall Street was experiencing a financial shake-up. Being wise enough he momentarily restrained his progressivism. In early 1902, Roosevelt embarked on his square deal plan to launch an offensive against the powerful corporate trusts. Ideally, President Roosevelt was one of the most audacious Progressive luminaries of his time (The Presidents para.1). In most cases; his domestic policies capitalized on fighting corruption and injustice in major industries all this in the name of helping the common man. The Square Deal was meant to improve living standards of the American people and to exert more regulation over large corporations or trusts. In response to these actions, most businesses termed Roosevelt as a socialist and a demagogue. In his defense the president adamantly brushed off these accusations. As a matter of fact, Roosevelt had regard for big business, and was aware of the trusts contribution in increasing the standards living of the American people. The presidents dislike arose from the fact that the common American had very little control of these corporations. As a balancing act, Roosevelt feared surrendering too much power to labor (Spark notes para.2). Sherman Anti-Trust Act Roosevelts approach ran into a major huddle in 1902. This includes the 1902 Coal Strike when 140,000 miners went on strike in eastern Pennsylvania t. there was great panic in the whole nation since coal was a major source of energy in America in that era. The coal miners union demanded higher wages coupled with improved working conditions. The owners of the mine, failed to agree with the miners. Mitchell-a representative of the miners proposed to the president that an independent arbitration council would work (Spark notes para.2) However, both the miners and the company rejected arbitration. Pressure was mounting; Roosevelt therefore devised a plan to replace the miners with ten thousand army men, as an emergency plan to step in if consensus was not reached. Fortunate enough, the disaster was averted through independent arbitration. This was after the Secretary of War; Elihu Root worked with banker J.P. Morgan to convince the parties involved to accept independent arbitration. This was victory for Roosevelt in the eyes of the American people. In the year 1902, financiers on Wall Street received a screamer. This was when President Roosevelt decided to approve the governments lawsuit against Northern Securities,-a large and newly merged western railroad company, for violating the so called Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The financer of the project, J.P. Morgan, who had arranged the merger and even invested in Northern Securities, suffered the consequences (Spark notes para.2) The company together with its sympathizers cried foul and accused the president of witch hunting. On the other hand, the American people admired their presidents brevity and boldness in handling the tenacious trusts. To seal this victory, Roosevelt went ahead to nominate Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., to take the place of Justice Horace Gray on the Supreme Court. Holmes in his tenure as Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Court had been strongly against industry and railroads in similar suits. The governments victory translated into the disintegration of Northern Securities into smaller companies. It has been documented that during his tenure, President Roosevelt brought about forty-three lawsuits trusts. (Spark notes para.3) The 1902 Reclamation Act We also look at this Act as a major component of Roosevelts domestic policy. Roosevelt had great passion for the environmental conservation. His idea of conservation was revolutionary and unconventional at the time. The idea was to save the land for posterity as opposed to mere preservation. This resulted in the purchase of about 150 acres of land that was to be conserved. This Act also resulted into consortiums with very knowledgeable environmentalists of that time including the likes of Gifford Pinchot and John Muir. The byproduct of this relationship was the establishment of various wildlife preservation parks and reserves. (Spark notes para.6) In fact, the order and organization in forest reserve services was attributed to this policy. The National Forest Service was streamlined, adding to it were National Parks which were created for purposes of recreation and conservation. The enactment of these acts was not without opposition. Most of those against the Act including members of Congress had vested interests in the land that was being preserved. However, the grievances of some antagonists (white Settlers) were soothed when the 1902 Reclamation Act was enacted thus allowing dry, unlivable land to be irrigated, converting it into productive land. (Spark notes para.6) The Hepburn Bill In the year 1906, the Hepburn Bill was drafted and passed. This bill was to bring reforms in the way rate evaluations were calculated and further cut on excessive rebates that were designed to eliminate competition by firms. The bill also encouraged interstate commerce