Monday, September 30, 2019
Case Study of Jetblue Ipo
Initial Public Offering is the first sale of stock by a private company to the public. The private company as an issuer entrusts an underwriter firm or a group of firms who help the issuer going public. IPOs are such a big deal because any investors who hold stock at initial offering price would make a significant capital gain when the company goes public. Numerous cases of new issues have proved that investors rise in value. Mr. Schwartz (1999) listed some advantages of going public in his article.For instance, going public could be easy for the company to access to capital market to raise capital via equity, debt or convertible securities. This also increases the liquidity of the company. Moreover, employees could be more motivated if company made some employee benefit policy based on stocks. At last, going public could increase company’s goodwill. Thus it would bring more business. In the case of â€Å"Jetblue airways IPO valuation†, the motivations of JetBlueâ€℠¢s management board also prove the advantages listed.Based on some analysis of the case, three clear disadvantages reflect going public does not seem such fine. Firstly, the initial and ongoing expenses of going public are costly and multifarious. For example, before going public, some prerequisites should be fulfilled, and those prerequisites are complicated and costly. After going public, the company is not a private company and has obligations to disclosure annually or seasonally audited reports to public. Secondly, the management would over focus on their share price, not operations.To avoid declining share price is their primary objective, so they may forgo some business plan that can bring long term benefits but cause share price decreasing in a short time. Thirdly, going public via IPO is unreasonably difficult, so it may experience a long time. During this period, the company may lose some other opportunities. To conclude, going public is a crucial decision for a company. So Jetblue also is concerned with it because there are some negative influences on its industry.Jetblue faced challenges after the terrorist attacks of September 2011. So it was not a good time to go public, but Jetblue still could make profits and grow aggressively. Going public could be considered. Meanwhile, there were fewer competitors in the IPO market. This factor could contribute to success of JetBlue’s issues. The valuation is very important for issuing securities. Too much overpricing may reduce investors’ enthusiasm. Too much underpricing may leave more ‘free money’ and damage the interests of the company. There are three main methods o price the stock priceâ€â€free cash flow to equity method, free cash flow to firm method and relative valuation techniques. 1. FCFE FCFE method is not suitable for start-up companies or companies with an unstable capital structure. So in this case, FCFE method will be forgone. 2. FCFF FCFF is preferable for a com pany with a history of leverage changes, as its growth rate will be more stable than FCFE growth rate, which means FCFF is useful for startup companies without a stable capital structure. While valuating IPO, there are some key assumptions: terminal growth rate is 4. %; after 2010, the FCFF will constantly grow at a speed of 4. 5%. So the terminal value is 4,819. 24million. Here we can set the WACC (9. 21%) as the discount rate to calculate NPV. Share price is estimated around $30. To conclude, all the calculations are based on the Exhibit 13. The forecast in the exhibit 13 is reasonable because all assumptions are based on reality. The aircraft has limited seats, so the output per aircraft is unchangeable. The only way to increase revenue is to increase the ticket price. So the growth rate is the inflation rate is reasonable.Moreover, the length of forecast period is also reasonable. From 2009, the value of FCFF turns to be positive. 3. Relative valuation techniques. Relative valua tion is used to complement DCF analysis. The key steps are to identify similar or comparable investments and recent market prices for each and to estimate the initial value of asset. The method of comparable involves using a price multiple to evaluate whether an asset is relatively fairly valued, relatively undervalued, or relatively overvalued in relation to a benchmark value of the multiple.For this case of JetBlue, P/E multiple and EBIT multiple can be used as benchmarks to estimate the share price of JetBlue. P/E Multiple: In the Exhibit 3, net income in 2001 equaled to $38,537,000. So share price is $38,537,000*29. 12/40,600,000=$27. 6 EBIT Multiple: Business valuation= profits * EBIT multiple=38,537,000*20. 71=798,101,270 So share price= business valuation/ shares=$20 In summary, after those two valuations of the JetBlue’s IPO, we can recommend that the current price level ($26) is in a reasonable range.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Leadership: Invictus Movie Report Essay
Clint Eastwood, with his movie Invictus, notches another success which uses a rugby championship as a means for examining South Africa’s transition from apartheid. Two characters are highlighted: Nelson Mandela (played by Morgan Freeman) the new president of South Africa (1994-1999) and the captain of the Springboks, Franà §ois Pienaar (played by Matt Damon). After being locked up for 27 years, Nelson Mandela returns to politics. He symbolizes the new South Africa in which Black and White have the same rights, and the same opportunities. Mandela is calm and confident, but fully aware that his country could erupt into political violence with the least provocation. Mandela’s strategy is to embrace his opposition, a tactic that distances him from his core supporters. But some of his fellow compatriots disagree with that. The main example is when the chief of his bodyguards, who asked more men, refuses to work with the white bodyguards of the former president Frederik de Klerk. Part of being a great leader is setting your organization on a new course well before anyone else can see it. At that moment in the movie Nelson Mandela surprises his bodyguard by showing integrity and by saying: â€Å"The Rainbow Nation starts here. Reconciliation starts here. Forgiveness starts here too.†Black people think that they will get revenge from all the persecutions and all the acts of racism. But Nelson Mandela as their leader has already a new plan for his Nation: gather these two populations and create a modern country without racism. To achieve his goal he uses the white population symbol, the Springboks team, as the key factor. He demonstrates here his ability of visioning. Since South Africa is hosting the 1995 World Cup, Mandela throws his support behind the Springboks, who are representing the country. Those who don’t oppose the sport’s racist undertones have little regard for the team’s ability to compete on a world stage. Nelson Mandela uses the rugby team to change mentalities. The president wants the team to be good enough to impress other rugby nations. However it’s composed by a majority of white players who don’t care about Nelson Mandela’s plan, except for one, Franà §ois Pienaar. Pienaar is the captain of the Springboks, and has a role of leader. He wants to inspire his teammates with the use of the right techniques. â€Å"How do we get them to be better then they think they can be? That is very difficult, I find. Inspiration perhaps. How do we inspire ourselves to greatness when nothing less will do? How do we inspire everyone around us? I sometimes think it is by using the work of others.†Nelson Mandela, with these words, wants Pienaar to lead by examples and to become a source of inspiration for his teammates but also for his nation. Mandela says some of the most powerful words to achieve convincing Pienaar â€Å"This country is hungry for greatness†. Black people want to change the name of the rugby team, but Mandela shows up at the committee meeting. Mandela explains that removing the name and colors would merely reinforce the fears of the country’s white minority. Besides, he has a bigger plan: to turn a symbol of apartheid into a unifying force. Brenda Mazibuko knows that’s a risky move and she confesses her thoughts to the president â€Å"You’re risking your political capital, you’re risking your future as our leader.†Great leaders make the right choice, even when it is not the most popular one. A popular choice is what the crowd wants, what they understand. That’s why Mandela goes against the unanimity to impose his opinion, and he is not afraid of doing so: â€Å"The day I am afraid to do that is the day I am no longer fit to lead†Nelson Mandela’s answer to Mazibuko’s fear. He accepts his responsibilities and changes the majority’s opinion, especially when he talks about â€Å"Our enemy†, when he emphasis the importance of rugby for Afrikaners. â€Å"You elected me as your leader. Let me lead you now†. Franà §ois Pienaar receives the message loud and clear and tries to inspire his teammates by asking them to learn the new national anthem, by visiting Mandela’s cell, by taking them all over the country to play with black children. Some of them don’t want to go there and don’t want to learn this anthem. Pienaar has one sentence that impacts people minds: â€Å"Times change, we need to change as well†. That’s the start of this new fighting spirit that leads the Springboks to the World cup championship game. In this movie we have the feeling Pienaar learns from a great leader, Mandela, and he gets how to be one in the last game. All the team is defeated. The Springboks don’t succeed to stop Lomu, the best New Zealand player. Pienaar takes his responsibilities and leads the others to victory. â€Å"Come boys. What the heck are we doing? Lomu is killing us. Forwards, we must start scrumming. We must disrupt them at the first phase. Can’t allow Lomu to get the ball in space. He’s freaking killing us. But listen, if Lomu gets the ball, whoever’s there†¦ James, Joost†¦ hit the fucking guy, hold onto him, hold him. Help will come, help will be there. He may break my arm. He may break my leg. He may break my neck. But he is not going to get past me.â€Å" Franà §ois Pienaar becomes what Mandela was expecting him to be before the World Cup. He is the captain of the new symbol of South Africa. He has not only inspired his teammates but also all the white population. He is now an example for everyone. Francois’ last speech is an inspirational one. During the final game against New Zealand, Pienaar impresses his teammates with his communication skills and his energy. â€Å"Heads up! Look in my eyes. Do you hear? Listen to your country! Seven minutes. Seven minutes. Defense! Defense! This is it! This is our destiny! Kom Bokke.†These few words go way beyond the game. It’s not a normal game. He wants to help his new family, Mandela’s family which is composed of 42 million people. And they both achieve building this rainbow nation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Virtual Battlefield
