Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Explain How Children and Young People’s Development Is Influenced by a Range of Personal Factors Essay
There are many influences which can affect a child’s development, personal factors include influences before and at birth, health status and disabilities, sensory impairments and learning difficulties. Genetics affect a child’s development at conception where the sperm and egg determine sex, height and eye colour. If the genetics are faulty this can affect the child’s health and development. During pregnancy the mother needs to ensure that she does not smoke, drink or use drugs, all of these things are made up of toxins which can severely harm the baby which in turn can cause complications at birth and possible delayed development later on in life. Genetics can also cause addiction, depression and low self esteem if these problems run in the family. Difficulties throughout the labour such as anoxia (lack of oxygen) can cause difficulties for development. Read more: Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors essay If a child is born with a condition or develops one later on in life this may affect their development. They may have an illness such as asthma which affects their breathing; this can be caused by living in highly polluted areas or living in a house with people who smoke. Due to this the child may be less likely to play and be active with their friends as their condition may restrict them from doing this, this may mean that the child has a lesser understanding of appropriate group interaction or team playing. Learning difficulties in a child can cause a developmental delay; this means that the child finds learning difficult. Disabilities, sensory impairments and learning difficulties can affect children’s and young people’s development, their disability may affect one area of development which in turn can affect another the development of another area, meaning that overall development cannot occur, this can lead to low self -esteem and self-worth.
Ideas to Reduce Corruption
To reduce the level of corruption in our countries, we, as the next generation, must take the lead to make our desire of change public to each government. At the same time community leaders must be used to spread the idea of a progressive change. As my first step to do so, I will convince my sector leaders to increase education in people, youth and childhood, starting from just a few and going up in the whole country. After that, work with the example to other countries and make the change visible and desirable.Corruption is such a major problem in our societies. For bad luck we are daily inmerse in cases where we have to face corruption and of course we will do it depending on the circumstances. Sometimes I think that we already live with corruption as a normal standard of living, how sad! Therefore instead of falling into the trap we should in first place think about what we are doing and the repercussions that my acts are going to have in a long term.The first step is to think if there is correct way to do things, maybe it is difficult but our problem is that we feel comfortable and we forget that we can think outside the box. We should start letting our voices out, and let them be heard, and of course even if it sounds as a utopia, the change starts with us and how are we willing to face this new challenges. It? not going to be easy and we are not going to be able to change it in one day, but slowly, with a noble heart, with passion and desire, small actions can do gigantic things. Last but not least in my particular case, if someday I become what I’m wishing for; Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador from that position at least I will be able to give back a little bit to my community and to the agricultural sector, and I will try my best to do things right for my country.To reduce corruption is not an easy thing, it requires a lot of effort, but the change should begin by getting people to acknowledge that corruption is not something distant, allusive only to politicians or people in power; sadly, corruption is enrooted in the culture of our countries at all levels; it is like cancer that spreads slowly killing ethical and moral values of citizens. I think the only way to stop the vicious circle of corruption is to raise the awareness among people that corruption must not be considered a common practice, corruption is a problem and the solution is in the hands of each and every one of us.It is in us the responsibility to say no to corruption, to build a better and fairer society. What I propose is to make a social awareness campaign which encourages people to say no to corruption, starting with simple things, like respecting the lines, not offering or receiving bribes, respecting the traffic police, acting with empathy, etc. ; the idea is that this small wins in the day to day activities of people set in an environment in which the vicious circle of corruption can be broken. This campaign should frame its message in civic pride a nd the desire for improvement, something like: â€Å"I am Latin American, and I say no to corruption†.This has to be visual; I can imagine employees putting an emblematic sign of the â€Å"I say no†campaign in front of their desks just to let know others they are not willing to make bad businesses, or policemen wearing I say no badges to let know drivers they won’t accept bribes and posters of â€Å"I say no†in court rooms. Of course this campaign should be based on real actions, such as the improvement of laws, severe penalties for corrupt public functionaries, education in schools and colleges of ethics, improvement of public services, among others.Even though such movement can be sponsored by the government, an ONG, the private sector or any group, the most important is that it must get the support of all constituencies and the message must really get to touch the mind and hearts of people to achieve the impossible, to be part of something special, a nd to create an â€Å"I say no†culture. The best way to change Latin America is to supply basic needs in the communities. Until the basic requirements of healthcare, nourishment and safety are met the more complex building blocks that would inoculate the communities from corruption cannot be achieved.To do this we need to raise the wealth and more importantly distribute it fairly. A simple solution is not available, little steps must be taken to improve governmental entities, private sector, education with example and action. Tactics like micro financing can develop the most vulnerable communities and igniting a culture of respect for those well off individuals who do affect those communities in a positive way. Whenever the benefits of taking the corrupt road outweigh the costs of taking it, the propensity of corruption among public institutions will be present in a significant way.Today in Latin America most our countries are left at the mercy of the only effective deterren t for corruption we are able to find: ethics. And as effective as they are, history has proved us that relying on them is not only naive but kind of irresponsible. So in order to get rid of this awful disease, more is needed to generate change. Going back to the first idea, individuals make their decisions considering the costs and benefits of a particular path. So in order to influence such decisions, incentives must be created to increase the benefits or increase the costs.Either way would prove to be an effective way of influencing behavior. Then what we could do is try to increase the costs of corrupt behavior. How can a society do so? By modifying their current institutions, in order to create a set of rules applicable to everyone, and creating enough will power to enforce this rules. People talk a lot of the role of culture in the corruption dilemma. Nevertheless institutions also help to shape culture. In order to change culture we first have to change our institutions.Which institutions to change, and how to change them, goes beyond the scope of the writer’s intention, but an opinion is clearly defined towards changing institutions as a way of eliminating corruption in our countries. First of all we need to act as we talk; we need to really step up and act upon our words on a positive way. Secondly we need to rely on education and values for our society. We need to start positively influencing our inner circle (Family and friends) and start working our way out (Work ad society). Corruption is something that must be change with time.You cannot change it in one week or month, even one year. The Key is culture and institutions and strong competitive market. In order to eliminate corruption you have to prepare the coming generation with new values, habits and thinking so you begin to create an environment of respect for the society.. The second thing is that it is necessary to guarantee and strong State that applies the law, but also an institution that develop new way to be more efficient and respond to a highly demand society.Finally, it is need to create incentive for people, if the people's needs are not fulfill are not totally fulfill, t is likely to fall in corruption; one way to avoid this is with real competitive market, and if there is a unfair situation, the State has to react. Assuring this three ideas it is more probably you can have a better society in the future generation. To reduce corruption in Central America we all have to do our part. If you get to deal with a corrupt person, always do the following two things; first don't comply with the corruption. Then speak up. Don't keep it to yourself. If you keep quiet, the corruption will never stop. Doing these two things, one person at a time, will make this a better region for everybody.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Fearless Is The Absence Of Fear Essay
Last night I heard my own heart beating sounded like footsteps on my stairs.Six months gone and I’m still reaching even though I know you are not there.I was playing back a thousand memories thinking about everything we have been through.Now I’m pacing down the hall,chasing down the street.Flashback to the night when you said to me â€Å"Nothing is going to change not for me and you.†But not before I knew how much I had to lose after the tragedy. Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.I close my eyes and the flashback starts I’m standing there on my front door waiting for you to knock my door.Its the quarter after one and I saw you walking towards my house with a pink evening dress you was wearing.With ruffle and roses on it.You was smiling towards me with a really sweet smile.She is a young lady that taught me the meaning of the real life,she educate me in each lesson that I’m feeble of.She was born Catrina Ariana Florence.She was known as Catie.Her eyes are blue and always sparkling just like the Georgia stars in the sky. But as for me,I would love to call her Ms Florence because it sounds like flower.One day,I remember tears streaming down my face when my step-father and mother left me at the roadside.They said that they don’t want to raise me anymore and I was so sad because I have no relatives and siblings.I slept at the bus stand with tears waiting for my fate.It is raining and I was badly wet and cold. In the morning,Ms Florence saw me and asked what is happening she took me to her house she said that she will take me as her adopted child.I was startled and so happy to hear that starting from that day,I belongs to Ms Florence. In a mundane morning,Ms Florence when out to the outskirts town to buy some groceries,books and some goods.Unfortuntely, when she was driving on the road there was a Ferrari which is speeding towards her.Ms Florence was gone and not been founded, I was so sad.If she was out there,If she was somewhere and if she was moving on I will be waiting for her ever since she have been gone.I just want the way it was before, I just want to see her back at my front door.Three days later,Ms Florence was lying in the hospital for two months. Someone have met her and brought her to the hospital and I was right there beside her all summer long. Music starts playing like the end of a sad movie It is the kind of ending I don’t really wanna see.Beause it is a tragedy and it will only bring me down,now I don’t know what to be without you around.Ms Florence used to teach me how to cook, so since she was in hospital,I used to cook by myself. I cleaned the house and did the household chores.Everyday I will study two hours a day,I want to make Ms Florence proud of me when she woke up. Maybe I’m just a girl on a mission but I’m ready to fly.I need to be fearless in life.It is the absence of fear. All the things that I did was from Ms Florence,she is my mother and my teacher.Two months later,Ms Florence was confirmed by the doctor that she was strong enough to go home. Now,Ms Florence has getting well and we undergo our lives as usual.We are getting stronger now from things they never found.Life might be bigger but we were faster and never scared. Ms Florence taught me that no matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. The lesson I have learned the most often in life is that you’re always going to know more in the future than you know now.Thank you Ms Florence for being a good mother and a really worthly teacher for me. The way you walk,the way you talk it’s beautiful and wonderful don’t you ever change.