which was regulated by the Feds. The bill was a major blow to several companies that previously engaged in excessive rebate-issuing such as the railroads. (Spark notes para.3) The Meat Inspection Bill and Food and Drug Administration. In 1906, a distinguished author by the name Upton Sinclairs in his novel The Jungle explicitly painted the picture of the state of affairs of Chicago stockyards and meatpacking industry. This brought to light the dilapidated working conditions of these industries prompting Roosevelt to take action. What disgusted the head of state was the description by Sinclair about a worker who was operating the meat grinder and apparently fell into the meat grinder, was crashed and canned for sales to the public. The president immediately ordered an investigation into the matter and not only packinghouses in Chicago but also in the entire nation. The detailed report from the inquiry confirmed Sinclairs sentiments. This led to the drafting of the Meat Inspection Bill and later the formation of an organ known as creation of the Food and Drug Administration (Spark notes para.4) The 1907 financial crisis In 1907, the United States experienced financial tremors. This was initiated by the collapse the Knickerbockers Trust Company in New York. The effect also spread to many other banks. Accusing fingers were pointed at Roosevelt for the economic downturn. President Roosevelt in his defense cited plutocracy (the governing of the society by the wealthy class) as the source the troubles. At this juncture it was not really clear who to blame, but it was letter established that the problem was global. Major firms including the large brokerage of Moore and Schley were at the verge of going under. However, the federal government intervened and bailed them out of the financial stalemate. Government intervention brought about stability thus averting crashing of the stock market. Working with corporates such as Morgan, the president managed to evade the global economic depression during his era (Spark notes para.3) Conclusion President Theodore Roosevelt model of leadership is unique and noteworthy. Putting aside the challenges he faced, this frail man rose to be one of the worlds greatest leaders. His style of leadership is worth emulating. Theodore Roosevelt once said, No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others can possibly do his duty by the community (Montalvà ¡n 54). References The presidents (2003), Theodore Roosevelt. Retrieved April 06 from Spark notes (2010) ,Theodore Roosevelt,1901-1909: Domestic Policies. Retrieved April 06 from Montalvà ¡n C (2008), Military review 2009. Retrieved April 06 from
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Care Of Older Adult Synthesis Health And Social Care Essay
In the instance survey of Susan Smith and her household, there are many pertinent factors that need to be addressed. Mrs. Smith has legion serious medical conditions such as coronary arteria disease, insulin dependant diabetes, and degenerative arthritis. She lives on a fixed income far off from all household, which puts her at hazard for seeking and obtaining proper wellness attention. Mrs. Smith besides has safety, cultural, and emotional demands that need considered throughout her program of attention. Education It is clear Mrs. Smith needs extra attention, nevertheless she needs particular attending put away as to how the information and facts gathered are traveling to be presented. Mrs. Smith ‘s highest degree of instruction is the tenth class and therefore we can presume that her literacy and cognition of the medical field and wellness system is minimum. Additionally, agism, know aparting against older grownups, attitudes and elderspeak which consists of chantlike voice, short simple sentences, and decelerate speech production, must be avoided in order for Mrs. Smith to grok her medical intervention. To go on, Mrs. Smith suffers from macular devolution ; hence written information should be in big print and placed in order to utilize peripheral vision. Mrs. Smith is African American ; hence cultural pattern and historical experiences during her life-time should be taken into consideration. African Americans lived during the Jim Crow Torahs and the Tuskegee Experiment, an experiment w here black work forces with poxs were mislead and did non have intervention for the disease. Although Mrs. Smith ‘s instance is rather different, these historical experiences have left the African American population with small trust for health care members ( Touhy & A ; Jett, 2010 ) . Safety and Mobility Osteoarthritis Safety and proper mobility are critical facets to pay close attending to with older grownups. Mrs. Smith suffers from degenerative arthritis ( OA ) and confusion. Although Mrs. Smith is loath to fall in an aided life installation, instruction sing diet, exercising plans, and physical and occupational therapy offered are necessary to her recovery. Harmonizing to Seed, Duncan, and Lynch, the first measure in OA is instruction. Since, Mrs. Smith ‘s literacy degree is minimum