Cyber warfare is an oncoming threat that will result in devastation. Cyber weapons can seriously hurt a country, and cause chaos that will match Pearl Harbor. Picture this- the click of a mouse could disable air traffic control screens, explode fuel refineries, steal valuable information, derail trains, and fry power grids. All capabilities of a cyberattack. And the bad news is the United States is not as prepared as it should be (for this new kind of warfare), and it’s happening right now. I can’t believe that the United States’ cybersecurity isn’t faring that well. We have known of the threat for a long time, yet defensive measures haven’t been taken. We seriously need to end this threat-our whole nation is at risk. Of course, CYBERCOM is a good start, but there really should be more members, which would result in a larger task force, and a stronger cyber defense. Not all cyberweapons are on a nation crippling scale, however. There have been some attacks on Google and Western Energy Companies, and investigators believe China was the aggressor, and Google declared Cyber War on China. Don’t believe that Google, of all companies, got cyberattacked? Check out But, of course, some nation-scale warfare has happened, to the United States, too! In April of 2009, cyber spies infiltrated the Pentagon’s Joint Strike Fighter Project, an approximate three-billion dollar project, and were able to escape with huge amounts of data that was related to the aircraft’s design. Again, officials point to China. Ok†¦maybe Google, but the Pentagon got cyberattacked? Check again! Although China seems to be the most active offensive cyber attacker, America isn’t just a passive victim. In 2010 Israel and the United States hatched the Stuxnet virus, which targeted Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities and basically destroyed thousands of centrifuges that were used to purify Uranium. Another cyberweapon hatched by the United States was the Flame virus. This virus seeped through the computers of Iran’s high-ranking officials, and collect information. Iran has been receiving some heat from the United States and Israel ever since they began their nuclear weapons program. Yet Iran has been on the offensive side too. A cyberattack shut down RasGas, a producer of liquid natural gas in Qatar, and destroyed valuable computer data at Saudi Aramco- the world’s most valuable company. US intelligence confirmed that the aggressor was Iran. Many more cyberattacks have happened around the world though. I’m not going to sit here typing every single cyberattack. Hopefully you get my main point- Cyber warfare is happening RIGHT NOW. Although cyber warfare can really only frustrate and confuse temporarily, a nation can not win a war if the other side has it. That is why not only offensive measures, but defensive measures, are important. Blocking a cyberweapon from destroying data could cost you the outcome of a war, and bring victory to your side. But cyber defense is hard. Now, the enemy is in virtual space and an attack could come from anywhere. How could we possible set a good defense for that? The United States is scrambling to get good new Cyber Warfare tasks. U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) is America’s Cyber offensive and Cyber defensive military command. CYBERCOM has many tasks that can detect and patch security holes as well as creating new network systems for the military’s computer systems. CYBERCOM engages in offensive warfare and work on cyber weapons that can be combined with Special Operations Missions, or airstrikes. This is the first step to the protection of our great nation, and will prevail over our enemies when it gets the support it needs. New warfare means new tactics. I think that education is really the best way to go with this oncoming threat. Educate the citizens through websites and other essays like this one, and they will respond. Some will understand computer code, some won’t. But that can change through education. Another advantage is that physical strength is no longer a requirement- and we can face this cyber security threat head-on, to protect our nation and its citizens. Again, cyber warfare is happening right now, and is a serious threat. We need to prepare for this new weapon, and prevent our nation from another Pearl Harbor.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Why I Want To Become a Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why I Want To Become a Nurse - Essay Example Hence, I believe that adopting nursing as a profession will not only provide me with my dream job, but would also enable me to polish myself as a human being. I chose to apply in the FHCHS Nursing Program for several reasons. Firstly, FHCHS is located at a distance of hardly ten minutes from my home as I live in Orlando. Secondly, FHCHS is one of very few medical centers that can provide their students with sound clinical experience because of its intrinsic association with the Florida Hospital. There may be other nursing schools with links with hospitals but I chose to apply in FHCHS in particular because of the global fame and recognition of the Florida Hospital and this Hospital being the biggest of above 350 facilities of healthcare all over the world that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has to operate. The mere idea of gaining practical experience of learning and working in the Florida Hospital fascinates me. Last but not the least, teachings and ways of this faith-based institution are consistent with my religious beliefs. I would not think of other institutions when I have got world-class education and experience at few paces from my home! I am very good at socializing with people. I am an extrovert. These qualities make me a very good nurse. I have always wanted to have a large social circle and a big network of friends. The level of association and the kind of rapport a nurse enjoys with his/her patients is conducive for long-term association between the two. Nurses can find best friends in their patients because they get an opportunity to attach to them on an emotional level. Thus, I would be making lots of friends as I work more. I want to do a lot of social work in my life. If I can bring a smile on a face with my sweet words and care, that makes my day! Nursing is one profession that would allow me to achieve that because I would be able to work for humanity. I believe that having an
Thursday, September 26, 2019
International Television - Product Placement Essay
International Television - Product Placement - Essay Example There is an ongoing debate across the world on the pros and cons of product placement. This essay presents some of the salient points in this debate. The concept of product placement is nothing new in the world of advertising. Nevertheless, its magnitude and pervasiveness had grown exponentially in the last 20 years. Members of the Entertainment Resources and Marketing Association form the core marketing personnel of the placement-industry. The Association also acts as the mouth-piece for the placement-industry. The mission statement of the Association contains the phrase â€Å"to highlight the practice and establish a code of ethics†. The association is doing an excellent job in highlighting the practice. But, this essay is primarily concerned with the â€Å"establish a code of ethics†part. Started in 1991, ERMA has had 16 years to design a framework of ethics. Conventional wisdom instructs us that high profits and elevated ethics don’t go together. Given the i mpressive profits made by the public relations industry, the implication is that ethics have been neglected. The rest of this essay will look at the evolution of legislations and industry standards pertaining to product placement, by analyzing and contextualizing government regulations and industry sentiments. Also, the United States is taken as the subject country of investigation as the length of the essay only allows limited scope.
Accommodating Differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Accommodating Differences - Essay Example Thompson in her â€Å"Summary of research†suggests that â€Å"there are different classes or different groups within classes for students of high, average, and low ability†(Para 2). Thus, some individuals within a class may be slow learners, some may be of average ability and some may be high-performers or gifted individuals. In particular, the paper focuses on the characteristics, challenges, opportunities and pedagogical approaches which may be experienced by students with varying abilities within a classroom. In a class with these different groups the slow learners may not have the required cognitive skills that are needed to perform simple task. In fact their cognitive level may be below the chronological grade for the specific learning behavior. In addition, such learners may take a longer time to grasp the basic skills that are needed to perform at an acceptable level. Whilst these elements may be true of the slow learner, this in no way defines who they are and their capacity to learn and achieve acceptable goals. The second ability level, the average learners are those who are normal in the sense that they are able to learn within their chronological grade level. Given a classroom of students, average learners are those who are able to grasp the concepts through the general methods adapted by the general educator. On the other end of the extreme are the high achievers who are able to cognitively grasp concepts at a rate that is exceptionally faster than the normal child’s ability to understand. Some special challenges that an educator may have to overcome to accommodate a group of students with mixed ability include the challenge of delivering one’s lesson to allow each individual to understand the intended objective. Because some students are slow to grasp they may be unable to grasp abstract concepts that the teacher is required to deliver. The teacher then is challenged to bring these abstract concepts to the level of all the students. At the same time that the teacher is trying to convey the lesson to the slow learners the teacher has to present some challenge to all the learners, thus simplifying an abstract concept for the benefit of the slow learner may cause challenges for the high performer. For example, lack of challenging activities may result in boredom and subsequent ly inappropriate behaviors by the high achievers if they are constantly kept back due to the teacher’s inability to communicate the lesson to them whilst simultaneously catering to the needs of the slow learner or the average learner. Special learning opportunities which may be offered by the presence of mixed abilities within a class include for the slow learner the opportunity to be motivated by the presence and the assistance of the high performers. Likewise, it is claimed that the more you teach the more you are able to understand the concepts (Thompson, n.d.). Thus, the high achiever is able to concretize what is taught by assisting the slow learner to grasp concepts that may be difficult for the slow learner or the average learner. One way in which an educator can accommodate each difference in a mixed ability group would be to incorporate the use of different resources within a lesson. For example, in a Mathematics lesson which involves the teaching of how to solve wor d problems. A teacher may begin such a lesson by utilizing dramatization to allow pupils to actually see the problems unfold before their eyes. The use of manipulatives in the drama is particularly instrumental in bringing understanding to the slow learners. Although this dramatization is to meet the needs of the slow learners, the average as well as the high achiever