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Health and Safety Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health and Safety Management - Essay Example However, such implementation is a far goal that needs to be built upon by first applying other small quality and safety management techniques and policy to achieve a level where one can say that we can do without accidents. Being the Safety Manager it would be difficult to set an unrealistic goal that requires more time and expertise to achieve. Hence I disagree with such an ostentatious goal for a high hazard chemical firm. However, it is not impossible but it needs to be worked upon slowly at first through various other policies. If a high goal is set it would first affect the workers they would be put under extreme pressure that might hinder their work efficiency as well as effectiveness. They need to be properly trained and equipped with the knowledge of undergoing and implementing Zero Accident policy which cannot be achieved in a year’s time let alone derive the desired result of no accidents in a year. This would also require full collaboration and cooperation of all de partments of the firms and their time to first identify and lay down their activity maps and flows and then identify the hazardous situations then look for alternatives and safe ways in doing them and finally implementing the change. All of this is a tedious task that requires various phases and is not likely to be done in a year’s time.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Project management ip 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project management ip 4 - Essay Example Every project should be easily accessible, this is because investors are very busy people. Therefore, they may not want to waste a lot of time. In connection to this, it is advisable that before a company decides they best place to locate a project, they have to make sure that it can easily be accessible (Van de Vaar, 2012). For any kind of project to begin, all the materials should be available and they cost known. This is because investors like knowing a rough estimate of the project. In connection to this, it is necessary that before the meeting all the estimated costs of the materials should have been known (Alonso, 2009). Some projects needs a lot of money for them to be completed. In regards to this, it is not easy estimating how much a project will cost. However, it is recommended that the project team should be able to put a rough estimate of the project. Since the meeting is coming earlier than planned, the project team members can look at some of the projects which are similar to the one they are intending to put up so as to have a rough estimate of the project (Brent, 2012). One of the factors that leads to successful completion of a project is human resource. The project team should ensure that they have identified various personnel who will work on the project. This is because the senior executives would like to know whether the project will be finished on time or not (Alonso, 2009). In opportunity analysis, the total cost of the project is a very important factor to be given priority over the rest of the other factors. As a result, much of the resources should diverted towards knowing how much the project will cost. While, the resources allocated for identifying the location of the project can be minimized (Brent, 2012). Allocating more resources towards estimating the cost of the project will affect many things. For example,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Managerial Decision Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managerial Decision Making - Research Paper Example PART 1 Formal research and business proposal are terminologies that bear commonalities and differences. While formal research is defined as conducting an experiment under proscribed conditions so as to find out, reveal or assess a hypothesis, business proposal is defined as the methodical collection of information with the objective of arriving at the most appropriate solution for a given problem or situation. Each one possesses its relevance and significance in the business scenery, while still they have characteristics that are distinct to each other. This paper will, therefore, seek to establish these attributes by establishing the commonalities and differences between the two terminologies. It will also establish the capabilities of one in disparity with the capabilities of the other. Later, it will explore the effects of human resources subcontracted on leadership performance and employee commitment. Commonalities The two terminologies, ‘formal research’ and ‘ business proposal’ have both commonalities and differences. One aspect present in a formal research is that it does not necessarily need presentation with a heading or subheadings. This feature is also present in a business proposal. Further, the two have an introduction and a conclusion. Whenever a business proposal is being written it is usually vital to carry out a formal research on the souk as it helps in determining the feasibility of the business (Dess, 2007, pp. 32-47). The two possess basic structural apparatus that describe them as a proposal manuscript, whose introduction part provides background information on the problem, whilst the problem report part clarifies the need to tackle them. Both business and research proposals have to be composed after prompting. Accordingly, all proposals are official and written replies to a call for proposals. Differences Although the terminologies bear similarities, they also possess differences in their general rationale, object ives, sections and functions. While formal research constitutes an academic nature, business proposal is more of practical oriented. While formal research bears no financial implications, business proposal possess financial implications as one of its main features. A business proposal is usually aimed at spotting a need that has to be dealt with so as to generate either financial reserves or greater proceeds, whilst financial implications are irrelevant in formal research. Further, formal research does not concern itself with generating conclusions that are feasible. Business proposal is projected for a vendor and usually spots the objected market and shows how custom results can be distributed to purchasers in such market. The objectives of the two vary as formal research concentrates on discovering definite information that may assist the business formulate good decisions while business proposals regularly recommend new products or services, meaning the aims are mainly to generate money for the company. Whereas the formal research proposals frequently contain a theoretical tactic, the business proposals mainly bear a practical strategy on how to operate so as to generate money. The formal research is frequently completed to establish if the business should formulate alterations such as budget modifications. Whereas the research proposal establishes the general demand for
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Personal Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Personal Food - Essay Example My favourite pizza should be hot and soft with a combination of different flavours. I am very impulsive when it comes to buying pizza and I am unable to control to restrain myself even if I have eaten at home (Turim). This is because the moments that I ate pizza during my childhood days defined special relationships that have persisted until the modern day. This paper will discuss my special relationship with pizza, highlighting its symbolic meaning in my life. As highlighted above, pizza is not just any other food to me. The first time I ate pizza was during a family outing when my mother ordered a large pizza for the entire family. During a time when pizza was only a delicacy to the upper class, it was a special moment for me to share a piece of pizza with my family. Notably, we were still a struggling middle class family then, and the financial turmoil did not make pizza an everyday meal. Therefore, as a child, I had the ecstasy of eating my first pizza. It was an exciting feeling to share that large pizza with my entire family as a symbol of unity (Aronovich 48). In the years that followed, during my elementary school days, I was invited to many birthday parties where pizza was served. This led to a symbolic relationship of pizza with long lasting friendships that I formed during my childhood days. During the celebration mood of birthdays, I bonded with my childhood friends. Until today, we still share a pizza when we meet in memory of the good old days. This is one reason why I have developed a unique attachment to the pizza (Aronovich 49). During my high school days, teachers adopted a rewarding system in an effort to motivate students who performed well. The top three students in every class had a rare opportunity of sharing a pizza during the lunch hours. I remember working hard each term so that I could emerge in the top three categories in anticipation for the
Globalization and State Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Globalization and State Power - Essay Example The South keeps on widening, it cannot be gainsaid that the political and military repercussions of this schism can significantly change the complexion and direction of inter-capitalist competition that, in turn, urn alter global politics in a manner that could change the nation-state as we now know it to be. In political society, we have governments (parliament the s; the legislature, executive, and judiciary), dominant political parties ("leftist", "centrist" and "rightist"), the police, the military service, penology, welfare service, central banks and national treasuries. The Constitution, of course, since it codifies the ideological will of political society. Many social foundations and educational institutions fall in this sphere. Included, too, are international global associations (World Bank, International Monetary fund, World Trade Organization, ASEAN, NATO, Warsaw Pact), etc. Civil war and war between states fall in this chunk. The capitalist nation-state is an embodiment of political society. The nation-state still clings to the throne as the prime cultural institution in contemporary political society. It is, however, fast losing grip. The end of the Cold War and the powerful wave of Globalization vastly reconfigured the world order. We have seen the end of the old colonial world and the rise of Islamic militancy in the mid-90s. Post-Cold War globalization served to unleash many pent-up social contradictions previously held hostage by the Cold War, like racial and ethnic clashes both within the North and South alike. The most profound changes, however, are in the economic realm. Globalizationâ€â€the accelerated expansion and heightened contradictions of international capitalism - is bound to intensify even more within the decade. (Hirst & Thompson, 2000) Vicious international competition among highly industrialized capitalist nation-states animates the world order. Economic globalization was mainly corporate-led.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Market report about Opening a restaurant in London, ON Research Paper