and no anterior cognition about this disease is known, information should be given in a clear apprehensible mode with extra written information. Extra instruction for degenerative arthritis would include accent on farther intervention options. Harmonizing to the article Osteoarthritis: A Review of Treatment Options, a lessening in weight and BMI can significantly assist with degenerative arthritis in hips and articulatio genuss. Besides, manual therapy of the articulatio genus through physical and occupational therapy has been proven to increase the map, hurting, and stiffness affected by OA, particularly the articulatio genus ( Seed, Duncan, & A ; Lynch, 2009 ) . Impaired Cognition Mrs. Smith is besides enduring from confusion which impacts her overall safety. Her forgetfulness is likely the ground for her recent house fire which led to first and 2nd grade Burnss. Performing a Mini-Mental State Examination ( MMSE ) would be good to measure for any new cognitive lacks. A thorough autumn appraisal should be completed explicating what a autumn is and how often/ if at all Mrs. Smith has fallen. Harmonizing to Touhy and Jett ( 2010 ) confusion is a major subscriber to falls along with lessened ocular sharp-sightedness, arthritis, joint hurting and cardiovascular jobs which Mrs. Smith qualifies for. A autumn appraisal must be done and the consequences must be looked at closely as some of Mrs. Smith ‘s implicit in issues may be related to and hold a important impact on her overall position ( p.182 ) . Driving Safety Additionally, Mrs. Smith has been in two auto recent auto accidents. It is evident that non merely is Mrs. Smith seting her ain life in danger, but the lives of others as good. Therefore, Mrs. Smith ‘s ability to drive must be assessed. This appraisal will include a vision cheque, cognitive damage appraisal, engagement of medical supplier, attending span, ethanol or drug usage and reaction clip. This appraisal and treatment will necessitate their engagement ; their sentiment in her drive accomplishments. Besides, unfastened treatment between the senior and household can frequently extinguish defeat and statements. Socioeconomic Status Mrs. Smith ‘s socioeconomic position ( an African American widow populating on a fixed income ) has a important impact on her attention. Socioeconomic standing has a direct relationship with attention sought after. Persons with decreased incomes are less likely to seek medical attention due to miss of income and insurance coverage and hence, medical issues are neglected and jobs become worse. Aged inkinesss are three times more likely than Whites to be in poorness. Furthermore, individual adult females are at an increased hazard for poorness, hence Mrs. Smith has two key hazard factors against her socioeconomic position ( Touhy & A ; Jett, 2010 ) . Prevention In position of the fact that socioeconomic position must be taken into consideration, preventive steps to guarantee booming wellness conditions must be taught and emphasized. As an African American, Mrs. Smith has an increased hazard for high blood pressure, cardiovascular and nephritic disease. It is of import that she is cognizant of preventive steps for these and other wellness concerns every bit good as go oning attention to command her preexistent conditions. Harmonizing to Moulton in Hypertension in African Americans and its related chronic diseases, proactive intercessions include increased exercising and decreased Na to forestall farther disease advancement with Mrs. Smith ‘s coronary arteria disease and prevent nephritic disease. Besides, in Mrs. Smith ‘s state of affairs, carbohydrate numeration and an overall lessening in nutrients high in sugar can assist command her insulin-dependent diabetes. These proactive wellness picks will assist decrease Mrs. Smith â⠂¬Ëœs health care costs ( Moulton, 2009 ) . Insurance Mrs. Smith ‘s insurance is unknown at this point. Further probe will uncover whether or non she qualifies for Medicare and/or Medicaid. Parts A, B, C, and D of Medicare should be investigated in order to happen out what will profit her most with her fixed income and demands. Touhy and Jett ( 2010 ) stated that Medicare A covers acute attention and short-run rehabilitative attention. This may be good to Mrs. Smith since she is presently enduring from first and 2nd grade Burnss which will necessitate dressing alterations and careful monitoring. Medicare B covers ‘costs associated with the services provided by doctors ; nurse practicians ; outpatient services ; physical address, and occupational therapy ‘ ( p 358 ) . Medicare C provides a list of locations and suppliers who are covered. If patients wish for their medical demands to be covered they will follow this list, if non they pay out of pocket for farther attention. In The consequence of transitioning to Medicare Part D drug coverage in seniors dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid ( 2008 ) Medicare Part D aims â€Å" to increase entree to prescription drugs †( Shrank, Patrick, Pedan, 2008, p. 1 ) which may in fact aid