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Mueller-Lehmkuhl GmbH Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mueller-Lehmkuhl GmbH - Case Study Example The present research has identified that the Mueller-Lehmkhul production process for instance consists of machining and tooling departments which are mainly set aside for producing attaching machines. The other step involves prototyping and designing for the attaching machines. Additionally, there is purchase of the required parts consisting of engines and motors which are cast to the specifications according to a local iron casting enterprise. The next step involves wielding followed by the process of assembling. Testing is also very crucial as it sets apart value added products from the non-value added products before they are sold. The fastener production process is characterized by three core steps that include-stamping, assembly and finishing. The existing cost system can be referred to as activity based costing or ABC which uses a number of mixes of volume based activities and other activities that are non-volume based. The activity based costing takes into account the fact tha t there are changes in technology and production methods and that there is a high rate of new products emerging into the market that has resulted in a change in overheads like IT and quality control. The ABC approach is able to allocate these overheads in a more accurate manner by classifying overheads into groups that are influenced by homogenous activities. The groups are called cost pools while the activities that drive the costs are known as cost drivers.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Swin flow Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Swin flow - Research Paper Example A person acquires flu when the droplets land into their mouths or noses (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]). The flu can be passed on before a person knows he or she is sick or when the person is sick. Majority of the healthy adults can infect others on day 1 before the symptoms can develop and up to five to seven days after the adult becomes sick. Children and people with a weak immune system can infect others for a long time. The disease is unpredictable and how severe it can be varies from one season to the other and it is dependent on the following things; (a) the type of the flu viruses spreading, (b) the amount of flu vaccine available, (c) the time the vaccine is available, (d) the number of people who get vaccinated, and (e) the conformity and compatibility of the vaccine to the flu viruses causing the illness. People at high risk of developing serious complications when they get the flu include the older people, pregnant women, young children and people with particular health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or asthma. Between 1976 and 2006, flu-associated deaths are estimated to be in the range of 3, 000 to 49, 000 people. 2009/2010 period witnessed the first flu pandemic in over 40 years. 2009 H1N1 pandemic caused 12, 000 flu-associated deaths in the United States (CDC). More than 90 percent of the H1N1 death occurrences were among people who were younger than 65 years of age. Seasonal influenza is estimated to kill more than 36, 000 people and hospitalizing more than 200, 000 per year in the United States (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID]) The following are some of the complications that are associated with flu; ear infections, bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, sinus infections, and deterioration of chronic medical conditions such as asthma, congestive heart failure and diabetes. Research institutes such as
Monday, September 23, 2019
Human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Human resources - Essay Example On the other hand, human resource management has previously been defined as the act of managing an organizations workforce and is responsible for attracting, selecting, training, assessing and the rewarding the workers (Price, 2011). The field of human resource management is also responsible for overseeing an organization’s culture in addition to its leadership as it ensures they comply with the set labor and employment regulations (Aswathappa, 2009). Storye provided numerous dimensions offering various difference points between the concepts of personnel management and human resource management. This paper reviews and discusses some of these dimensions in regards to how they have impacted upon an organization’s structure and culture. Storye suggested that personnel management and human resource management differ in terms of the nature of existing relations and their impacts upon organizational structures and cultures. According to him, the nature of the relations can be viewed through two different perspectives which are the unitarist and the pluralist views (Storye, 1992). In personnel management, which is pluralist, more focus is laid on individual interests than is laid on the group’s interest. The relationships that exist between the managements and the employees are merely on contract basis with one party hiring while the other performs duties (Koster, 2007). Alternatively, human resources management follows the unitarist principles with more focus being laid on the groups’ interest (Aswathappa, 2009). The organization’s culture and structures under the human resources management enables the sharing of missions and visions between the workers and the management. These missions and visions are associated to the goals of the organization and help in fulfilling the organization’s and employees mutual interests (Storye, 1992). This implies that the organizations wants are effectively satisfied by the employees whereas the employees’ needs are efficiently satisfied by their organization (Brumfitt et al, 2001). However, under personnel management, the top management of an organization yields utmost power with most of it being centralized (Storye, 1992). The top level managers have absolute power in the process of making decisions with their personnel managers not being allowed to air their views or take part in these processes (Koster, 2007). This impacts the organizations culture and structures since the employees may not have appropriate channels through which they can air their grievances or views regarding the organizations operations (Aswathappa, 2009). The human resources department allows for the decentralization of the control of an organization with power being shared out between the lower and middle level managements. This facilitates the empowerment of employees and the human resource managers within the organization as they play vital roles in making decisions that are shared and collective (Price, 2011). The process is done for the benefit of both the organizations employees and the management (Brumfitt et al, 2001). In other words, the human resource managements focus more on the approaches known as TQM which implies that an organizations management and its employees have shared authority and power
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Expectations Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free
Expectations Charles Dickens Essay In the first chapter of Great Expectations Charles Dickens creates a very intense image of the marshes. This is the first place he describes and he makes the marshes sound like a very creepy and bewildering place. Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles of the sea. The words marsh and the river makes the marshes sound like a very damp, muddy and bleak place. Also in the first chapter Charles Dickens describes the churchyard as Bleak place overgrown with nettles. Dickens also describes the churchyard s a very Overgrown and bleak place. A graveyard is supposed to be a happy place that revitalises and refreshes kind, happy memories. I think this implies that death is all around no matter where you look. I think this because everything is overgrown and not looked after and the nettles are killing all of the beautiful plants so death is also involved there as well. Dickens also says about the marshes in the first chapter And that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dykes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes: and that the low leaden line beyond was the river: and the distant savage liar from which the wind was rushing was the sea. This quote represents a dark and unforgiving future for Pip and that there is no one out there in the wilderness to care for him. The words leaden line imply a low lead river that looks like it has bars on and to Pip this makes him feel imprisoned. Also the words savage liar represents to Pip that he thinks that there is like a savage monster out there in the sea. Furthermore in chapter one Dickens explains the marshes as a long black, horizontal line and the sky was just a row of long, angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed. The words represent anger and danger and black utility, death and emptiness. Pip again feels like he is a prisoner to the marshes. At the start of the first chapter instead of Pip being one of the main characters he becomes the narrator of the story and starts talking about his family. So I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip. When Pip goes to the churchyard to the graveyard to look at their graves and imagines what his family would of looked like this proves he has a very distinct and creative imagination. My first fancies regarding what they were like, were unreasonably derived from their tombstones. Also Pip proves that there was a high rate of infant mortality and he also proves that there was a universal struggle to die. To five little stone lozenges, each about a foot and a half long, which were arranged in a neat row beside their grave, and were scared to the memory of five little brothers of mine who gave up trying to get a living exceedingly early in that universal struggle. Dickens in the first chapter changes from first person the narrator to third person and this s a very unnatural method to use. And that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry, was Pip. Also Great Expectations was serialised which means that he novel was brought out in chapters and because the novel was successful people kept buying each chapter each time they were released. When Pip goes into the churchyard to the graveyard so that he can go and visualise his brothers and his parents he meets a convict. The convict is starving and looking for food and basically anything and so he turns Pip upside town. The man after looking at me for a moment turned me upside-down. This is very strong and imaginative and you can clearly imagine it as he turns him upside down literally and metaphorically. After this the convict starts talking to Pip about his appearance. He talks about What fat cheeks you ha got: After this Pip says I believe they were fat, though I was at that time undersized for my years, and not strong. This gives the impression that Pip has never been fed properly and this make Pip sound innocent and vulnerable. Later on Pip makes a promise to the convict that he would bring some food and some wittles so that the convict could release himself from the chain around his ankles and the convict threatens Pip to make sure he does this.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Phi Phi Islands
The Phi Phi Islands The Phi Phi Islands are situated in Thailand, between the large island of Phuket and the western coast of the mainland. It is consisted by group of islands such as Phi Phi Don, Phi Phi Lae, Bidanok, Bida Nai, Yoong, Pai, the largest of which is named Koh Phi Phi Don, the only one with permanent inhabitants on. As a scene of a British-American film ‘The Beach in 2000, this island came to a worldwide tourist attraction. Unfortunately it was trampled by the Indian Ocean Tsunami on December 2004, when almost every infrastructure on the island is destroyed. Till now, most of this has been restored and reopened to tourists all over the world. As established a national park of Thailand in 1983, the islands feature beaches and limpid sea water are under the protection of local government. Tourism on Phi Phi, like the rest part of Krabi province, has developed only very recent years. It was so natural that only the most adventurous visited this island staying in only the most basic accommodation in the early 1990s. Nowadays, however, this island is becoming one of the major destinations for travellers in Krabi. Compared to other islands nearby, Phi Phi islands are still highly less exploded, where no road on the largest island while the others are completely free of human inhabitants. Hence visitors would enjoy their casual vacation without hustle and bustle. Based on its idyllic tourism resource, hiking, snorkelling and diving are the activities most highly recommended by every tourism agency company. Meanwhile fishing, rock climbing and cliff jumping are enjoyed among their specific participants. Tourism System Identification Before starting to write a management plan, it is necessary to identify resources of main destination. Resources include natural resources, culture, capital and organizations. Natural