Market report about Opening a restaurant in London, ON - Research Paper Example an easy accessible location and would be catering to all the age groups; families, business associates and students having a varied menu at reduced prices so that more people are able to approach it, increasing the business in the cosmopolitan area at Hyde Park. Furthermore, restaurant will have an innovative interior depicting infusion of cultures, warm ambiance as Tina has always been keen on designing interiors and also has an inclination to drafting appealing profile menu, so these will be the strengths of the restaurant. One of the weaknesses of the restaurant would be that as the company is new, Tina would need management teams that can run business effectively. That would be a difficult for Tina to approach candidates and select competent employees, provide training and supervise them to work effectively in the restaurant. The second weakness could be there would not be any relationship with the customers and the company is starting from scratch to establish a niche market so they have to build loyal customers. The biggest opportunity for Tina to build business was on the fact that she won a lottery ticket that she could use and invest money to start the restaurant business at a high profile place, which was her passion and dream. As a new restaurant, the company has the opportunity to attract people through promotional schemes and other marketing medium. The threat lies on the competitive forces that exist within the locality posing a threat to the new business. As restaurant business is new, Tina would require time and patience to establish a reputed name for her business. The locality where the business is set consists of a chain of reputed restaurants that may act as a barrier for customers to approach the new restaurant. The restaurant would be located at Hyde Park so there are three main competitors in the market, Montana’s Cookhouse, Kelsey’s and Boston Pizza. A competitive analysis of the three restaurants shows that there are certain
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Fashion Trend in 2009 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fashion Trend in 2009 - Case Study Example The study "Fashion Trend in 2009" concerns the 2009's trend. The target market segment for the new designed products is middle market. The availability of cotton products in the middle class are only nominal due to the high production cost relating to the organic cotton products. Through direct purchasing and synthesizing of raw material the production cost can be signicantly reduced. This will help to focus on the middle market through appropriate pricing policies. â€Å"The purpose for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing/sales program to focus on the subset of prospects that are "most likely" to purchase your offering. If done properly this will help to insure the highest return for your marketing/sales expenditures.†The in-store presentation of the product will be in a sophisticated manner by using attractive presentation and display tactics. There should be separate section for the Y’s Passion series in the shop. The section will be made attractive by us ing glass tubes and light presentation. The product range should be of T -shirts clothing which is suitable for both men and women category. It will be available in 5 elegant colors. Comfortably fitting and skin friendly material renders a cool effect by easily absorbing the sweat. Products with unique and attractive modern designs which are affordable even to the middle class consumers, are the main feature of ‘Y’s passion’. Overall image of the product should be differentiated by its color and trendy designs and the fact that it is made from cotton. 100% pure organic cotton. The product must carry a new brand name followed by the company name. The brand name for the product range is "Y's Passion" which is a catchy one that will evolve interest and immediate attention. Following are the images of Y's Passion range products: Product features: "100% organic cotton, Color: Jersey Crewneck, 4 plus color fastness, shrinkage is less than 4 %." (Packing Bags: Organic Cotton T-Shirts). Product features: "Avocado Green", "Size: 5.8-oz. standard weight, double-needle stitching, cover-stitched hems, durability." (Visualize World Peas Women's Organic T Shirt Avocado Green). Product feature: Made from 100 % pure organic cotton, yellow haze, size: XL (100% Organic Cotton - (eco dad) T Shirt Yellow Haze XL (Extra Large)). 5. Dominant trends: The color of the products is its main interesting factor and attractive stylish rare color combinations are used for the product design. The environment friendly, high quality, perfect fit, highly stylish, comfortable, very insignificant percentage of shrinkage, fine fabric strength, textures and color fastness are other attractive features of the product. Moreover, the increasing popularity of cotton garments is an added advantage to the product, "Sales of organic cotton are set to triple to $2.6 billion at the end of 2008 from its current $900 million level as retailers and brands make significant new commitments to sustainable textile and apparel production." (Mowbray). 6. Country of manufacture: The manufacturing country for the product is India because of the availability of organic
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Hawaiin Punch Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hawaiin Punch - Case Study Example The marketing division plans on using social media so as to change from child centered focus to the actual purchaser (mothers). The company plans to reach to the Hispanic mothers, African American mothers as well as the multicultural and urban children. Through social media, the company can market its innovated brands. The new brands developed by the company were inspired by Hispanic flavors which also attracted the non Hispanic households. Since the new flavors were solely sold through the finished goods network, social media can be employed to increase their awareness on the end users as well as well as the indirect users. Currently the Company’s sales stand at $66, 262,410 realized through analog and print media. Through employment of social media, the soft drink company can later on evaluate the impact of social media from its sales volume. Social media advertising has the advantage of causing longer shelf time effect at lower costs. The company incurs extra allowances on payment of shelf space on new flavors with varied package sizes to the retailers. The allowance prices for the juice drink aisle and juice ranged from $15,000 to $250,000 per SKU for supermarket space. The amounts rise to $2.8 million allowance-cost per SKU for a national supermarket distribution shelf space. Based on the U.S per capita beverage consumption, the carbonated soft drinks consumption in 2004 were a solid 52.3 gallons which constitutes 28.7% market share. In 2004, the Hawaiian Punch producing Company made a profit of $66,262,410 which was majorly realized through analog and print advertising. Currently the product has a 94% brand recognition in the USA which is an exemplary figure in reference to its market share. In 2004, the company incurred 78% expense in cost of goods sold which was significantly contributed by its huge advertisement costs. The company has bears an enormous task in evaluating its brand equity, its direct consumers and trade consumers.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Top of Form Essay Example for Free
Top of Form Essay The U.S. has gone through many transitions in its short history. The pre-Depression were born before 1930. People born in this era as young children saw their family go through very difficult hardships. They are mostly conservative and are typically not concerned about materialistic things but instead concerned about health, aging, financial, and personal security. People born in the Depression era were small children who were instilled into them the importance of rationing, saving, morals, and ethics. People in this generation value family togetherness, but are slow to embrace change. People born in the baby boom era, typically born 1946-1964, were all about self-expression and optimism. Today, many of the baby boomers are workaholics working well into their 50s and 60s. Many people of this generation are more tuned in to technology. The golf channel would cater to a lot of people from this generation due to the fact nearly all of them are retired at this point. Golf is one of those sports that you dont necessarily need to be in tip top shape to partake in. Product managers of the golf channel would cater to people of this generation by showing golf as a leisurely activity that can be done on a Sunday afternoon. The approach the golf channel marketing to the Depression group be similar to the pre-Depression. Golf would be depicted golf as a nice leisurely activity that is not strenuous on your body and is a sport perfect for soon to be or already retired people. Baby boomers would look at Golf as a place where business transactions are discussed. Golf has greatly transformed over the past few decades and many more people of the baby boomers generation are beginning to play it. As I a sales representative of Verizon Wireless, I deal with the difficulty of trying to cater my sales pitch to individuals from all three of the generations. For a product like an ipod, the earlier the generation, the more difficult it is for them to buy into the concept or product. For an individual from the pre-Depression era it would be important to focus on strictly the functionality of the device and not the device itself. Somebody from this generation is not going to be sold on the bandwagon approach. However, you can cater to the fact that an ipod can assist them in their everyday lives and make many tasks a lot easier. For example, as memory loss kicks in, having a phone that can set reminders or even has the capability of being able to beep when its misplaced would be very appealing to somebody to somebody a little older. Since people of this era are very family based, a project manager could also position the ability to send and receive pictures of their grandchildren and being able to see them via Skype. A project manager could also An individual from the baby boomer era would be the easiest to sell a device like the ipod to. People of this era would be much more more receptive to new technology and they would be more likely to be persuaded by the bandwagon approach.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Emotive Aspects of Schindlers List
Emotive Aspects of Schindlers List Schindlers List The Holocaust for years has never been fully discussed or described to the outside world. There have been books and movies that have attempted to convey the atrocities aw with the feelings, but they have only been attempts to emotionally connect the audiences. Emotionally connecting whilst describing history to the audience members can be a difficult task for both books and movies, books contain elements that only reach their readers, and movies contain elements that reach only to their viewers, but to connect the readers and the viewers in the form of one book and film has happened very little in history. Merely emotionally connecting with the intended audience sells seats and popcorn but fails to accurately and factually educate. Schindlers List has managed though to connect their viewers and readers to the evil that was taking place in Europe during WWII. In this paper I will discuss the elements in which Schindlers List the novel as well as Schindlers List the film use to reach t heir audience. As with the connection they have on the people they were based upon. Beginning Schindlers List should be viewed not just as a story but rather a documentary of events with a first person point of perspective on certain characters. You may be able to relate this to shows on the History Channel in which the events are described in detail, with re-enactments of certain scenes. Frankly, the theatrics generate interest from a broader range of audience, but dont detract from the factual events and the description of the events, both tragic and heroic. Author Thomas Keneally makes this obvious as well as he tells of what Oskar Schindler accomplishes and how, the reason he had to write the novel in this direction is because everything takes place in the past; World War II has ended along with its miseries. Keneally writes the novel as a documentary, told in a â€Å"series of snapshot stories†based on recounts of witnesses and Oskar Schindler himself. Given this, the novel reads as if an ominous character is retelling the past, in which many for this r eason have described the novel as fiction. The novel is very awkward in this way, as it moves from narrating events taking place to personal accounts of one person and another. Keneally does not develop several characters as a fictional novel would but includes a narrative reading like a fictional novel does. On with this Keneally uses devices that a fictional novel would use to describe and embellish a scene, â€Å"literary art blazes in the language with which the work evokes and illuminates the terrible events with which it is concerned†(Michael Hulse). For example, Keneally describes one part during the liquidation of the Jews in the Ghetto â€Å"The astounding thunder of the rifle fractured conversation and hope . . . the screams and the walling . . . [focused] . . . the heads of the corpses.