Mrs. Smith. Therefore, if applications are decently claimed, Mrs. Smith may hold the ability to hold medicines covered. Additionally, with Mrs. Smith ‘s demanding wellness conditions, such as coronary arteria disease, insulin-dependent diabetes and history of chest malignant neoplastic disease, extra aid with her legion medicines may significantly profit and increase her overall fixed income. Financial advisory is strongly suggested to be completed in order to observe if Mrs. Smith ‘s fiscal state of affairs allows her entree to Medicaid, which is a plan for those who have increased demands of medical attention with a significantly decreased fiscal state of affairs ( Shrank, Patrick, Pedan, 2008 ) . These federal aided plans can assist Mrs. Smith wage for legion medical conditions which require an enhanced sum of medicines, supplies, and physicians assignments ( Touhy & A ; Jett, 2010 ) . Fiscal Planing In add-on to the old suggestions for cut downing Mrs. Smith ‘s fiscal load, one could make a proper budget for her wellness attention costs. She has overdrawn on her account a few times late, hence aid with planning and equilibrating her histories is much needed. The kids of Mrs. Smith, no affair how far the distance, can assist her appropriately budget her money. This will non merely assist her cut down the excess charges from retreating, but besides extinguish the hiring of a more expensive fiscal contriver. Ethical and Legal Considerations The ethical and legal issues recognized for Mrs. Smith are hard and comprehensive. There are many determinations to be made sing Mrs. Smith ‘s approaching hereafter attention. She has several chronic conditions ; although manageable, necessitate particular preparation, medicines and therapies. Most significantly, Mrs. Smith and her kids need to pass on together and reason what attention will cover the complete good being of Mrs. Smith. She is approaching the terminal of life and imperative issues such as life will, power of lawyer and codification position demand to be determined. A life will and code position should be determined in instance of farther disease procedure or unpredictable unwellness. The household will be able to admit their female parent ‘s wants. Therefore, Mrs. Smith should take a power of lawyer, person with whom she feels comfy go forthing her wellness determinations to be made by in the instance that she is unable to make so. Deciding upon these lega l issues may ease the head of Mrs. Smith and her household as they make pertinent determinations of Mrs. Smith ‘s close hereafter. Residential Options Due to Mrs. Smith ‘s damaged place, it is imperative that she relocates every bit shortly as possible while her abode is under re-construction. Although it may non look to be the instance, Mrs. Smith and her household have many options for possible wellness attention installations. Another option for Mrs. Smith is to travel in with one of her kids into what is considered a â€Å" granny level †. Although patients with an African American background are more likely to partake in this type of life, Mrs. Smith ‘s kids live far distances off and this may non be ideal. Depending upon Mrs. Smith insurance, she can relocate to a skilled installation while her Burnss heal. Mrs. Smith will necessitate extended demands with diabetes control and proper healing of her lesions ; a skilled installation will supply this attention. However, Mrs. Smith and her kids have clip to program and discourse the life state of affairs for Mrs. Smith after her house is fixed because this, ev ery bit good, is a critical facet to her attention. Clearly, Mrs. Smith and her household have many surrogate options to take from. Once once more, Mrs. Smith ‘s options depend upon her insurance, nevertheless she can travel into aided life where people will be available to help on a day-to twenty-four hours footing while besides holding privateness and the will to make as she pleases. Another option consists of Mrs. Smith holding a place wellness attention nurse/aid visit her often, taking attention of her demands and guaranting the proper medicine and interventions are received each twenty-four hours. Finally, Mrs. Smith can partake is a theoretical account of attention called PACE ( Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly ) . This plan provides primary and acute attention, place attention, and nursing place attention while leting the senior to populate independently in the community ( Touhy & A ; Jett, 2010 ) . An of import facet to see while Mrs. Smith is taking a new residence is relocation emphasis syndrome. Harmonizing to Koe, Travic, and Acton ( 2004 ) resettlement emphasis is â€Å" anxiousness, depression, apprehensiveness, solitariness, and increased confusion †ensuing from a move to a new environment ( p. 3 ) . Although non all relocating experiences are negative, â€Å" sum of control new occupant ‘s experience, every bit good as the grade of support of the household in the decision-making procedure †are major subscribers to relocation stress syndrome ( Koe, Travic, and Acton, 2004, p. 