resources are climate, water, geography and scenery. Culture is about historic sites, cuisine, religion, local celebrities. Capital includes infrastructure, transportation and financing. Organizations are including public and private sectors. Natural resources Ø Weather Phi Phi islands are located between the Pacific and the Indian. It is located about 50 km from Phuket. Because of its location, the weather is around 24 °C to 32 °C year round. From November to March is the best time to visit the island. However, local people enjoy from June to August. The reason is the weather is good and there are less people or tourists in famous sites. Ø Water and Geography In 1998, over 150,000 tourists visited Phi Phi islands and most of them are foreigners (Seenprachwong, 2001) because the Phi Phi has 3S. These are Sun, Sand and Sea. The sea is very beautiful and clean so that it is famous for scuba diving and swimming. The island is composed by limestone. Hence, it has a significant view of reefs. People even can see it clearly under the water. Moreover, in the south-east of Phi Phi Lay, there is a place called Viking Cave. The cave is full of wall paintings. Most paintings are elephants and boats. It is shown that people has lived in Phi Phi Island long time ago. Phi Phi Don is the biggest island. In the north of this island, there is called Laem Tong. It is a best place for scuba diving. The plentiful, various marine ecology is the most important reason. Beaches such as Ao Lodalum and Ao Ton Sai are also good places for tourists to have a relax moment in Phi Phi. Ø Scenery As this report mentioned before, Phi Phi is part of National Park in 1983. In 1990s there are more and more people came to Phi Phi Islands. There are two reasons. The first is that it is near to Phuket. When Phuket is crowded by tourists, some people will come to Phi Phi for enjoying a relaxing and quiet time. The second reason is that the island, Phi Phi Lay is the scene of the movie â€Å"The Beach†. This place is Maya Bay. Some of tourists will come here to have sightseeing and have an adventure to experience sceneries of the movie. Culture Phi Phi island is belonged to Krabi Province. The population of Krabi is about 458,000 in 2000. 60 percent of people are Buddhists. 40 percent are Muslims. It makes the place with plenty of events. For example, there is a celebration called â€Å"Songkran Festival†during the Thai New Year. People will celebrate by visiting temples, sprinkling water on Buddha images for showing respects to Buddha, and sprinkling water on each others hands for wishing good luck. However, it becomes a water fight in recent years. Everyone is crazy to pull water on each other, no matter friends, strangers, or tourists. There is no exception that people will not get wet on that day. The report has mentioned there is a Viking cave in Phi Phi Lay. The cave is full of ancient paintings. It is a place to discover ancient history. Because paintings include many kinds of boats, Chinese boats and European boats, this place might be a transfer harbour of trade or a shelter for mariners from storms. Most of hotels and restaurants are in Tonsai. The famous cuisine in Tosai is seafood. People sell fresh seafood which is caught in the morning to attract tourists. After sun sinks into the sea, many nightclubs, bars are lightening up. Some restaurants only open in the night. Capital Ø Infrastructure Since 1990, the tourism development makes this place more and more crowded. This development lets the environment in danger. When the movie â€Å"The Beach†filmed here, the company destroyed the environment by cutting down trees and planted coconut trees, building villas. This made a huge impact while tsunami hit Phi Phi islands in 2004. Most of buildings collapsed, around 70 percent. Thai government even prohibited people go to the island. After July, 2005, most buildings were rebuilt by government and about 300 shops and events started again. After this natural disaster, Thai government started to plant trees which were big enough to reduce damages by natural disasters. Also, they proposed an agenda to protect local environment by limiting the development of hotels and setting up the limitation of tourists. However, local people were against this proposal. There were near 1500 hotels and restaurants opened again in the end of 2005. Tonsai is the main place of tourists. There is a tourist information centre. There are few banks in Tonsai which is located in Phi Phi Don. However, there are no banks or ATMs on the east coast. People only can change or withdraw money here. Ø Transportations Phi Phi is near to Phuket and Krabi, only 50 km. There are two ways to go to Phi Phi. The first vehicle is ferries. People can take ferry form Phuket or Krabi. It takes 90 minutes. Moreover, people can travel by ferries with their cars. However, it only has two ferries each day. The other option is by speedboats. Companies are private. There are some speedboats companies to choose. It is more flexible then taking ferries. People can even get to their chosen resorts to save more time. The inner roads of islands are small. The island is small, about 28000 km ². Hence, the most famous vehicle which people can use is bicycle. Organizations Ø Public The number of tourists is increasing year by year. It was 2.5 million in 1981, and 11 million in 1993 to the national parkas. Because of this, the government revises laws year by year to solve the environmental problems. Hence, the Thai government had a proclamation of the Enhancement and Conservation of the National Environmental Quality Act. Of B.E. 2535 (1992). This Act is about prescribing how to manage, plan and maintain the environmental quality. There are some features of this Act, such as the polluter pays principles, designation of environmental conservation and protection zone, pollution control zone and special working group. Besides, The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) had an event which could awake peoples awareness of environmental conservation. The authority used many ways to tell people how to protect environment, such as media, TATs publications and news. TAT also trained youth people to have knowledge of conservation. There were some campaigns which were held in tourist destinations calling people from every community to clean destinations, such as â€Å"Beautiful Phuket†project. Ø Tsunami Warning System Tsunami warning system is established in 1949. It is a system which can predict where tsunami happens and warn people to reduce damages. There are 26 countries and states joining the system. Thailand is one of members. However, before 2004, there is no detection system in west coasts of Thailand. That is one reason why Puket and Phi Phi Island had a huge damage. After this, the government set up the system in west coasts. In last year, there is about 14.09 million tourists from everywhere to Thailand. Ø Private After tsunami hit Phi Phi Island, a resident in Phi Phi gathered local Thais and foreign volunteers to help people to live. The group was called â€Å"Hi Phi Phi†. First, they cleaned up Phi Phi Islands. Then, they help local people to repaint houses, hotels and replant trees. They were essentials and hopes for restaurants, bars and guesthouses in Phi Phi Island to support their life. Now, their mission is complete. The group is trying to help local people for setting up charities. Charities can assist people to reconstruction and take care of orphans in a long-term. Phi Phi Island is the renowned and alluring tourism destination in Thailand and in particular famous for its diversity of diving reefs and habitats. The regular tour activities of phi phi island include scene watching, fishing, diving, rock- climbing, sea kayaking and spas. Management Plan Ao Nang Tourism Strategy Steering Committee (ATSSC) is the regional institution based on Phi Phi Island and specific in exploring new tourism attractions; promote the resorts and public the up-to -date tourism information. ATSSC is the leader in achieving a sustainable tourism destination by balancing the economic profits and environmental, local cultural value in a regional and global context. The main target of the committee in 2010 is to project the â€Å"Phi Phi Island Tourism Development Program 2010†. Objectives First, combining the amazing natural resources and unique local cultures to foster the tourism industry as a viable sector of local economy(Stynes,D OHalloran,C,1987); to position the Phi Phi Island as the preferred four-season tourism and sports activities destination and build a recognizable even yearning image of Phi Phi Island among the travellers around the world. Second, to encourage marketing initiatives that based on the existing tourism resources and comparative advantages to promote tourism development. On the premise of not ruining environment, the committee and local communities try to explore new activities to attract more staying visitors through promotion and provision of visitor infrastructures, tour services and characteristic events. Third, to ensure the program is the well-managed process (D. Stynes C. OHalloran, 1987), keeping the tourism development with the carrying capabilities of the host community, balancing the needs of the travellers and needs of the local residence. The locals which live in the prime tourism location have great impact on the tourism development. One of the key objectives of the program is to gain a greater level of acceptance and support of local people, teach the locals to understand the impacts of tourism on local economy as well as to facilitate efforts to upgrade the quality of service, amenities and attractions. Tourism is the pillar industry in Phi Phi Island, the committee aims to create more job opportunities and foster the investment through the program so as to enhance the viability and sustainability of local economy. Tourism development is a systematic project which requires corporation among economic development agencies, the government representatives and tourism agencies(D. Stynes C. OHalloran,1987). One aim of the program is to gain genuine willingness to promote greater cooperation as well as to share responsibilities among different social sectors to facilitate the feasibility of the objectives and achieve the best results. AlternativesGeneration To generate tourism development alternatives requires some integrated analysis of local resources and demands of visitors. The committee present three tourism development plans as below: Ø International Water Sports Centre: Phi Phi Island is the most attractive scuba diving destination in Thailand because its tranquility privacy and its bespoke diving pier.