†The novel, if it is to be referred to as such, contains the elements of both a fictional and non-fictional novel in order to effectively describe the acts that were taking place in Europe. In the sense of a non-fictional novel, this story is not made up. The story of a man and his efforts to save more than 1000 Jews are real. Thomas Keneally â€Å"tells the stories of the victims, survivors, and oppressors in Schindlers List which are all based on eyewitness accounts, historical documents, and visits to the sites described in the novel. Thus, it can be assumed that Keneally does not embellish stories or infuse characters with his own authorial imagination, making them stand for or represent certain ideas he is trying to communicate to his reader.†(Eric Enders). Although Thomas Keneally does in fact add his own sense of emotions to describe some of the events, but it should be expected that some kind of input is given when writing on such a sensitive topic of humanity and evil. Schindlers List still is carefully documented as a â€Å"civil service report†, excluding the Prologue, the novel moves systematically from every hour to hour, month to month, and y ear to year like a timeline. Many of the characters are undeveloped and solely described as they come through the time line of events in history, though certain things are emphasized rather than merely reported like the majority of the novel. The facts are stated as in a history book, and should be taken to fact as much as one too. Though the novel is as real as it can be, again the novel still contains the elements of a fictional novel as Keneally offers certain ideas and images, in order to enhance a scene to add greater significance and have the reader become encircled by the images and not just the words. Keneally is trying to keep the novel as logical as possible but he is trying to add a greater meaning to these scenes in the novel. So the reader is to identify and fully experience the atrocities that had taken place during the war. Keneally uses various methods to have the reader think more deeply of the meaning of the novel. Keneally uses a form of image repetition to develo p themes throughout the novel just as fictional writer would. The repetition of the â€Å"list†and the undermining of the â€Å"German System†while working with it create ideas of Good vs. Evil. The development of good is never fully developed to belong exclusively to Schindler as while he is acting in good intentions he continues to live as his natural self which is described as a â€Å"drunkard, womanizing, money mogul†. Although Oskar was not a Saint, he is given a bit more for the audiences. As one survivor, Mosche Bejski said â€Å"Schindler was a drunkard. Schindler was a womanizer. His relations with his wife were bad. He often had not but one but several girlfriends. Everything he did put him in jeopardy. If Schindler was a normal man, he would not have done what he did†. We understand him more as a person and his â€Å"development from a womanizing, money tycoon to in a literal sense a savior.†. The evil though is directed toward Amon Go eth, Oskar Schindlers â€Å"dark brother†, the novel describes both men very similarly, as simple enough if one thing had changed for either of them, they could be in each others shoes. Keneally uses these recurring images to connect with the reader emotionally, to have them conclude the meaning of each image and the significance it had during the Holocaust and what meaning it still holds in todays society. Thomas Keneally thus writes the novel with both forms of a fictional and non-fictional piece in mind. This is what the author uses to connect the reader not only to the events but to historys story of evil and the inhumane world of evil that still exist today, because in all truthfulness events such as the Holocaust still continue to this day and time. Recently in Darfur: men, women, and children are being slaughtered by the Janjaweed in the name of â€Å"ethnic cleansing†just as the Germans reasoned the mass extermination of so many Jews in order of an ‘ethn ic cleansing†, which in more legal terms â€Å"genocide†that exist in our present world. In 1993 Steven Spielberg released Schindlers List into theaters; the movie was a success earning 7 Academy Awards. The movie was such a success because it had so many viewers in sheer disbelief of the events that had taken place during World War II and the efforts of a one man to save them, as with the directing and producing style the film used. The film is filmed in black and white throughout and written to incorporate German words. The purpose of filming in black and white is to create a feeling of authenticity, possessing a more aged and emotional look as shadows just as with words can be used to express emotions as powerfully as words and actions themselves. Just like the novel the film is trying to connect with audiences emotionally through realism. Realism is what most viewers can connect to, because it is something that they themselves could have endured, parents are able to connect with the parents in the film and people with others by the way they act in the film and relati ng that to someone they know making the film that much more real. One scene in particular as the children in the camp are being sent off the parents though starved and out of energy run after the trucks; parents could relate reacting despite the fact that of being starved and injured using all of their might to protect their children. This realism of events is just one way director Spielberg is able to connect emotionally with his audience. The reason to film the movie in black and white is critical to its meaning; the black and white gives the film a greater feeling and view of the theme of Good vs. Evil. Scenes especially including deaths, blood is even more impacting to the viewer as the dark, almost black color contrasts the winter snow and season. It is this contrast of items and characters that audiences are best to view the evil and the good. The winter seasons of pure white represent the purity and innocence of the Jewish people while their dark colored blood come to represent the evil in the world as it spreads around the pure white snow. Along with filming the movie in black and white, Spielberg uses other devices to create certain impacts to the audience. Spielberg decision to cut out Oskar Schindlers past creates a feeling of mystery and the wondering of his childhood. Did he have one? And was this the reason for his merciless for Jews? Did it have any affect to who he was in the beginning of the film compared to the end? Amon Goeths introduction halfway through the film differs in the book as he was introduced in the novel in the beginning. We begin to wonder how both Oskar and Amon ended up as they did, womanizers, power and money hungry, and alcoholics, though Amon cannot hold his liquor as Oskar can. Both men are parallels yet contradictory. Amon Goeths hidden/secret fascination with Jewish women can be seen in both the novel and the film. The novel opens with a dinner party being held by Amon Goeth; in this party Oskar Schindler meets Helen Hirsch a Jewish maid. We as the readers initially find it ironic that a Nazi General chooses to have a Jewish maid over other German maids. Schindler comes to say â€Å"He wont kill you, because he enjoys you too much . . . He doesnt want anyone to know its a Jew hes enjoying†(28). In a time where Jewish prejudice was not only accepted but enforced and as Goeths position as General, this hidden attraction of Jewish women is even that much more bizarre as he masks the attraction by abuse towards Helen Hirsch. Amon holds more than just a physical fascination but an emotional as well. This allure Amon holds is depicted in novel and film however the film makes this more obvious in scenes. One scene in particular is significant in first spotting and truly seeing that Amon is entranced by Jewish women. The scene takes place during Oskars Birthday, a Jewish woman comes in giving Oskar a gift for his generosity and in return Oskar kisses the women. In the scene everyone except Amon Goeth appears shocked while Goeth is standing on his tip-toes looking at the kiss. Amon Goeths fascination seems to develop into a perversion as later in the film, a part which is not in the novel, Amon explains Oskars accidental kiss for his release and describes the Jewish women as â€Å"Gorgeous, Beautiful, and Mystical†he shortly catches himself and explains how the Jews are all deceptive and use some sort of mysticism to control them. The film included this additional scene to have the audience members immediately recognize that Amon Goeth is holding some kind of feelings for Jewish women and the irony of this to where even Amon himself realizes that this is a crime. This fascination for women comes from he and Oskars relationship as doubles, and as doubles, womanizers. Just as Oskar Schindler is characterized as a womanizer, as is Amon, as both continually seek love affairs and do not commit to a relationship. Their parallelism as equal but opposites is shown by how they seduce women. Oskar Schindler is much more of a â€Å"Casanova†, â€Å"he would wine and dine women, charm them, make them feel beautiful, and irresistible†(Smith). Oskar uses much more of an irresistible charm and his self-confidence to attract women. This is where both characters are seen as polars, while both may be womanizers Oskar uses much of his charm to attract woman, Amon uses much more of a forced approach, comparable to his approach as a Nazi general. Amon Goeth is a masterful manipulator and he uses this manipulation to attract women. This extends to who Amon is, his cruelty and his sadistic personality. Amon takes much pleasure in pain and women which root his fascination with Jewish women. The pleasure he receives from women sexually and the pleasure he receives by inflicting pain on those he despises. This twisted persona is shown in entirety in one film scene in which Amon confesses his inexplicable love with his Jewish maid Helen Hirsch. â€Å"Rather than allowing himself to touch her, and nearly commit the capital crime of kissing her, he remembers he is supposed to hate her, and beats her ruthlessly for seducing him.†(Cohn). This scene lasts for nearly fifteen minutes while the novel only dedicated only 2-3 pages on this important scene in character development. This once more falls to Keneallys documentary writing style, where many characters are not fully developed as people with deep emotions and complex thoughts. By having this very emotional yet savage scene last so long, director Steven Speilberg is forcing the audience to watch the awfulness that is becoming, keeping the audience members speechless as they wa tch this sick mans love for the ones he is supposed to hate and abuses, and the imagined relationship he has with Helen in which they are to grow old together. With Amon Goeth revealing his inhibition as a Nazi and a womanizer, his capital crime of loving a â€Å"Judenrat†is again parallel to the capital crime Oskar Schindler commits by freeing Jews and kissing a Jewish woman. Both characters are very similar, it is the manner and reasons in which they commit their crimes like the way they attract women that differ. Oskar Schindler and Amon Goeth are men addicted to â€Å"power†this is why they feel the need to seduce women and accomplish something significant, whether it be freeing a 1000 Jewish men and women or murder a 1000 Jewish men and women .Both men commit crimes as described by the German Government, Oskars reasons though are more for others rather than himself as Amons reasons are solely for himself. The similarities between the men are prevalent; the film further enforces the similarities between both men by focusing on certain scenes or by excluding or including scenes. In the film, the majority of Oskar scenes, he is looked from High-Angle giving him vulnerability as a man, most noticeably in the scene of the liquidation of the Ghetto; the shadows underneath his eyes are even more prevalent from the black and white lens as Oskars vulnerability marks his transformation. Another device Spielberg uses is during the liquidation scene, is the coloring of the little girls red coat, her coat is shown in full Scarlett color and â€Å"this embodies the savagery of the Holocaust and the humanity of the victims as they leave this young child to watch the horror of the termination.†Both the film and the novel use a report/documentary style to tell the story of Schindlers List but the film holds more connection to the audience as it can be seen visually seen and viewers are given an almost personal experience to the horror of the Holocaust. The film contains powerful scenes such as the young girl and her scarlet coat and Amon Goeths complexities are fully shown with scenes with Helen and other Jewish women, showing his inner interest in them. Both works work to their audience in specific ways though; the novels elements of literary devices are used to emphasize parts that have the reader think to their imagination of what it could have been like. While the film gives the viewers a firsthand experience of what it was like.