3 ) . Decision Mrs. Smith and her five kids open-mindedly discussed with an interdisciplinary squad of medical professionals the best possible attention for this 81 twelvemonth old African American with multiple chronic unwellnesss and acute attention issues while populating on a fixed income. Through her kids ‘s planning and research, their female parent qualifies for specific parts of Medicare and Medicaid. The Smith household besides decided through an involved type action scheme, Mrs. Smith included, that it was clip cabs, coachs, or household and friends escort her on errands and activities. Mrs. Smith, while loath to make so, relocated to a skilled installation unit while her house was repaired from the harm during the fire. While retracing the house, the kids have agreed to financially back up alterations to their female parent ‘s house in order for her to populate in the community longer. These alterations include railings installed throughout the house, kitchen and bathroom points at an eye-level, approachable topographic point, grab bars in the shower, raised lavatory place with bars, and thresholds removed from room accesss. Mrs. Smith will be partaking in the PACE theoretical account of attention because this is recognized as a lasting supplier under Medicare and Medicaid. Mrs. Smith ‘s diabetic demands of finger sticks and right insulin injections were met through this theoretical account. Additionally, she was offered physical and occupational therapy while in the place. For the clip being, Mrs. Smith is successfully still populating in her community with the aid of her household and complex interdisciplinary squad.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Social Network Brings Harm Than Good.Discuss
Social network brings harm than good. Discuss. In this technological decade, social network has become an indispensable thing. No matter what we are doing, we will use it. A social networking site can be defined as an online service. Social networking sites include Facebook, Friendster, Twitter. It allow us to have an account to meet new friends, entertainment and moreover. Although there are a lot of advantages, but in my opinion, it brings more harm than good. Why am I saying that social network brings more harm than good?First and foremost, at social networking site, some people use fake information to meet new friends. They often use fake profile picture and personal information to cheat others so that they could become more and more friends in social network sites. Besides, we usually can notice there are many advertisement of online business in every site. Some of them are with fake information are used to scam the ignorance people to buy their items. You will realise that alre ady being cheated by them after you bought their items or you won’t even get your item after u make the payment.On the other hand, nowadays teenagers often like to post useless status on the social networking sites. They also comment on unmeaning status. It is such a waste of time to comment on these status rather than doing something meaningful. Besides, some of them like to post status or picture to earn â€Å"like†to show others how popular they are. Furthermore, some group will post picture or video with violence and pornography which are not suitable for the young.Some website will pop out some picture with violence or pornography which is not for the youth, but for the adults as well. Other than that, some people also like to insult other people by posting a status on these social networking sites. It often lead to unmeaning quarrel. There are some group with title like â€Å"I hate XXXXX†or â€Å"Fxxk you XXXXX†. These often begin with those unme aning quarrel. In addition, addicted to entertainment also one of the harm from social network. Nowadays teenagers usually addicted in online games.These is also a reason why the statistic of reading in our country is decreasing. They usually use out their free time to play online games rather than study. Besides, some of them even top up cash to the game which they playing. These will lead them to stealing. They will steal they parent money to top up in this game when they don’t have enough of money to top up. Another point which is worth to mention, chat on social network not only will bring us good, it also will bring us harm.There are many chat system on social network include Facebook chat, Skype, YY, RC and many more. Chat system not just bring us conveniences. Undoubtedly, it also will bring us the lacking of ability to communicate with others. That is because that when you using these chat system, you have enough time to think of what are we going to reply. In conclus ion, I agree that social network bring us a lot of conveniences, but it also bring us a lot of harm that we did not think of usually. So we should use it wisely so that we will not being controlled by social network.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on The Ethics Of Downloading Music