(McGeown K,2005) The uniqueness of diving in Phi Phi Island compare to other islands in Krabi province are the amazing limestone cliffs drastically straight jutting out of sea and down to the sea as well as its diversity of diving reefs and habitats. On the basis of advantaged natural resources, the committee schemes to build Phi Phi Island as the world renowned Water Sports Centre (WSC scheme) covers from diving, snorkelling to sea kayaking. Ø Wedding Paradise: Phi Phi Island is the delightful place that full of cultural flavor and receives much exposure from Hollywood movies. The Maya Bay is the original setting place of love movieâ€Å"The Beach†starred Leonardo Di Caprio and â€Å"The man with golden gun†with James Bond. The remarkable natural scenery not only attracts the big names, the alluring local culture also fascinates the new couples and honeymooners around the world. Infinite business opportunities hide in the pristine beach and crystal clear water, the ATSSC committee projects a theme tour that target on the young people, in particular the young couple to cater for the weddings and honeymoon services. This proposition will not only attract more staying visitors, but also drive development of related industries such as hotels, restaurants and bars and ferry industries. Ø Ultimate Wellness Sanctuary: The Phi Phis natural beauty is a large chunk of allure that attracts visitors from all ages. The path behind the Tonsai Village is the ideal position to view the classic landscape, and the long beach is super excellent for the view of sun rise and sun set. After one day trip, having an energy-enriching treatment is the fantastic enjoyable finish. Phi Phi Island is one of the origins of Thai Spa due to its rich natural materials include flower extracts, plants oils, sea weeds and fish-roe. The committee proposes to upgrade the spa treatment on Phi Phi Island to an upper class on the basis of pure natural resources and traditional massages. Transform the spa industry from the tourism supporting business to the core local industry. Alternatives Evaluation It is important to evaluate the tourism development alternatives from the feasibility analysis and impact analysis with the â€Å"Benefits and Cost†approach which link the tourism activities with the stability of local economy, the sensitivity of environment and social structure (Walsh, R.G, 1985). The tourism development program impact on Phi Phi Island as below: Impact on local government: local government takes the major responsibilities to provide the infrastructures and services that key to tourism development. Developing the new tourism project can push government to ensure the carrying capacities, infrastructures that to meet the anticipated demands. Phi Phi Island has rich storage of natural resources and its tourism has developed more than two decades, in particular the diving industry has grown maturely. The new tourism project will reduces the capital pressure of government and increase the government revenue through charges, sales and taxes. (Stynes, D.J, 2004) Impact on local business: The tourism development can directly serve the community benefit and drive related industries. The diving centre can attract more divers that stimulate the development of local transportation; the wedding services drive the growth of flower planting and the spa industry generate more job opportunities for skilled locals. However, the key point for tourism development is the more â€Å"self-sufficient†the community is, the better the tourism impact. (Stynes,D.J, 2004) For example, although Phi Phi Island has the fantastic diving sites, the necessary diving equipments are mostly imported from U.S, Europe and Australia. If these products are bought to mush from outside, the large amount of tourist spending will leak out of the local economy. Impact on environment and residence: The quality of environment and life may go up or down depends on the way of tourism development. (D. Stynes C. OHalloran,1987) Developing Tourism may generate more job opportunities and increase revenue as well providing more retailers, hotels and restaurants; however, from the other hand, it also mean the higher living cost, busier traffic and higher tax, and the possibilities of environmental damage. (D. Stynes C. OHalloran,1987) In addition, tourism is the season-sensitive industry, and tourism work are basically in service sector and most are seasonal, part-time and low wage. The local government and tourism committee should balance the benefit and cost of tourism development and make a sustainable and strategically tourism development plan. Tourism Development Decision Tourism development plan should consider the relative roles of social sectors and involve a series of decisions. The ATSSC project the tourism program from four aspects. Segmentation: Phi Phi Island is the alluring destination full of natural resorts and cultural mystery that attract the customers from all age groups all over the world. The target market of new tourism program is more precise based on the demographics and interests groups. Phi Phi Island is famous for its diving and sports, the committee aim to build the Phi Phi Island as the paradise of young people who love sports and beauty and are keen to spend indelible holiday in the pearl of Andaman Sea (Xinhua,2006). Place: The destinations of Phi Phi Island program include the Phi Phi Don, Phi Phi Lee and the group islands. The key to perfect the local tourism is to regulate and improve the transportations among the different diving sites and attractions by combining the ferries, fast boat with the traditional boats as the uniqueness of local tourism. Upgrade the local attractiveness: Ø Diving: The Phi Phi Island will offer the remarkable variety of diving possibilities to different degrees of divers from beginners to expertise. The local diving club will provide four-hour â€Å"Discover Scuba Diving†to the beginners that introduce the basic skills, the equipment instructions and accompany the divers all the time to experience the beauty of white coral bush. For the divers who want to be certificated divers, the club will advise them to join the â€Å"Dive the globe†program to take further experience in the most popular diving site the Ko Bida Nok to appreciate huge garden of star corals and incredible beauty of anemones as well to play with the clown fish. For the certificated divers and PADI divers, the club tailors the special activities and guides the divers in small groups in speedboat and long tail boat to experience the specialty dives. (Udomsak,S,2003) Ø Snorkeling and Sea Kayaking: There are abundant coral reefs systems around Maya Bay, Pi Leh Bay and Bamboo Island that fantastic for snorkeling. Kayaking some uninhabited beaches and Viking caves in other islands is also the glorious alternative to the adventure potentials and addition to the overall water activities. Ø Wedding and honeymoon service: No one can reject the wedding with serenaded by sea gull and waves on a tropical pristine beach, massaged by soft sands and warm water from Andaman Sea. The tourism committee closely connected with the local premium hotels will offer one-step wedding services with world-class hospitable residences, fresh and colorful flowers and lovely weather. There are variety wedding package can be chose, from economic to luxury all guarantee to leave you the scared and memorable wedding. Ø Ultimate pampering spa: On Phi Phi Island, the visitors can experience the authentic Thai style spa in the atmosphere of tranquility. Phi Phi Island has its favourable natural advantage that has a rich storage of natural material, however, the massage parlours lack the unified standards and regulations to ensure the quality of service. The committee projects a training program for all the massage parlours on Phi Phi Island include the security check of environment, quality check of massage products, the certification of skill workers; the program does not mean to standardization of the spa service, on the contrary, the committee encourage the massage parlours to offer the unique services on the basis of security. Expected results The program will be launched on May, 2010. In the initial period, the committee and local government will focus on completing the local infrastructures and improving the carrying capacities to satisfy the increasing demand of anticipated visitors. With the international water sports centre completed, the committee anticipates Phi Phi Island will become the key all-round tourism destination in Andaman Sea. Tourism is a systematic industry, the committee hope to take advantage of new round tourism development program to drive speed growth of local service business, transportation industry, generate more working opportunities as well to build the goodwill image of Phi Phi Island around the world. Sustainable Development Considering the graceful scenery given by earth, it is absolutely a competitive advantage for their tourism industry. However, small island ecosystem is less complicated hence fragile, even slightly changes may cause the collapse the whole food chain on this island. Without mentioning the careless visitors from every corner of the world, the most careful travellers would leave their trail by hiking, diving, or even simply breathing. For example, a new exploring route through jungle might threaten the small animals feeding on bugs and worms, would directly cause the drastically rise of natural enemies to plants. Under the circumstances of spices singularity of small ecosystem, such change is fatal. Then how to protect the environment while making fully use of its natural resources is the question facing to authority. First of all, environmental protection awareness should be engraved on everyones mind. There should be consideration of environment protecting details through every step of development. From raw materials of building infrastructure to conspicuous signs at which remind travellers and even emission control of transportation, are basically demand. Second, accompany with the increasing tourism industry, a comparative rise of local inhabitant is a vital strike on ecosystem. Instead of restricting people moving onto the small island, it is wisely for authority to encourage local resident moving out, meanwhile providing more convenient transport. At last, there should be a visitor quantity control system. Providing different promotion and differentiating events, to avoid a capacity overload, which would lower the customer satisfactory and even lead to environment disrupti on. Apparently, there would be a conflict between sustainable development and profit maximization, however, it refers to improve reasonably and continuously. Conclusion Based on the identification of Phi Phi Island tourism system from variety resources including natural, culture, capital and organizations, this report set up series of objectives. In order to fulfil fostering the tourism industry with a combination of natural resources and local culture, encouraging promotion on existing tourist activities, and developing local economy through providing more job opportunities and attracting investment, several alternatives were generated. But these alternatives may influence the stability of local economy and environment. After evaluation of the impacts on different aspects from those choices, this plan made appropriate modifications to accomplish goal. In the end, a successful alternative requires thoroughly resources analysing and impacts predicting with a sustainable implementation, so that achieve the initial objectives.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Tetanus :: essays research papers
Tetanus is a potentially life-threatening disease, usually associated with infected puncture wounds. Its common name is lockjaw, because a typical first symptom of the disease is stiffness and tightening of the jaw muscles. Tetanus has been recognized for centuries, even as early as the 5th – 4th century B.C., in the picturesque descriptions Hippocrates gave of the disease.      This infectious disease is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani, which is sometimes found in soil. It produces a toxin as it multiplies, that affects the nervous system. Some symptoms of tetanus are muscular spasms, and rigidity of the body, there might also be chills, headache, fever, and difficulty swallowing. If gone unchecked this toxin causes death.      When diagnosed a physician will sterilize the wound. If the Tetanus is already severe the patient will become hypersensitive and must be kept in a quite dark room. At this stage the doctors can only treat the symptoms, with muscle relaxants, antibiotics, and sedatives. The most important treatment for Tetanus is prevention, through a vaccine.      In the 19th century Tetanus was the concern of Joseph Lister in patients who had the disease in the hospital. A. Carle, G. Rattone, A. Nicolaire, and others recognized the Infectious nature of Tetanus in 1884 – 1888. The isolation of the bacteria and its toxin happened in 1889-1892 by S. Kitasato, T Weyl, and A. Nicolaire. S. Kitasato, L. Villiard, E. von Behring, and W. Schutz did animal experiments on both active and passive immunization in 1890 – 1892. Crystallization of the neurotoxin happened in 1949, because of L.