An Exploration Of Life Orientation Teachers Role
An Exploration Of Life Orientation Teachers Role The literature review in a research study accomplishes several purposes: It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being reported. It relates a study to the larger ongoing dialogue in the literature about a topic, filling in gaps and extending prior studies (Coopera, 1984; Marshall and Rossman, 1999). In this chapter, the concept of career skills with particular focus on 21st century careers and their accompanying 21st century skills will be explored, using as reference the work of a number of pioneers in the field of educational research today. The theoretical framework upon which this literature study is based will be introduced; and the role of the educator in developing these 21st century skills will then be explored, with specific focus on the FET life orientation teacher, and the preparation of learners for work and careers in the 21st century. Professional teacher development will also be discussed looking at both local and global initiatives in training teachers as a means to adequately prepare their learners for the 21st century. An in-depth exploration of the Life Orientation Learning area will then be demonstrated, with specific focus on the Life Orientation teachers role in preparing learners in the FET band of the secondary school private learning institutions in Sout h Africa, as intended by the national curriculum statement, for life and careers in the 21st century. In accordance with The Norms and Standards for Educators(2000) all teachers are expected to take on various roles in ensuring the adequate development of their learners (see section.); however, this study has been delimited to life orientation teachers in particular as it is recognised that this learning area makes specific accommodation for these teachers to engage learners in essential 21st century skills and development. In addition, though it is also expected that these skills be introduced to learners in the foundation phase and developed throughout their schooling career, for the purpose of this research study, the FET band (Grades 10-12) will be referred to specifically, as these learners are steadily approaching the world of work and careers in the 21st century, and are in what Erikson (1950,1959, 1968) originally described as the process of identity formation where these individuals consolidate earlier roles, identifications, skills, values, beliefs and talents, both consci ously and unconsciously, in order to successfully prepare for the social roles, relationships, and responsibilities of adulthood (Mahler pg 17). The FET band is therefore deemed by the researcher as a critical phase in career choice, and the most appropriate for the purposes of this study. Theoretical Framework Theories describing career behaviour have been in existence for the past 75 years, and provide the conceptual glue for, as well as describe where, when and for what purpose, career counselling, career education, career guidance and other career interventions are to be implemented. (REF) Various disciplines such as Personality, Sociology, Developmental Psychology, and Differential Psychology have contributed to the development of these theories, the most prominent being the Career Development Theory (Super 1957; 1996). This theory provided a more developmental perspective to the traditional individual differences view of occupations which, according to Super, ignored the longitudinal vantage point from which one can observe how individuals improve their vocational coping repertoires and move into jobs which provide increasingly better opportunities to use their abilities and gratify their needs (Super, 1953 in Savickas 2001:2). It then evolved in accordance with the theorists comprehension of careers, and can be traced in its name changes from the original Career Development Theory to the Development Self-Concept Theory and then to the current Life-Span, Life-Space Theory (Savickas adaptability pg 2). Each name change signified an elaboration of the theory to address more completely the complexity of vocational behaviour in manifold settings across diverse groups (Savickas adaptability pg 2). The life stages highlighted in this theory are as follows: Growth Stage: learning about occupations and developing work habits and attitudes Exploration Stage: learning tasks that will assist in crystallizing and specifying occupations Establishment Stage: developing skills to consolidate and advance in a job Maintenance Stage: decisions are made about whether to remain in a job or move to another job or occupational field Disengagement Stage: planning for retirement (Maree and Ebersohn, 2002 pg 157) Unfortunately Super passed away before integrating the major segments in his own life-span, life-space theory. His work was however continued by his student, Mark Savickas (1989, 1993, 2000), who elaborated on Supers previous work and developed it further, integrating the segments of the life-span, life-space theory and placing more focus on the developmental tasks necessary to master career stages, as opposed to the linear progression across the stages. Such tasks include career exploration, career decision-making, career adaptability, and overcoming perceived career barriers (Maree Ebeersohn, 2002: 158). These challenge assumptions of stability of personal characteristics and secure jobs in bounded organizations No matter how stable individual characteristics might be, the environment and consequently traditional work ethic is rapidly changing. Insecure workers in the information age must become lifelong learners who can use sophisticated technologies, embrace flexibility rather t han stability, maintain employability, and create their own opportunities. These new conceptions of work life recognize that career belongs to the person not the organization (Duarte, 2004). (Savickas et al 2009; pg 239 webpage NEW article). In addition, career stages as defined in extant theories such as Supers Career Stage Theory (1957; 1996 listed above) are mainly shaped by societal needs, and these needs are changing with the rapidly changing environment (Savickas et al 2009; pg 240 webpage NEW article) and the changing nature of work, rendering these stages unrealistic in the order in which they are presented. These changes require workers to develop skills and competences that differ substantially from the knowledge and abilities required by 20th century occupations. Today, occupational prospects seem far less definable and predictable, with job transitions more frequent and difficult (Savickas et al 2009; pg 240 webpage NEW article). As the career becomes more internally defined, stage theory will focus more on internal, individual decision-making processes rather than the relationship of the individual to an employer (Wrobel et al, 2003), with modern theoretical models emphasizing human flexibility, adaptability, and life-long learning. (Savickas et al 2009; pg 240 webpage NEW article). The theoretical framework upon which this study is based is that of Mark Savickas, who termed his approach Career Construction Theory which is rooted in post-modern social constructivism. Social constructivism, strongly influenced by Vygotskys (1978) work, suggests that knowledge is first constructed in a social context and is then taken up by individuals (Bruning et al., 1999; M. Cole, 1991; Eggan Kauchak, 2004); a theory which informs the way in which learners acquire information in the classroom and learning environment. Constructivism is a psychological approach that has developed out of post-modernism, a philosophical stance emphasising the idea of no fixed truth. Followers of this theoretical construct believe that individuals create and perceive their own reality or truth, relflecting a multiculturally diverse world in which different individuals can have their own view of what is real for them (Richard S. Sharf: pg 263) Constructivism in essence implies that: There are no fixed meanings or realities in the world, there are multiple meanings and multiple realities. Individuals create or construct their own meaning/reality of the world through the experiences they have. People construct themselves and the world around them through the interpretations they make and the actions they take. These constructs or perceptions of events may be useful or may be misleading. Individuals differ from each other in their construction of events. Two people may participate in the same or similar event and have very different perceptions of the experience. People are self-organizing and meaning-makers. Their lives are ever evolving stories that are under constant revision. An individual may choose to develop new constructs or write new stories in their life. To be an empowered or fulfilled person requires critical reflection of the assumptions that account for our daily decisions and actions. [Big Picture View of Career Development Theory retrieved 26/11/12] Career construction theory provides a way of thinking about how individuals choose and use work. This theory is an extension of Super;s career stage theory, where there is an acknowledgement of how our environments affect our realities and the life role we find ourselves in; yet at the same time, a recognition that we can, and do, occupy various life roles at various stages of our lives. This is not a linear or stable progression, but rather a fluid transition from role to role it is what Savickas refers to as life-long learning. Like Super (1957; 1996), Savickas ( 1989, 1993, 2000) presents a model for comprehending vocational behaviour across the life-cycle (Savckas carrer construction article), but emphasizes flexibility and mobility rather than the traditional vocational models view of careers as representing commitment and stability. While Supers career stage theory proved to be useful at the time, with many people entering jobs and organizations hoping to progress up the corp orate ladder (Maree Ebersohn, 2002:158), the rungs of that metaphorical ladder are fast disappearing in response to deregulation, fewer trade barriers, destabilization, continual technological innovation, organizational downsizing, outsourcing, and flatter governance structures (Mahler, 2008:1). The new job market in our unsettled economy calls for viewing career not as a lifetime commitment to one employer but as selling services and skills to a series of employers who need projects completed. (Savckas carrer construction article) In Western societies, we witness a growing diversity of individual realities, far from the traditional pathways During a major part of the 20th century, individual careers were shaped by prevailing societal norms: first education, then work, and finally family. Social integration and recognition were mainly based upon these systems of reference. Today, people at all ages return to school, obtain training, lose their jobs and get divorced, without necessarily losing social recognition. Co-existence of multiple identities and subjective realities therefore seems to be a natural consequence of such societal evolutions. Savickas is particularly interested in investigating how to live a life in a postmodern world shaped by a global economy and supported by information technology (Life Design Article webpage). His theory focuses attention on adaptation to a series of transitions from school to work, from job to job, and from occupation to occupation. Career construction theory views adaptation to these transitions as fostered by five principal types of behaviors: orientation, exploration, establishment, management, and disengagement. As each transition approaches, individuals can adapt more effectively if they meet the change with growing awareness, information-seeking followed by informed decision making, trial behaviors leading to a stable commitment projected forward for a certain time period, active role management, and