THE ETHICS OF DOWNLOADING MUSIC If I had a CD burner and decided to burn a few songs for some friends, all of whom live within an hour or so away by car, would I remember to stop and consider the ethical implications of what I'm doing? Probably not. So imagine the ease of exchanging some favourite tunes, stored as high-quality and quick-to-transmit MP3s on your computer, with people half-way across the globe. What are the ethical implications there? By law, downloading a digital song violates the intellectual property rights of the artist, or in most cases, of the record companies who contracted those rights from the artist. Swapping music leaves artists with little compensation for the reproduction of their work, other than a sense that their songs are providing pleasure and perhaps inspiration to music lovers. The players Napster, in 1999, was the first company to popularize peer-to-peer trading of music files. By offering a software application that allowed users to download MP3s directly from one another's computers, Napster became a phenomenon attracting over 50 million users to its music-loving community. But this phenomenon raised protests from many in the music industry. The Recording Industry Association of America filed suit against Napster in December 1999. Heavy metal group Metallica followed with their own suit in April 2000. Both RIAA and Metallica argued that Napster's software enabled people to download copyrighted work without permission, encouraging music piracy. The RIAA claimed that Napster members making copies of top-selling songs would avoid payment of royalties, which would result in revenue losses for the record industry. Some artists who originally opposed the idea of Napster found themselves changing their position on online music distribution. For example, Matt Johnson from the music group The The made a statement on the group's Web site describing how record companies marginalize... Free Essays on The Ethics Of Downloading Music Free Essays on The Ethics Of Downloading Music THE ETHICS OF DOWNLOADING MUSIC If I had a CD burner and decided to burn a few songs for some friends, all of whom live within an hour or so away by car, would I remember to stop and consider the ethical implications of what I'm doing? Probably not. So imagine the ease of exchanging some favourite tunes, stored as high-quality and quick-to-transmit MP3s on your computer, with people half-way across the globe. What are the ethical implications there? By law, downloading a digital song violates the intellectual property rights of the artist, or in most cases, of the record companies who contracted those rights from the artist. Swapping music leaves artists with little compensation for the reproduction of their work, other than a sense that their songs are providing pleasure and perhaps inspiration to music lovers. The players Napster, in 1999, was the first company to popularize peer-to-peer trading of music files. By offering a software application that allowed users to download MP3s directly from one another's computers, Napster became a phenomenon attracting over 50 million users to its music-loving community. But this phenomenon raised protests from many in the music industry. The Recording Industry Association of America filed suit against Napster in December 1999. Heavy metal group Metallica followed with their own suit in April 2000. Both RIAA and Metallica argued that Napster's software enabled people to download copyrighted work without permission, encouraging music piracy. The RIAA claimed that Napster members making copies of top-selling songs would avoid payment of royalties, which would result in revenue losses for the record industry. Some artists who originally opposed the idea of Napster found themselves changing their position on online music distribution. For example, Matt Johnson from the music group The The made a statement on the group's Web site describing how record companies marginalize...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Americas Standardization essays
Americas Standardization essays The idea that Intelligence can be counted is one that begun in 19th century. The belief that IQ-based standardized testing is an essential ingredient in an equitable process that establishes who is most deserving and who merits the rewards our society is an illusion. [Spearman, Terman, Brigham, Burt, Jenson and the Bell Curve ideologues Herrnstien and Murray believe in the four characteristics of biological determinist dogma. The contemporary educational system justly determines who the real Golden Children are focuses on them, and rewards them as the most deserving individuals within our American meritocracy. Gould and Singham refute the scientific characteristics of the biological determinists IQism. There are many ingredients, many of which are invisible in the Golden Child recipe in this country. Kienholzs assemblages are the result of a history of resisting standardization in the art world. Kienholzs assemblages are also examples of his anti-standardization perspective. There ar e many challenges students face in being exposed to a non-standardized education. My learning