The Importance of a Sound Mind and Body in Homers Odyssey Essay
The Importance of a Sound Mind and Body in Homer's Odyssey     If one were to only have a very fit and strong body, lacking mental ability, to the Greeks it would not suffice. If a man were merely smart and intelligent, without much physical capability, the Greeks would feel that he is not complete. They believed an individual must have have both, a well developed mind and a fit body, not only one or the other, to be ideal. This is the Greek concept of a sound mind and body. In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus and Telemachos, had to have and/or achieve a sound mind and body, to be the successful and outstanding characters of the epic. The ones who lacked these quality suffered and paid for it in the end.       In Books one and two, Telemachos acts immaturely and lacks mental prowess. For this reason he makes his life difficult. Yet, Later on he matures and gains a sound mind. Telemachos certainly has a sound body. Menelaos says of how " amazes me quite, how this young man(Telemachos) looks exactly like Odysseus, strong and mighty"{page 47}. Yet, he is criticized by others, for the reason that he does not have a sound mind. In an attempt to stand his ground, in front of the council he breaks down into tears. Antinoos says "Telemachos you are a boaster, and you don't know how to keep your temper!"{page 24}. Telemachos made an attempt to express his valid point of view, and does so, but fails to convince the council. He breaks down in tears, showing how immature he really is. He does not have a sound mind. The council basked in this weakness and was even more critical of him at that point. Later on, he is told of how "(Tele... ...the other-hand, the ones that lacked either a sound mind or body, failed. Odysseus and Telemachos were able to find each other and win back their home, while the suitors and even Achilles were robbed of their lives. It is a fact that a sound mind and body were an essential ideal in the ancient Greek society and The Odyssey.   Works Cited and Consulted Crane, Gregory , Calypso: Backgrounds and Conventions of the Odyssey, Frankfurt, Athenaeum 1988 Heubeck, Alfred, J.B. Hainsworth, et al. A commentary on Homer's Odyssey. 3 Vols. Oxford PA4167 .H4813 1988 Homer (Translated by Robert Fagles. Preface by Bernard Knox). The Odyssey. New York: Viking Penguin, div. of Penguin Books, Ltd. 1996. Rengakos, Antonios. Homertext und die Hellenistichen Dichter. Hermes. Einzelschriften, Heft 64. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 1993.  The Importance of a Sound Mind and Body in Homer's Odyssey Essay The Importance of a Sound Mind and Body in Homer's Odyssey     If one were to only have a very fit and strong body, lacking mental ability, to the Greeks it would not suffice. If a man were merely smart and intelligent, without much physical capability, the Greeks would feel that he is not complete. They believed an individual must have have both, a well developed mind and a fit body, not only one or the other, to be ideal. This is the Greek concept of a sound mind and body. In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus and Telemachos, had to have and/or achieve a sound mind and body, to be the successful and outstanding characters of the epic. The ones who lacked these quality suffered and paid for it in the end.       In Books one and two, Telemachos acts immaturely and lacks mental prowess. For this reason he makes his life difficult. Yet, Later on he matures and gains a sound mind. Telemachos certainly has a sound body. Menelaos says of how " amazes me quite, how this young man(Telemachos) looks exactly like Odysseus, strong and mighty"{page 47}. Yet, he is criticized by others, for the reason that he does not have a sound mind. In an attempt to stand his ground, in front of the council he breaks down into tears. Antinoos says "Telemachos you are a boaster, and you don't know how to keep your temper!"{page 24}. Telemachos made an attempt to express his valid point of view, and does so, but fails to convince the council. He breaks down in tears, showing how immature he really is. He does not have a sound mind. The council basked in this weakness and was even more critical of him at that point. Later on, he is told of how "(Tele... ...the other-hand, the ones that lacked either a sound mind or body, failed. Odysseus and Telemachos were able to find each other and win back their home, while the suitors and even Achilles were robbed of their lives. It is a fact that a sound mind and body were an essential ideal in the ancient Greek society and The Odyssey.   Works Cited and Consulted Crane, Gregory , Calypso: Backgrounds and Conventions of the Odyssey, Frankfurt, Athenaeum 1988 Heubeck, Alfred, J.B. Hainsworth, et al. A commentary on Homer's Odyssey. 3 Vols. Oxford PA4167 .H4813 1988 Homer (Translated by Robert Fagles. Preface by Bernard Knox). The Odyssey. New York: Viking Penguin, div. of Penguin Books, Ltd. 1996. Rengakos, Antonios. Homertext und die Hellenistichen Dichter. Hermes. Einzelschriften, Heft 64. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 1993. Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
John Di Pippo :: English Literature Essays
John Di Pippo My name is John Di pippo and I'm 18 years old. I weight 153 pounds, and I'm about 6 foot. I have short brown hair, and my eye's are hazel. I see myself as an emotionally strong person. I usually never get worked up about things or overreact in most situations. I'm calm and mellow and don't let my worries get to me. One down side of me being like this is that it makes me lazy. I have a bad habit in just letting things go, and doing stuff the last minute or not doing it at all. Another one of my weaknesses is that I'm very shy around people I don't really know. I'm also quiet around people I don't know which makes me seem opposite of the way my personality really is. My sisters are the only real close family I have. My parents died when I was very young and my uncle was my legal guardian. I wasn't really close to aunt, uncle and cousins so I never felt comfortable. My sisters and I always felt like it was never our home and in a way it was true because it wasn't. When my sisters both turned 18 we moved out and got our own apartment. Most of the time we always got along, and I understood that I had to take of myself more then most kids would have to at my age. I learned to be a lot more responsible about many things. I lived with both of my sisters, Roseann and Stacy, for about 5 years, and Then stacey got married right after she graduated Iona. She now lives with her husband, Vinny, and has a daughter with another one on the way. To this day I still live with my older sister Roseann. I also have some aunts, uncles, and cousins that we still keep in touch with on birthdays and holidays. The schools I went to were, Jefferson Elemenatry School, Issac Young Middle School, and New Rochelle High School. It's hard to remember much from elementary school but what I do remember is when my parents died they left me back in 2nd grade. Other then that my elementary school days were okay from what I remember. I had a good amount of friends and usually stayed out of trouble. I still hang out with some people who I went to school with back then.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Muted Group Theory and the Little Mermaid
Muted Group Theory This topic is to basically analyze the theory of Muted Group and to see how it correlates with Walt Disney’s The Litter Mermaid. What is Muted Group Theory? Muted Group Theory was first proposed by Edwin Ardner and the theory is an attempt to explain why certain groups in society are muted which means they are either silent or just not heard. Edwin Ardener was an anthropologist who discovered that a group becomes mute due to the lack of power that is experienced of a group with a low status. Ardener then realized that this particular theory might form more of a gender perspective. Females are seen as being constructed differently and it is these specific differences that cause females to act in a different way as opposed to males. It is these reasons that women and minorities are to be considered muted groups because they are considered to be of a lower status than the dominant groups. Ardener called the theory the muted group because these muted groups are liken to black holes since they are muffled, overlooked and invisible (Griffin. 003: Prentice. 2005: Rogers 1978). It is not necessarily always seen that women are automatically muted or feel like a muted group but women believe that have no choice in order to â€Å"fit in†other than to change the way they act and talk. Women still live in a world that is dominated by men and women have taken the backseat to a man for centuries and depending on some cultures, the status of women and how they are viewed is not likely to change any time soon. There is quite a bit of power play being executed in environments where a specific group because of gender, race, or cultural background cannot be heard for who they are, but rather only by acting in ways they are reflective of who is â€Å"listening†, the dominant group. It would not be until Cheris Kramarae offered a different perspective to the Muted Group Theory. According to Cheris Kramarae, language is something that was constructed by man. The words and thoughts of women are ignored in our society. Because of this, it is difficult for women to express their experiences as opposed to men. Kramarae further stated that language does not serve all its speakers in an equal manner regardless of the culture because women are not as free as men to say what they want, when they want, and where they want. Men have a dominant control of society and how the members of society should express themselves. As such, different terms are used to describe tasks done by both males and females even when they are doing the exact same thing. It is also because of this that most sexual suggestions that are considered degrading are usually referring to women than to men (Anderson & Haddad 2005; Eckert & McConnel-Ginet, 1992; Epstein, 1986; Griffin, 2003; Prentice. 2005: West. 1983). In Order for women to express themselves to others, they must do so as how males express themselves (Epstein, 1986; Griffin, 2003; Rogers. 1978; Stets & Burke. 1996) One of Kramarae’s first published articles explains why women are perceived differently in the world and how they are not only less powerful but a group that does not speak a similar language as men. Men and women speak a different language. According to popular belief, at least, the speech of women is weaker and less effective than the speech of men. Our culture has many jokes about the quality of women’s speech . . .. Compared to male speech, the female form is supposed to be emotional, vague, euphemistic, sweetly proper, mindless, endless, high-pitches, and silly†(p. 82). The Muted Group Theory does not necessarily explain all the possible ways woman can interact to obtain their desired goals within an organization or something along those lines. Some women use certain techniques and tactics in which they are inherently strong and it is these particular women who can overcome the male power. One prime example of a women overcoming male power is the classic Disney Movie â€Å"the Little Mermaid†. When Walt Disney released its adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s â€Å"The Little Mermaid,†it had become a box-office hit. Yet, the movie captured the attention not just of young girls back in the late 1980’s but sociologists and anthropologists as well since the movie became a perfect example of whey they had termed as the â€Å"muted group theory. References Griffin, E. M. (1991). A first look at communication theory (3rd Ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ISU Communication Studies. (n. d. ). Context of communication. Muted Group Theory Information Page. (1998, April 8). Kramarae, C. (1996). Classified information: Race, class, and (always) gender. In J. Wood (Ed. ), Gendered relationship s (pp. 20-38). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. Kramarae, C. (1981). Women and men speaking: Frameworks for analysis. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Course Work on Effective Speech Writing Essay