eventually forward-looking deceleration and disengagement. (Savckas carrer construction article). In the learning context, this theory emphasizes the importance of the learner being actively involved in the learning process, unlike previous educational viewpoints where the responsibility rested with the instructor to teach and where the learner played a passive, receptive role. According to the social constructivism approach, instructors have to adapt to the role of facilitators and not teachers (Bauersfeld, 1995 in WIKIPEDIA). It is also important for instructors to realize that although a curriculum may be set down for them, it inevitably becomes shaped by them into something personal that reflects their own belief systems, their thoughts and feelings about both the content of their instruction and their learners (Rhodes and Bellamy 1999 in WIKIPEDIA). They are required to be flexible and adaptable, and create a collaborative learning environment known as collaborative elaboration (Meter Stevens, 2000 in WIKIPEDIA), which results in learners building understanding together th at wouldnt be possible alone (Greeno et al., 1996 in WIKIPEDIA). The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2006) provides a framework within which this 21st century skill preparation can take place. P21 was developed in the United States with the goal of positioning 21st century skills at the centre of 21st century education. P21 is an international organization formed in 2001 with the sponsorship of the United States government and several organizations from the private sector (e.g., Apple Computer, Cisco Systems, Dell Computer Corporation,Microsoft Corporation, National Education Association). P21 recommends the emphasis of a specific set of competences regarded by this framework as learning skills (i.e., information and communication; thinking and problem solving; interpersonal and self-directional skills) the acquisition of which can be best supported by specific pedagogic techniques, such as problem-based learning, cooperative learning, experiential learning, and formative assessment. (REF) This is rooted in social constructivism, a theory strongly influenced by Vygotskys (1978) work, which suggests that knowledge is first constructed in a social context and is then taken up by individuals (Bruning et al., 1999; M. Cole, 1991; Eggan Kauchak, 2004); a theory which informs the way in which learners acquire information in the classroom and learning environment. With emphasis placed on the importance of mentoring and facilitating learners in acquiring the necessary 21st century skills (P21), and ultimately empowering them through active and collaborative acquisition of information (Social constructivism) to navigate their way in a largely unpredictable 21st century work environment, the Career Construction Theory together with the the P21 framework will form the basic theoretical construct upon which this study is based. Careers in the 21st Century What are 21st century careers? In a narrative study defining career success in the 21st century, Elizabeth Mahler describes todays career world as complex and boundaryless (Mahler pg 8). Roles have shifted women are now a significant part of the workforce, in addition to being mothers and wives; entrepreneurs, non-profit workers, the self-employed, culturally diverse workers, and other nontraditional workers in nontraditional settings make up the 21st century workforce (Mahler pg 9). In addition, a longer life translates into extended time in the workforce, accompanied by additonal education, re-visiting of career goals and changing of career paths (Mahler pg 9). Todays life and work environments thus require far more than thinking skills and content knowledge. They require what is being referred to today as life-long learning. According to Renck Jalongo (1991), the highest purpose of teaching is to promote those types of learning that encourage children to continue to learn, not on ly inside the classroom but also outside the classroom and throughout life (Renck Jalongo, 1991:3 ROLE OF TEACHER BOOK) This is lifelong learning. Technology will continue to change the world in ways we cannot imagine; and in this increasingly complexworld, creativity and the ability to continue to learn and to innovate will count as much as, if not more than, specific areas of knowledge liable to become obsolete. (COMMISSION ARTICLE PG 5). Employees no longer remain in the same job/position for forty years. Secure lifelong employment in a single job is a thing of the past (Robinson, 2011:6). The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in this globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing adequate life and career skills. Technology and the ease with which new skills can be acquired create a need for more career flexibility and innovation. From an economic perspective, workers are now required to command a new set of aptitudes Mere survival today depends on being able to do something that overseas knowledge workers cant do cheaper, that powerful computers cant do faster, and that satisfies one of the non-material, transcendent desires of an abundant age (Pink pg 51). Workers are reacting to these changes by shifting their focus away from organizational careers to more personal roles, more localised and portable sites for vesting the self (Ashforth, 2001 in Mahler pg 1). According to Mahler, this shift in career focus requires an increased capacity for self-direction, the ability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances, and an understanding that identity will continue to evolve as an individual navigates multiple work roles over the course of a career (Ashforth et al in Mahler pg 2). In accordance with the principles of the Chaos Theory which, along with The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) serves as the theoretical framework for this study (see section), individuals are defini ng their career paths within an unpredicatable and changing environment: Workers are increasingly finding that they have to manage their own careers, become more flexible in the sort of work they seek, and be willing to learn new skills throughout their lives (Maree and Ebersohn 2002 pg 155). P21 recognises that in order to ensure the development of these skills and attitudes, learners should be exposed to the following: FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY The ability to be flexible and adaptable is an essential skill in the culturally diverse and nontraditional 21st century workplace. the predictable and stable boundaries of a single organization career are evolving into a less secure, and often boundaryless series of shorter, portable, and transactionally based work roles and relationships (Mahler pg 4). Thus the ability to work in a climate of ambiguity and the ability to adapt to varied job roles in multi-cultural environments [( retrieved on 24/10/12] is an essential 21st century skill. This is emphasised in Savickass Career Construction Theory, and his focus on Career Adaptability This concept was introduced by Savickas approximately three decades ago, with the intention to replace Supers career maturity stage. This is still a relatively new concept that is still being explored and refined (pg 120) yet Iit has been described by Savickas as the readiness to cope with the unpredicatable tasks of preparing for and participating in the work role and with the unpredictable adjustments prompted by changes in work and working conditions (Savickas, 1997 in Maree 2010 pg 120). It also requires the need to engage proactively in a process of self-development in order to choose suitable opportunities and become the person you want to be (Maree, 2010 pg 120). This is an extension of Supers emphasis on self-concept and the importance of identity formation in vocational development. INITIATIVE AND SELF-DIRECTION The concept of life-long learning is emphasised here, again drawing attention to the shift in traditional career roles and opportunities: individuals today can expect to hold five to eight jobs within a working lifetime the traditionally recognised contract between an employee and employer no longer guarantees lifelong employment in exchange for loyalty and performance (Mahler, pg 5-6). Demonstrating both a commitment to learning as a lifelong process, as well as initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level [( retrieved on 24/10/12] is a skill necessary to develop self-direction and active management of work roles. The ability to work independently at ones highest level of mastery is also an essential 21st century skill, due to increased competition in the workforce as a result of continual technological innovation, organizational downsizing and outsourcing (Mahler, pg 1). SOCIAL AND CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS Social and cultural skills such as conducting oneself respectably and professionally, and responding open-mindedly to different ideas and values [( retrieved on 24/10/12] are critical life skills required for the 21st century. As discussed in section à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. todays work environment is less predictable than it was traditionally and requires workers to be able to adapt and innovate and collaborate with others effectively. Collaboration requires respect in order to engage in open-minded discussion. PRODUCTIVITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Being accountable for ones actions or decisions and behaving in a professional manner are skills that are difficult to teach. These are skills that should be role-modelled, by both parents and teachers. Todays generation of learners is in the throes of the technological era, where roles and values are shifting and changing. Identity formation for adolescents in particular requires dependence on and a critical connection to the social world, while also bestowing on the individual a sense of autonomy and self-determination (Mahler pg 17). It is therefore essential that they are provided with the guidance to find their career path and that they are shown how to manage themselves effectively in the world, displaying the abilities to: -Work positively and ethically -Manage time and projects effectively -Multi-task Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual -Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette -Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams -Respect and appreciate team diversity -Be accountable for results [( retrieved on 24/10/12] LEADERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY Todays learners are our future leaders, and thus appropriate behaviours and skills such as acting responsibly, inspiring, influencing and guiding others, demonstrating integrity and ethical behaviour [( retrieved on 24/10/12] need to be modelled for them so that they can enter the world of work as selfless role models and leaders. ( on 24/10/12 -21st century skills The skills outlined in the P21 Framework (above) reflect the changing realities of the 21st century , which is frames in the theoretical construct of social constructivism (in section.) and are echoed in the writings of a number of educational researchers and pioneers pertinent to this research, such as Sir Ken Robinson (2009; 2011), Daniel Pink (2005) and John Taylor Gatto (2010) who are the leading voices in 21st century skills and the transformation of the 21st century workforce. Their advocacy has been supported by thorough research in both the education and global economic spheres. Voogt (2008) for example, believes that through information and communication technology, our society has changed from an industrial society to an information or knowledge society, where learning requires collaboration and group work, directed by the learners themselves and facilitated by the teachers (see comparative table in appendix). While in the industrial society the main focus of education