process in Core 11 mirrors that of one in The Dead Poets Society.] There are four key characteristics of biological determinist dogma. The Characteristics are Intelligence is innate, heritable, fixed and measurable. Professor Arther Jensen, a professor at the University of California Berkley, believed that certain racial groups were destined for the basement in society, not due to any environmental factors. Instead because of an apparent genetic shortfall. According to the Cognitive Elitists, Hernstein and Murray. Intelligence is innate and there exist a group of superior people that should be nurtured, pampered and taught to be the leaders of society. The eugenics movements passed laws to slow the flow of inferior breeds like, Italians, Jews and Poles. This was the result of the belief intelligenc...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Women status in islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Women status in islam - Essay Example But this status is not enough for the modern world. Before the advent of Islam, women were treated in a derogatory manner. They were considered mainly as possessions that could be transferred from father to son as inheritance. There was also a prevalent custom where women were burned alive as infants since every family wanted a man rather than a woman. With the emergence of Islam, women got an improved status within the society and thus practices were severely looked down upon. Women were no longer considered as possessions but rather as partners in a marriage. Islam ensured the women were treated with due respect and kindness. In this regard, Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on various occasions highlighted on the status of women. He preached that Muslim men should treat their women with respect and kindness. His attitude towards his wife is a testimony of his preaching. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) married various time for different reasons and in every case, he treated his wives very kindly. None of his wives ever used a negative comment regarding the Prophet (PBUH) and always referred to him the most praiseworthy manner. Before embarking on the argument of equality between men and women, it should be understood that equality does not mean that these genders should be considered same. They lie of different ends of the spectrum and thus both these genders have their own status. Islam has not made men superior over women; it just provides a clear distinction of the role of the men and women. While men are the breadwinners of the household, women are required to look after the household. The equality between men and women can be judged from a quote that Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: ‘All people are equal, as the teeth of a comb. There is no claim of merit of an Arab and non-Arab, or a white over a black person or a male over a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Globalisation and Crime ( Criminology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Globalisation and Crime ( Criminology) - Essay Example Human trafficking is concerned only with trading of people and it does not necessarily include any kind of movement of people from one location to another. The annual international trade in relation to human trafficking constituted an amount of $31.6 billion (Anderson, 2000 ).The most popular – and fastest growing – activity of the criminal organizations that operate transnationally is that of human trafficking. According to international convention, the concept of human trafficking is related to violation of the basic human rights. It is even subjected to directive in the context of the European Union. Human trafficking can be further be defined as transport, recruitment, harbouring, selling and even receipt of people through some exploitative means such as threat, fraud, deception and force. The main forms of human trafficking comprise sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, labour exploitation, internal trafficking, organ trafficking, and child trafficking. There ha ve been policies and strategies that have been set forth by various nations, some of which are effective, but still this issue is growing and gaining more importance in the current decade. The main focus of human trafficking is in the areas of the trafficking of women. The key countries that constitute women trafficking are United Kingdom, eastern and central European countries (such as Hungary, Belarus, Lithuania or Ukraine), South East Asia, Latin America, West and East Africa. The countries in which there exists a great deal of woman trafficking are Germany, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Netherlands, and countries in which such trade is moderately high are Denmark, Austria, France, Spain, Poland, UK, Switzerland, Bosnia, Poland and Kosovo. Each country where such trafficking is a very serious issue has different statistics, which cannot be considered as a reliable source to predict the consequences that some
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