The following three deliberative speaking occasions and their expectations are discussed here under: (1) Political Assemblies. In these occasions, the speech to be delivered by political candidates is expected to be informal because they are talking to the masses. It should be somehow emotional so as to be able to appeal to the emotions of the listeners. It is expected to be not too long so it won’t bore the listeners. The language style should be that of the common people. It should present facts and figures to convince people to vote for him/ her as a candidate and to lay down platforms or proposals of changes in the government. The speaker is also expected to identify with the listeners by referring to one’s own experiences that will relate to their experiences. (2) Sales Presentation. The type of speech in this speaking occasion presents a product or service and it tries to persuade and convince the listener-customer to buy. Thus, the speech is expected to be informal, brief and concise, quiet emotional and attention-getting. It must provide evidences to explain and support the benefits of the product or service being promoted and it must also make a comparison and contrast between that product or service and that of a competitor to illustrate that the product or service is far better than others. (3) Legislative Speeches. The speeches delivered in legislation are expected to have a high degree of formality. These are lengthy and have a low emotional intensity. They must present data to prove the claims on the positive benefits of a bill if it is passed into a law. The speaker should also form a sense of identification with his listeners so as to persuade and convince them to believe in what he or she believes is true and right. The three general types of ceremonial speaking occasions and the expectations in these occasions are explained below: (1) Acceptance Speeches. These are delivered when an individual is given an award or recognition for a job well done. The acceptance speech must be formal, brief and direct to the point. It is a little bit emotional especially that the speaker will have to express his or her feelings of gratitude and happiness over his or her receiving the award or recognition. It might have supporting materials such as citing one’s work but it should dwell on the expression of thanks to those who have given him or her the award or recognition and to the people who have helped him or her achieve that. (2) Introduction Speeches. The speech of introduction is delivered when a person comes to deliver a speech and the audience is to be prepared in listening to him. Hence, it is the task of the introducer to arouse the interest of the audience towards the speaker. It should be formal in tone, brief yet succinct. Most of all, it should grab the attention of the listeners. It also needs to present the speaker’s background as well as the qualifications and expertise to explain why he or she was chosen to be the speaker for that theme or topic. (3) Speeches of Tribute. The speech of tribute is delivered to express praise to a person during his birthday, oath to office, retirement and even death. The emotions involved in this speech would depend largely on the occasion. If it is for the person’s birthday or oath to office, it has cheerful tone. But if it is during a person’s retirement or death, the emotions range from pain to sorrow to regret because there is a need to say good bye to that person. This type of speech is expected to provide accurate information about the person being spoken of. The following are the types of speeches that combine ceremonial and deliberative speeches. The expectations for each of the types are included. (1) Commencement Addresses. A commencement address is always delivered on the graduation day of students. Thus, a speaker is expected to motivate and inspire the graduates to reach their goals, dreams and ambitions in life. The tone of the speaker should not be too formal, nor should it be too long. A 45 to 60 minute talk would be enough. A rather long speech might bore the graduates. The speaker is not emotional but he expresses his congratulations to the students who are graduating and his happiness for their achievement in life. Facts, figures and statistics also show support to whatever he will try to persuade his listeners to do such as becoming productive citizens of the country and of the world. (2) Commemorative Addresses. To celebrate an event or occasion, a speaker needs to speak about the background of the person or event being celebrated. It should present the achievements of the person or the positive after effects of that event so as to inspire and motivate the listeners to achieve their dreams. The speech ought to be formal, not lengthy and full of emotions. (3) Keynote Addresses. In a seminar or a conference, almost always there is a keynote address. This type of speech is expected to explain the theme or the subject matter of the seminar or conference as well as to give an overview of the entire proceedings of the seminar or conference. This is when the participants become interested, inspired and motivated to listen to the lectures and discussions during that seminar or conference. A keynote address must have formality, is lengthy, and there is no emotional attachment involvement. The speaker, of course, should be objective in presenting his speech. Former President Richard Nixon’s farewell speech on August 9, 1974 is an example of a combination of the forensic, deliberative and ceremonial speaking occasions which include the five elements of decorum. These elements are formality, length, intensity, supporting materials and explicitness of identification. Nixon’s speech is not too formal because it was delivered to the White House staff with whom he has been familiar with and also to his supporters who were always there by his side. In fact, they are seen laughing once in a while to something he has mentioned in his speech. Its length is not long because it took about 18 minutes for him to finish his speech. This is probably because Nixon considers it â€Å"spontaneous†. It is very emotional considering he has to say good bye to the people who has worked for him and who has supported him. It involved emotions of pain, sorrow and regret for leaving a position he has occupied for the past five and a half years. The supporting materials he included were the experiences of his father, his mother and the former president Theodore Roosevelt or â€Å"T. R. †These supporting materials especially about his father and mother tell the audience that he is just an ordinary person like them. Thus, he explicitly identified with his listeners. As for the expectations of the situation, the speech of Nixon is expected to be emotional, to clear him out of the accusations made against him and his administration, to inspire and motivate the White House Staff to continue with their work and to express gratitude and recognition to the Staff for their untiring efforts to serve the government. Based on analysis, these expectations were fulfilled in Nixon’s farewell speech. During his speech, Nixon was teary-eyed and he even shed tears. He defended himself and his administration by saying â€Å"We can be proud of it – 5 ? years. No man or no woman came into this administration and left it with more of this world’s goods than when he came in†¦ Mistakes, yes. But for personal gain, never. †He ended by saying â€Å"Thank you very much. †References CAS 100C Lesson 11 Commentary Nixon, R. (1974, August 7). Nixon’s Final Remarks To The White House Staff. April, 2008, from http: //www. watergate. info/nixon/resignation-speech. shtml.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Observation and Coaching Essay
Much about conversation depends on the rapport between the two parties. As Clutterback explains in his title; â€Å"Creating a Coaching Culture,†the quality of a relationship is determined by the rapport between the two parties in it. A good rapport implies a healthy relationship and therefore a learning conversation. Observations of people in conversation can reveal a great deal about the rapport between them and therefore an insight into the relationship they share. The tell-tell signs will be the body language of the parties in conversation as well as the brief moments of silence they share as part of their conversation. After all 55% of communication is done via our body language and facial expression (Albert Mehrabian – Best Practice in Performance Coaching). Though this task required the observation of the conversation of just a group, I must admit that I had to observer a number of groups in a number of settings before focusing on one. As I carried out these observations, the variations coupled with the literature on the subject brought out very many insights into the power of conversation and the enormity of the focus necessary, as a coach, to execute successfully, a learning dialogue. Staying in control is the ultimate goal and even when going down a slippery slope it is you who would have to determine how far down the slide goes. The Setting In my observations, I discovered that social environment in which the conversation takes place can have a great deal to do with the nature of the conversation. Cafes make for very fast light hearted conversations without much pause or reflection from either parties whilst parks and restaurants allowed for a slower pace of conversation with lots of moments of silence presumably accompanied by deep thought and reflection. The setting also shows disposition to certain types of body language expressed by the parties in conversation. Perhaps it is to do with the pace of the conversation or perhaps the social attributes of the environment. People I observe in parks and restaurants tend to demonstrate more closeness and rapport through their body language than those in cafes would. There were longer moments of eye contact, heavier body contact and more varied facial expressions. This is by no means a scientific conclusion on the impact of the conversational setting on the conversation we have as people but however a cue to pay greater attention to the setting of a coaching session with a coachee. I would imagine, the first step in taking control of the conversation is allowing the setting to be conducive to the objective of the coaching session. As I have noticed in the brief observations I have had, the right setting will allow for the right expressions from both parties and therefore facilitate the depth of the conversation. The danger however is to ignore the casual attributions which may then arise from the cultural dispositions of me as a coach and from the coachee as an individual towards their actions in relation to the environment. Casual Attributions in Conversation The reason why I would like to discuss this at this point is because it plays a lot in our reading, perception and judgement of conversation and particularly body language. The casual attribution theory discusses the reason for the judgement we make on why a person behaves or behaved the way they did. Psychological research on attribution has primarily studied the cause of another person’s behaviour. Attributions are ubiquitous in everyday life and as such are easily overlooked in our everyday conversations. As a coach, I believe it is very important to be acutely aware of the attributions we may place on a coachee’s behaviour or reactions and endeavour to keep an open and non-judgemental mind. This will allow our conversations to be much more forthcoming. Heider (1958) purports that perceivers (a role we would occupy as coaches) seek to attribute fleeting behaviour to stable dispositions. They tend to trace action to dispositions of the actor. In other words, a coach might be caught up in making judgements on the actions of the coachee based on the knowledge the coach has gained on the coachee as a person. This tendency was designated by Ross and Nisbett (1991) the fundamental attribution error. When I reflected on my preference to attribution, I noticed that I have a tendency to gravitate towards individualistic attribution tendencies. As a result to be a better coach it necessitates me to actively seek to balance this. Conversation is a two way process and therefore, awareness of the attributions that the coachee might be predisposed to will be vital. Sometimes the coachee’s action might be a reaction to your action(s) as a coach. It will be important to understand the coachee’s attribution tendencies thereby enabling you not only to manage your expressions (body language) but also to fully understand any actions by your coachee. Miller’s research in 1984 provided evidence that understanding of cultures is imperative in understanding the underlying reactions in conversation. Cultural psychology separates the cultures into individualistic and collectivist with both groups showing different tendencies of attribution. I therefore feel understanding your coachee’s background will be an important step towards achieving a learning conversation. Body Language and Rapport Alebert Merhabian’s theory suggests that when people have a rapport between them, they tend to have mirrored body language (Best Practice in Perfomance Coaching; Carol Wilson p129). This was explicit in my observations. I could tell when both parties exhibit mirrored body language such as leaning towards each other and laughing in tandem. This was a clear sign of the rapport between the parties, a significant indication of the intensity of the conversation. It is my belief that a good rapport between two parties in a conversation will make for easy listening enabling the listener to move up the levels of listening (Carol Wilson p21). The rapport between the two will aid in â€Å"cocooning†the conversation and allow for very minimal distraction. As a coach the objective will be to aim for intuitive listening thus developing a good rapport with the coachee is a step in the right direction. As Carol Wilson explains in her book – Best Practice in Performance Coaching – coaching only truly happens when we listen at higher levels i. e. intuitive listening. On the other hand, contrasting body language in a conversation can be indicative of a negative rapport between the parties in conversation. This might lead to a strained and unproductive conversation. Sometimes, it is necessary to stop and look at the underlying factors for the lack of rapport as opposed to â€Å"forcing†the situation by actively trying to mirror your coachee’s body language. This can at times go right down to the setting or environment or possibly the casual attributions tendencies of both individuals. Summary & Conclusion Much has been written about communication and conversation. It remains a powerful tool in coaching and therefore the greater the understanding we have as coaches, the better we will be able to use the conversation tool in executing our duties. In this report, I have looked at the impact on communication and conversation of three different aspects and seen how I can better prepare myself as a coach. My observations were a great cue towards helping me understanding communication. To attain my ultimate goal of always remaining in control, there are a good number of things to take into consideration. A lot in this report has focussed on the non-verbal aspects of the communication process. During the observation, I remained a good distance from the target group and therefore could not match the verbal communication to the non-verbal patterns that I observed. I am intrigued to know what the relation between the two will be. Are words a reflection of feelings? Are we more likely to control our physical expressions to avoid â€Å"causing a scene†in a public place? Are we mostly acutely aware of our surroundings? These are questions to which we might have no answers but can be used as important guides in analysing and controlling conversation. I have learned a great deal from these observations to make me a better coach. It is very important to understand and interpret non verbal cues in conversation paying particular attention to our own personal attributions as coaches that we might bring into the relationship.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Rowe vs Wade