was to contribute to the development of factual and procedural knowledge, in the information or knowledge society the development of conceptual and meta-cognitive knowledge is increasingly considered importan t (Anderson 2008). Todays generation needs to be able to think critically and independently in order to function successfully in the 21st century individuals will have to be able to function comfortably in a world that is always in fluxpeople will be faced with greater individual responsibility to direct their own lives (Gato, pg xxxiv). This, Robinson believes, can be attributed to two main factors: the major advances in technology which is referred to by Voogt (2008), Gatto (2011), and Pink (2005) as well as the rapid growth of the world population: this great new mass of humanity will be using technologies that have yet to be invented in ways that we cannot imagine and in jobs that dont yet exist (Robinson, 2009:19). This change has inevitable implications for our education systems (voogt article pg 11) one of which is a need to change curricula so that students develop competences which are needed in the 21st century (Anderson 2008; Voogt Pelgrum, 2005). (VOOGT PG 2) Robinson believes that education has three core purposes: to develop individual talents and sensibilities, to deepen learners understanding of the world around them and to enable them to earn a living and be economically productive (2011, pg 249). In order to achieve this, certain skills need to be developed, namely, flexibility and adaptability (pg 6), entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity (pg 11) good communication skills, team work and collaboration, and self-confidence (pg 69). This corresponds with the skills highlighted by P21 (see table above), which is the theoretical framework upon which this study is based. Other educational researchers and authors, such as Mary Renck Jalongo (1991), agree that Collaboration, cooperation and teamwork, rather than individual achievement, will be the mark of an advancing society (pg 73). The ability to collaborate and effectively communicate with others is a crucial skill in the 21st century, yet the competitive nature of the school env ironment could possibly be preventing the future generation from developing the appropriate and essential collaborative and communication skills that are necessary for successful functioning in the 21st century. These skills, namely collaboration, communication, teamwork, require largely practical and reflexive competencies (see section) they are skills that cannot be studied and tested, but rather experienced, explored and facilitated. Hence the envisaged role of in the context of this study, especially Life Orientation teachers as mentors mediators of learning, interpreters and designers of Learning Programmes (DoE pg. 5) as opposed to deliverers of content and learning outcomes. No longer is it effective for the teacher to take on the role of the painter, who fills in the spaces on a blank canvas, synthetically, producing an image. The teacher needs to take on the role of the sculptor chipping away carefully and gently until the artwork is revealed. (Gatto, pg xxxiv). Daniel Pink (2005) is an advocate for empathy as a teaching strategy and essential 21st century skill in the learning and work environment. Empathy, says Pink, is an ethic for livinga universal language that connects us beyond country or culturean essential part of living a life of meaning (pg 165). Robinson concurs: students are simply not learning the personal skills they need to deal with modern life (2011; pg 78). According to Kathy Beland (2007:69 BOOK 1), social and emotional competence and skills are crucial to success in school, work, and personal life These skills include self-awareness and relationship skills, assisting the individual in recognizing and managing emotions. Education should not be knowledge-based but child-centered (Robinson, 2011:179). This means that the whole child should be developed, not just his/her academic abilities. According to Robinson (2011:179), education should engage [learners] feelings, physical development, moral education and creativity. These authors are emphasising again the shift in skill requirements for the 21st century, and the necessity for personal growth and development over and above content and curriculum knowledge acquisition. The lessons of school prevent children from keeping important appointments with themselves and with their families to learn lessons in self-motivation, perseverance, self-reliance, courage, dignity and love and lessons in service to others, too (Gatto, pg 19). This type of content-based curriculum, with a set body of information to be imparted to students is, Gatto believes, entirely inappropriate as a means of preparing children for their adult roles (Gatto, pg xxiv). What often hap pens in during the school lesson is that teachers tend to become overwhelmed by topic information, leading to lessons that often try to cover too much content, at the expense of depth (resource doc pg 29). The challenge therefore is for teachers to transform their roles. The curriculum is merely a vehicle with which teachers can drive transformation. The Life Orientation curriculum in particular is geared towards both critical and personal development of the learner, as is seen in the learning outcomes table in section it is the role of the teacher to ensure that this development takes place. The essential skill that teachers need to possess, is the ability to adapt the curriculum to the current social, economic and technological environment. As the above-mentioned researchers have demonstrated in their work, The 21st century is an environment that requires very different skills to that of the mid-20th century/Industrial Era, where individuals werlewe relegated to a more passive role , which required some decision making and knowledge of self to ensure an initial fit within an organization or profession, with the organization then actively defining the individuals roles and criteria f or career success (Mahler pg 21). No longer does our economy depend on the mass production of factory workers and craftsmen these positions are now being filled by the computer. No longer does our society require a generation of passive and loyal workers who are unmotivated, lacking in passion and creativity, and fearful of authority workers today need to be flexible, adaptable, creative and prepared for change; able to provide the work environment with skills and values that are unmatched by todays technology and outsourced skills and resources. These 21st century skills generally involve personal and ethical awareness, and motivation driven by passion. Skills that cannot be taught or tested, but rather role-modelled and facilitated by mentors. In order to assess the acquisition of these skills, as intended by the curriculum, the Life Orientation teacher is required to use various assessment methods, such as tests, examinations, projects and assignments (doe 2003, pg. 39), which form part of a continuous assessment (CASS) process [1] and are ultimately included in a final portfolio. Although the curriculum makes provision for practical exploration in the FET phase, the majority of tasks are written and content-based. School systems tend to be preoccupied with certain sorts of critical analysis and reasoning, particularly with words and numberschildren everywhere are under intense pressure to perform at higher and higher levels on a narrow range of standardized tests (Robinson, 2009:13). Students abilities to transfer their understandings
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Not All Access is Created Equal Essay -- Definition Technology Essays
Not All Access is Created Equal Access n. 1) the ability, right or permission to approach, enter, speak with or use; admittance; 2) the state or quality of being approachable; 3) a ways or means of approach; ~ v. 9) to make contact with or gain access to; to be able to reach, approach, enter; 10) Computers. to locate (data) for transfer from one part of a computer system to another, generally between an external storage device and main storage Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd Edition Unabridged Language is a continuum. New words enter any given language upon contact with other cultures. Language is not static. It expands and contracts to allow or disallow change. The above excerpted definitions are reflective of what â€Å"access†can mean when this second edition of the dictionary was published in 1987. The first edition published in 1966 did not include the definition designated in number ten dealing with the technology arising in our computer age. Even that 1987 definition of computer access is outdated. However, we can derive from the preceding explanations a comfortable basis for determining what â€Å"access†means to computing technology in schools, the workplace and at home. Access, to those of us who use computers, means that we have a tool making communication and work tasks easier. Access, by implication, means to many of us that anyone has the ability to acquire the same information or perform the same tasks based on the availability of c omputers within a school or workplace or home. Accepting this notion is of course absurd. Not only does the definition of a word change, but the environment in which it exists is also in flux. Access does not ever the mean the desired object is avai... ...l in the hands of the educators. We become adept at manipulating the materials and the technology we have on hand to create the most productive and stimulating and thought-provoking exercises possible. We can bemoan our lack of access or simply use the technology we have. But I contend that access still has its ups and downs. Sometimes because information links and word processing are so accessible we become desensitized to the personal and emotional act of communication. We have traded hands-on-experiences for virtual reality – handwritten letters for abbreviated emails – summer games of kick the can for solitaire on a green screen. The world has shrunk because of technological advances so that we know more about cultures around the globe while at the same time we have surrounded ourselves with machines that help us maintain personal distance and anonymity.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Devil Of Tom Walker And Th Essay -- essays research papers
Despite the evidence that Washington Irving uses to show his love for America in his stories, he portrays some characters in the Devil and Tom Walker and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as greedy. Irving shows concern for America by placing stories in uniquely American moments. In this essay I will prove through passages and quotes from Irving's stories that he shows his love for America in his stories and portrays some characters as greedy in the two stories. The historical settings of these stories is made apparent by the use of elements common to the revolutionary era. In The Devil and Tom Walker when Irving is describing the setting he gives an impression that it took place in America. In describing the setting he says, "It had been the stronghold of the Indians during their war with the colonists." Since the war took place in America this is one evidence of his love for America. Another is when Irving is describing the devil and he makes the point that he a particularly American devil. When the devil first meets Tom and the devil is telling him about himself he says, "I amuse myself by presiding at the persecutions of Quakers and Anabaptists; I am the great patron and prompter of slave dealers and the grandmaster of the Salem witches." In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow there are many American traits in the description of the setting. It is said by some to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head had been car ried away by a...
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde and a Selection of Sherlock
In this essay the representation of the city will be explored in the writing style of the Fin de sià ¨cle. This essay will investigate The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde and a selection of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. Both books represent the city differently in some aspects, and in others, share similarities. Point one: dirty Dorian Gray is set in the late 19th century, in the middle of the decadent artistic movement, meaning Dorian would have been a fictitious contemporary of Wilde. Although the Victorian period was plagued with conservative views , Wilde has used Dorian to express the double standards those of the city’s elite indulge. Dorian sees between both ends of the social scales. But despite Dorian disapproving/disgusted he still visits the ‘narrow and gloomy’(Wilde,182) streets of the east end. As Richard Elman agrees ‘between these two worlds, no decent or comfortable middle classes , no quite family life, no dormitory sections in wildes vision of the big city’(p51). Dorian seems ignorant to the plight of people around him less fortunate. He uses this depressing environment as escapism, despite being inescapable to the poor people who live in the area whom opium dens, prostitution and filth are a reality. (Elman,154) P2-Sherlock Holmes-copper beeches) An alternative view of being able to disguise is that it is hard to realise that Holmes is one of these disguised people too. Holmes is a rational man in his work, but outside of that he is a drug addict, who ‘stores his tobacco in eccentric places like the toe of a Persian slipper’ (19th Century suspense, 93).In a city of thousands, Sherlock can easily flit in and out of society. Holmes is aware that vast amounts of crime happens everywh... ...ood, which means allot of things, are overlooked. The city environment allows him to seem as if he is a functioning like any other member of decent society. As this essay has shown, both texts use a variety of methods to show the opinions of the time and author. Wilde uses his character to portray the double standards and decadence of the age. While Doyle similarity uses Sherlock and Watson as moral compasses. Although on the face of it both Dorian and Sherlock seem polar opposites, they do share similarities; the city is seen as a corruptible force by the authors. Some people fight this, like Holmes and Watson, but others cannot or will not as in Dorians case. In the end, the city changes its inhabitants whether they like it or not. Works Cited
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Great Gatsby Novel vs Film Essay
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an iconic novel of American literature. It is seen as a definitive novel that highlights aspects of life and thinking in 1920’s America. Due to its cultural significance and popularity, numerous attempts have been made to translate The Great Gatsby from novel to film. The most notable presence of the film portrayed on screen, was the 1974 film, The Great Gatsby. The film starred big name celebrities such as Robert Redford as Gatsby, Mia Farrow as Daisy, and Sam Waterston as Nick. The movie also featured a script written by Francis Ford Coppola. While overall being considered a good film which stayed true to the novel, many thought it lacked heart and emotion. While Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby is the fifth time, the novel has been filmed, it is only the second time a film adaptation of the novel will see a widespread general release. The Great Gatsby (2013) comes from Australian director Baz Luhrmann, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby and Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway. The film like the book, is told through the narration of Nick Carraway. Carraway lives next to the mysterious Gatsby who has numerous large and extravagant parties. Gatsby is rarely seen by the public, and it is unknown to people how Gatsby became wealthy. The film follows Nick’s interactions with Gatsby and most notably the relationships between Gatsby, and the girl he loves Daisy Buchanan, as well as Daisy’s husband Tom. Much of the tension in the film stems from the class differences between New Money, and Old Money. People who belong to the class of Old Money are generally old aristocratic families, specifically highlighted by Tom and Daisy Buchanan. People who belong to the class of New Money are people who have recently acquired there fortune through various entrepreneurial ventures and jobs such as stock brokers. The main characters in the film who are part of New Money are Gatsby and Nick. The film is set against the backdrop of the wealthy society during the roaring twenties in and around New York and Long Island. Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby tries to express the same themes as are found in the book. One of the main themes is the differences in the various classes in the United States. Gatsby has a very different outlook on life compared to that of Tom Buchanan. Gatsby is considered new money meaning his fortune is recent and self-made, while Tom is from old money, where legacy and familiarity with the wealthy lifestyle are more apparent. Tom tends to believe in class and education and finds Gatsby essentially a crude bootlegger. Gatsby while not having the sophistication or education of Tom believes he can win over Daisy’s heart with extravagant parties and money. The film also demonstrates the apparent dismissal of the new money as equals. Tom is seen as a bully and someone with less morals than that of Gatsby, highlighted through Tom’s affair with another woman. The film also highlights the recklessness of the 1920’s. The 1920’s are shown as a period where money was plentiful and people were not afraid to spend it. People were frequently spending money they did not have on things they did not need. Gatsby is shown to be a very flashy person with a pink suit and expensive cars. Historically speaking it is now known compared to when the book was written the consequences of the recklessness. (i. e. the great depression) It is clear that the main relationship that Luhrmann wanted to emphasize was the relationship between Gatsby and Nick. Throughout the course of the film there are various differences from the novel that highlight the emotional relationship that Gatsby and Nick share with one another. For example the film has Nick telling the story to a doctor at a centre for rehabilitation, while the novel does not specify who Nick is narrating the story too. Nick is apparently here for Alcoholism which demonstrates that his experiences with Gatsby and ultimately Gatsby’s death took a more traumatic toll on Nick’s life. Also in the film Nick’s relationship with other women, specifically Jordan in the novel, is virtually non-existent. In the film there is no evidence to show that Nick maintains or has a romantic relationship with anyone. This once again highlights the strength of his relationship with Gatsby. Perhaps the most interesting difference is the lack of anyone who shows up for Gatsby’s funeral in the film. Nick is the only one who attends the funeral and he is seen as heartbroken. In the novel however, people do attend Gatsby’s funeral specifically Gatsby’s father. The special relationship that Luhrmann creates for Gatsby and Nick may be suggesting that Nick is in fact in love with Gatsby. Being directed by Baz Luhrmann, anyone familiar with his previous work will know what to expect from The Great Gatsby. People who enjoyed the general story of the book will enjoy this particular film version, but as for getting a point across or inciting emotion the film tends to be very shallow. While Luhrmann likes to create a visual spectacle, one can only be distracted by pretty colours and lights for so long. The actors in the film, while all good, are clearly not the directors primary focus. Luhrmann is able to bring the spectacular parties and beautiful landscapes to life, he is not able to really create distinct relationships between the characters and actors of the film. The two most standout performances are that of Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio, the relationship between Gatsby and Carraway is by far the most interesting part of the film. Carraway’s obsession and defence of Gatsby may lead one to believe that he wants to be more than just friends with Gatsby.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Rhetorical Essay: Shame is Worth a Try Essay
Dan M. Kahans Shame is worth a Try was first published in the capital of Massachusetts Globe on disdainful 5, 2001. In this sample, Kahan cont bars that the using up of shame as a penalty of low level crimes is not only effective, but is an sparing and humane substitute(a) to imprison housement. Its uncontrollable to ascertain who Kahans intended reference is. However, beca accustom he uses examples of shame being enforce as an alternative sanction more or less the country Drive drunk in Florida or Texas, and you might be take to place a conspicuous DUI bumper hoodlum on your car (Kahan 574) I would surmise to say that the cosmos at considerable is whom he is possibly targeting. This is tho reenforce by the fact that the occasion chose to at least initi solelyy publish the oblige in the Boston Globe, a local Massachusetts newspaper. Kahan competently uses contrast and coincidence throughout his essay to illuminate a conquer that some differently might be igno red. Nevertheless he finally fall short of being convincing, mainly, due to his overlook of usage, of applicable facts and figures. Kahan opens his essay with the basic indecision is shame an abstract criminal penalty? (574).He then explores examples of its use in various jurisdictions. Refuse to make your child-support payments in Virginia, and you will find that your vehicle has been immobilized with an appropriate colored boot (Kahan 575). Immediately afterward grabbing the subscribers attention with examples, Kahan presents a contrasting viewpoint. many another(prenominal) experts, however, are skeptical of these new shaming punishments. many apparent motion their effectiveness as a deterrent(Kahan 575). This further elicits the refs curiosity, bringing them to the mall of the issue. The designer eloquently asks the read/write head, Who is rightfulness? (575). He then goes on to use a logos style exploration, of both sides of the issue. Kahans main claim is tha t prop 1nts dont get that shame, can be as effective as prison, at a lower overall cost to society. Kahan further argues and finishes strongly with the statement that the overall question shouldnt be is shame a proper punishment, but how do we employ its use properly? The power does an admirable job of grabbing the readers attention right from the start by giving interesting, and relevant examples of how shame has been employed closely-nigh the country. ie DUIs in Texas, child-support in Virginia.Moreover, his use of logos styled arguments throughout the article does an sharp job of articulating his viewpoint while care the reader engaged. Kahan gains the readers respect by presenting nearly modestnessed and intelligent viewpoints in much(prenominal) a way that its really challenging to find any circumstance fault with his assertions. The authors choice to present an fence view right from the start, although not as effective as it could have been, was an apropos way to s trengthen his stance. In mournful forward, Kahan counterbalances some opponents by making it dead clear that his stance for shame ground penalties applies to minor infractions of the law only . theres obviously no alternative to imprisonment for murderers, rapists, and other violent criminals (Kahan 575). By using examples of these shame based penalties from around the country, the author also makes it appear to the reader that he is knowledgeable in matters concerning our umpire frame. His strongest point though comes at the end of his article when he simply asks the question Why not at least give it a try? (Kahan 576).This seems to request an additional question, since our current system is overload why not try a different approach? Kahans major pin in this article is his insufficient use of relevant facts and figures. Although the author does reference one point study by Harold Grasmick that shows public disgrace exerts greater pressure to harmonize with the law than the threat of imprisonment and other formal punishments. (Kahan 576). Overall it drops the kind of hard figures it would take statistically to reinforce his claim. If the author had chosen to include some statistics on say, the effectiveness of alternative sanctions, or showed a cost analysis on prison sentences. He would have established a sense of trustworthiness with his reader. Unfortunately, due to the inadequacy of those types of hard figures his essay lacks credibility. That lack of credibility, leaves the reader to wonder, just how knowledgeable is this author with this subject? If Kahan had just chosen to tell us a little about himself and his background, he could have very well scud a home run in the credibility department. He does after all have an exceptionally distinguished law career. Unfortunately, he fails to do so, thus release the reader with too many nonreciprocal questions.The last major complaint of this essay is a complete lack of commiseration style pie ce. Overcrowding, as well as, the snip number of offenders in our criminal rightness system alone is staggering. Thishot waiver take could have easily been utilise to stir up some emotion and passion in his argument. In this way, the author would have essentially legitimized his stance, as well as, inspired his readers to take action. For whatever reason though, the author chose to ignore this completely, and as such completely fails in winning over his audience. In the writing of this essay, Kahan addresses an important topic of our times.Our current criminal justice system is overloaded and wrought with problems, and addressing how to punish niggling crimes is certainly relevant. Yet his article, despite lighten this controversial and important subject, fails in delivering the facts compulsory to inspire any sort of change. Kahan does an admirable job of creating interest in a topic many might otherwise ignore. However, he ultimately falls at once in the execution and l eaves the reader floundering, quite than informed. As a last note, Khans writing style might not always include the use of pathos. Unfortunately for him his lack of appeal to emotion in this particular essay will render it ultimately forgettable.Works CitedKahan, Dan M. Shame is Worth a Try Models for Writers. Ed. Rosa Eschholz. Boston * New York Bedford/St. Martins, January 2012. 574-578 Print
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