Roe vs. Wade: â€Å"The Court today is correct in holding that the right asserted by Jane Roe is embraced within the personal liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It is evident that the Texas abortion statute infringes that right directly. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more complete abridgment of a constitutional freedom than that worked by the inflexible criminal statute now in force in Texas. The question then becomes whether the state interests advanced to justify this abridgment can survive the ‘particularly careful scrutiny' that the Fourteenth Amendment here requires.The asserted state interests are protection of the health and safety of the pregnant woman, and protection of the potential future human life within her. But such legislation is not before us, and I think the Court today has thoroughly demonstrated that these state interests cannot constitutionally support the broad abridgment of personal liberty worked by the exist ing Texas law. Accordingly, I join the Court's opinion holding that that law is invalid under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment†(Craig and O'Brien 17).On January 22nd, 1973 Justice Harry Blackmun gave the decision of the Supreme Court in regards to the Roe vs. Wade case. A single pregnant woman, â€Å"Jane Roe,†had filed a class action lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas criminal laws regarding abortion, which stated having or attempting an abortion except on medical advice for the reason of saving the mother's life. Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff's legal name, was young and recently divorced at the time, searching for a way to resolve her unplanned pregnancy. â€Å"No legitimate doctor in Texas would touch me,†stated McCorvey. There I was – pregnant, unmarried, unemployed, alone and stuck†(Craig and O'Brien 5). The plaintiff's argument was that prohibiting abortion at any time before the actual birth of the chi ld violated a woman's constitutional right to privacy. The Supreme Court eventually agreed with Mrs. McCorvey, finding it justifiable that abortion under the fourteenth amendment was legal. A person's right to privacy had to now extend to the extent of choosing to have an abortion. Although the Court did not discuss the issue of when life actually begins, abortion became legal under this landmark Supreme Court decision.The debate over whether abortion should be legal had taken place in America for several decades, and the final decision rendered by Roe vs. Wade resonated through all of America, influencing society even to this date. Until inside the last half of the nineteenth century, when it was criminalized on a state by state basis across America, abortion was legal before approximately the fourth month of pregnancy. In early colonial medical guides there were recipes for instigating abortions with plants and herbs that could be grown in one's garden or easily procured in the wo ods.By the middle of the eighteenth century, commercial items were widely available that served the same purpose. Unfortunately, these drugs happened to be often fatal. The first statutes regulating acquiring an abortion, passed in the 1820s and 1830s, were actually laws for poison control: selling of commercial abortion agents was outlawed, but abortion itself was not. Despite these newly appointed laws, the business of abortion was booming by the 1840's, this included the sale of illegal drugs, which were advertised very widely in the popular press.However, this trend would change. Following the 1840's, abortion was under attack, and a string of anti-abortion laws would be put in place until the twentieth century. The pushing force behind this criminalization of abortion was doctors and the American Medical Association. The AMA was founded in 1847, and the elimination of abortion was one of its top priorities. To the growing movement, â€Å"abortion was both an immoral act and a medically dangerous one, given the incompetence of many of the practitioners then†(Joffe 28). However, the opposition went beyond these factors.To many people during the later years of the nineteenth century, abortion represented a threat to the traditional role of a woman in society and the authority of males. Abortion was a symbol of unrestrained female sexuality, expressing self-centered and self-indulgent qualities. The AMA's Committee on Criminal Abortion portrayed this view blatantly in 1871. â€Å"She yields to the pleasures – but shrinks from the pains and responsibilities of maternity; and, destitute of all delicacy and refinement, resigns herself, body and soul, into the hands of unscrupulous and wicked men†(Joffe 9). As the twentieth century arrived, over forty states had completely outlawed abortion unless the mother's life was in direct danger, and many others had put strict regulations in place. However in spite of these emerging laws, people stil l acquired abortions illegally for decades until the Roe vs. Wade decision. Frederick Taussig performed a study in 1936 which showed an estimated half million illegal abortions. In 1953, ninety percent of all premarital pregnancies ended in illegal abortions, and twenty percent of married couples had abortions performed.Illegal abortions climbed in numbers to over a million a year until Roe vs. Wade. Although the law dictated the morality of having an abortion, it was still a considerable part of society. The Roe vs. Wade decision was first argued in December 1971, after being before the Supreme Court for over a year. Although this decision would be later analyzed and debated over, little attention was brought up in regard to the case at the time. Chief Justice Burger opened the Court's oral arguments, and each was given only thirty minutes to present their case and answer questions.Sarah Weddington, who was the main lawyer defending Norma McCorvey argued that abortion needed to be legalized farther than the case in which a woman's life is in danger. The physiological and psychological factors could also warrant an abortion. However, seeing as how the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over public policies, Weddington decided to argue that current abortion laws were in violation of the fourteenth amendment. The fourteenth amendment guarantees the right to liberty without due process of law, and the decision made this right extend to a woman's right to choose to be pregnant.During her closing argument, Weddington stated if â€Å"liberty is meaningful†¦ that liberty to these women would mean liberty from being forced to continue the unwanted pregnancy†(Craig and O'Brien 17). Jay Floyd, the assistant attorney general of Texas, then presented his case arguing against the legalization of abortion. Weddington had argued that many women had no other choice but to have an abortion because of their social and economic status. However, Floyd contended that d espite external factors, every person has free autonomy. Now I think she makes her choice prior to the time she becomes pregnant. That is the time of her choice. It's like, more or less, the first three or four years of our life we don't remember anything. But once a child is born, a woman no longer has a choice, and I think pregnancy then determines that choice†(Craig and O'Brien 17). Thus, Floyd argued, the fourteenth amendment had not been violated since pregnancy was a result of free will, and liberty was not denied. If pregnancy was a conscious choice on the woman's part, then abortion was not warranted.Another crucial chapter of the Roe vs. Wade trial was the debate of when a fetus is given constitutional rights. In response to Texas' harsh abortion restrictions, Floyd explained that Texas â€Å"recognized the humanness of the embryo, or the fetus†and had†a compelling interest because of the protection of fetal life†(Craig and O'Brien 17). However, there were many flaws with this statement in the court. First, the topic at hand was not the constitutional rights of embryos, but whether abortion was in violation of a person's right to liberty.Second, there had been no state law or court decision which had equated abortion with murder. Thus, Floyd's argument amounted to nothing more than personal opinion, with no relativity to the case. The Court needed to ensure the constitutional rights of the woman before protecting the â€Å"rights†of the unborn fetus. The fourteenth amendment as it is stated applies only â€Å"to all persons born or naturalized in the United States,†and if the Court granted the fourteenth amendment to unborn children, it would be an extreme case of judicial activism (Craig and O'Brien 20).After two years of listening to both sides, the Supreme Court finally came to a decision. The right to privacy and liberty was broad enough to include a woman's choice for abortion. The fourteenth amendment granted personal liberty, which includes a woman's body and unborn fetus. Although the Court determined the legality of abortion, they left the responsibility of how to implement it to the states themselves. Like Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka, a general decision on constitutionality needed to be left to local governments to be implemented. Where certain ‘fundamental rights' are involved, the Court has held that regulation limiting these rights may be justified only by a ‘compelling state interest,' and that legislative enactments must be narrowly drawn to express only the legitimate state interests at stake†(Craig and O'Brien 27). Although the court did not provide any precise methods of how to implement, it did set vague guidelines regarding the developmental stage of the fetus.A mother had the choice to abort the pregnancy in the first trimester, but limitations were put in place on abortion where it is allowed in the second and third trimesters if the right to liberty and privacy of the mother was still preserved. The immediate reactions to the Roe vs. Wade decision were heated and extreme, as abortion is still an extremely controversial topic. The president of Planned Parenthood hailed the decision as â€Å"a wise and courageous stroke for the right of privacy, and for the protection of a woman's physical and emotional health†(Craig and O'Brien 32).However, there were just as many people in agreement with the decision as its opposition. Cardinal Terence Cooke came after the Justices, claiming that â€Å"whatever their legal rationale, seven men have made a tragic utilitarian judgment regarding who shall live and who shall die†(Craig and O'Brien 32). Roe vs. Wade launched the abortion issue to the national level, making it a source of political and social arguments in the years to follow. On the tenth anniversary of the decision, The Washington Post discussed its effects on society. â€Å"[Roe vs.Wade] has dr astically changed the Court's image, fostered wholesale attack on ‘judicial activism' and mobilized thousands of supporters and opponents of legalized abortion in a debate that has reshaped the political terrain in many states and, at times, has virtually halted the work of Congress. Few court decisions have had a more immediate impact on such a personal aspect of American life†(Craig and O'Brien 35). The Roe vs. Wade decision has affected all parts of society, from the role of the Supreme Court to the level of humanness of an unborn fetus.Many scholars regard this case as the â€Å"Dred Scott†of the twentieth century. The decision ignited a national debate on judicial activism, and the part the Supreme Court plays on public policy. No other case similar to Roe vs. Wade has had such an extreme impact on public law. Furthermore, the case has drawn an imaginary line, diving the whole country into the pro-life or pro-choice category. Almost immediately following th e decision, a great deal of pro-life and pro-choice groups were created, and abortion has remained a prominent political, social, and moral issue.No other subject has resonated importance in American politics. Finally, the Roe vs. Wade outcome is considered a symbol of the changing society during the 1970's. In the past, abortion was highly restricted and frowned upon, mimicking the conservative society. However, as the 1970's marked a rise in liberalism and the need for individual freedoms, the Roe vs. Wade decision to make abortion legal mirrored this willingness to embrace a person's autonomy. Roe vs. Wade marked an unforgettable change in government, politics, and society.Works Cited Craig, Barbara Hinkson and David M. O'Brien. Abortion and American Politics. Chatham, New Jersey: Chatham House Publishers, 1993. Hickok, Eugene W. Justice vs. Law: Courts and Politics in American Society. New York: Free Press/Macmillan, 1993. Joffe, Carole. Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Pr ovide Abortion Before and After Roe v. Wade. Boston: Beacon Press, 1995. Olasky, Marvin. Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America. Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, 1992. Rubin, Eva R. Abortion, Politics, and the Courts: Roe v. Wade and its Aftermath. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987.
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